Fields Suggestions

Maitreya is working on it :slight_smile:

i always thought that its the

Not sure if this would be allowed to make, and I can already imagine the backlash.

But just an idea I had.

A field that when placed somewhere, will work like divine invocation.

“Summoning” God and having it connect and help all the people/animals/etc there in a 20m radius.

So lets say you place it in a church, then people going there will actually feel Gods presence and connect with it.

Or have it placed in nature or animal shelters and they would get Gods help etc.

Even better would be if it was an item maker.

Like place an item on it, touch with your right thumb (so its not random activated) and then say “activate” and the item on top will be created as the field.


"“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Jim Rohn

Ive always read this quote when reading about self development,
If its possible it would be nice if theres a field that imitates the benefit of that qoute for those that doesnt have those Ideal 5 people.


A new Deep Sleep mandala V2.0
It could add some new features:
For example if its too warm that impact in the body temperature and can disturbe sleep so the new mandala could keep the body temperature cool to sleep.
-It fix or reset the sleep cycle in case it got broken for example in case one stayed late some days in holiday or maybe flee abroad.
-Catching up with sleeping debt.
-Protection against disturbances like noises, lights.
-Blocking any other external factor which disturb the sleep ie medications, some foods or even some health problems.

  • For what is this field
    To use multiple files and get all the effects at once

  • What results will have people from it
    when we use this file, we get results of all the files that the person desire( lets say we add all the desire fields to a new made playlist on youtube and whenever we use this file we get all the results of all the files in the playlist with a particular name that you chose to give)

  • Benefits
    get the results of all fields in the playlist at once safely, easily , instantly

Possbile side effects
safe to use

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The Draconian Guardian.

This field will be similar to Smilodon, but instead it will not be a servitor, and it will not take your orders, like a real draconian wouldnt.

The field will create an energetic copy of a very high level Alpha Draconian from the Draconis star system. One from the hunter warrior class.

It will have the full knowledge and energetic/physical weapons of a warrior Draconian to defend its owner to the death.

It will be a smart field, but not interactive. You cannot give it orders or tasks, it will be 101% automated.

The following are its tasks : (They do NOT apply to normal everyday humans like family or people on the street etc, this only applies to “outside”’forces)

-Literally massacre any being that even thinks of influencing you, attacking you, implanting you or even being near you. Even the “good beings” are not welcome, only you in your space, any being in a 10 meter radius will be annihilated by the draconian, in all realms/places where your consciousness is, except physical earth.
-Any inhabiting entity is removed and cursed with fear and terror if they refuse to leave. The guardian will ask once for it to leave, if it refuses to leave, a spell will be placed on the being where it will be cursed with eternal suffering, pain and discomfort.
This means the owner of this field cannot work with any beings whatsoever. This is a one man army field. For those who wish to evolve alone without being disturbed.
-Utilizing very high tech Draconian energies, the Guardian will work on keeping all levels of your individual soul consciousness as protected as possible, and it will also actively push you towards individuality and sovereignity, reminding you that you are your own soul and in charge of your incarnation.

Sort of like a spiritual growth friend but instead its fully automated and its main task is warfare against the ETs/entities that influence you.

Because of its extraordinary power and strength, the guardian will not interfere in any physical human related issues, thats up to you. Human astral travelers who bother you or any ghosts of humans will however be beheaded on the spot.

Dare you to make this :grinning::grinning:

(Creation process similar to Smilodon, touch with left thumb, say activate and creation starts. Only 1 per owner)


Oh No Reaction GIF


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Nature intercession :

This field is for those who wish to walk away from human society and learn and evolve in a more natural manner.

I imagine living alone in the woods , having a magical little house with some Maitreya fields for the atmosphere.

The field will do the following :

It will completely disconnect you from humanities collective consciousness, universally (as long as you wear it), and at the same time supercharge your connection with Tiamat (earth). Aswell as blocking and disconnecting you with the human shared reality, so you arent disturbed.

It will also function as a beacon call, calling upon all nature based and nature loving forces, planetary or otherwise, beings who have an interest in nature but not so much humans, to help you, teach you, and also make some friends.

Think of it like the ultimate shaman field. Animal and nature based.


Imagine tho.

You’d walk around like a demigod with a being like that protecting you.

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King Solomon knowledge download.


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Would massively help me out :pray:

A automatic version of the revision field.
Maybe just replacing the bad situation for the opposite action we experienced, or maybe just ignoring it, maybe a smart field.

So heres a fun thingy I noticed when dealing with entities, theres never enough techniques for them.

When you say the name Adonai, they start panicing. Almost a fear overtakes them.

Im assuming it has connections with the Ancient Hebrews and maybe even Solomon and banishing entities.

So how about a field that really carries the energy and power of the name Adonai aswell as an infusion of knowledge of King Solomon and generally the ancient Hebrews and their methods of exorcisms.

No protection if possible.

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Well, in the Ra-material (Law of One) it’s used as a farewell at the end of the channelings.
With a very loving tone.
Love is a scary thing to many entities, including humans. :wink:


Vitamin B12 field update, add all B-complex vitamins.

Serbian language field

Ultimate Sex God

they have that here wait its better’