How about a super intelligence audio, I Know there are mathematics enhancers, language enhancers, and brain sync; however, I would love to see an audio that improves working memory capacity, information processing, reasoning abilities, creativity, pattern recognition, and general memory (long-term and short-term), and cognitive flexibility.
Maybe you could research into genes. Some genes which I have found through research correlated to intelligence include: DRD2 (learning, working memory capacity, creativity, problem solving/reasoning, general memory, attention and executive function, cognitive flexibility), people with this gene have significantly better problem-solving/creative abilities. KIBRA gene (working memory, learning, overall cognitive ability), it’s found that people with this particular genome are 24% better at learning a list of words in comparison to others that don’t, and can remember 20% more of the words later in the day, which I personally think this would be extremely useful for learning new vocab or material before a test. I’ll do one more, the comt gene, a gene that breaks down neurotransmitters, the sole reason this improves general fluid intelligence (long term memory, processing speed, cognitive control, non-verbal intelligence) is due to an increase in dopamine, in a study with 92 Israeli children, they found that children who had this gene variant had a 14% higher iq.
Improved fluid intelligence (working memory capacity, information processing, reasoning abilities, creativity, pattern recognition, and general memory (long-term and short-term),
Long term memory: exceptional memory recall ability, so you can easily remember content for a test, or short term memory for day to day tasks.
Working memory (not really memory) is a cognitive system with a limited capacity that can hold information temporarily, so basically the ram of our brain, and is one of the most fundamental cognitive abilities (highly correlated to intelligence). Having higher working memory would mean that you are just a lot smarter.
Information processing is how fast our brain responds to new or existing stimuli, this is a fundamental on how we learn new information and process that to remember it better in our long term memory, children with ADHD or Autism may experience low processing speed and hence stunt their learning potential and function in day to day tasks.
Creativity: Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. A study showed that college students who were taught to learn creatively, ended up with better test scores, plus geniuses such as Nikola Tesla were thought to have profound levels of creativity, what use in knowledge for human advancement, if you can’t use it to create something new.
Reasoning abilities: The term Thinking and Reasoning Skills is used to denote not only the well established critical thinking skills of analysis, evaluation and synthesis but also a far wider and more extensive range of thinking skills including ,problem solving , information processing and creative thinking. Without these skills you wouldn’t be able to solve hard maths problems, or using logic to derive an answer from something.
Pattern recognition: In psychology and cognitive neuroscience, pattern recognition describes cognitive, process that matches information from a stimulus with information retrieved from memory. Let’s say a few days prior to your final maths exam, and you do a practice test, then a question similar arises in the exam, you need to be able to recognise that you have already done this problem before, and how you did it. Pattern recognition is said to have the highest correlation with the so-called general intelligence factor (Kurzweil, 2012).
Cognitive flexibility: Cognitive flexibility has been described as the mental ability to switch between thinking about two different concepts, and to think about multiple concepts simultaneously. This ability to quickly adapt to new situations increases one’s brain function and resilience to stress.
(more grey matter in certain brain areas means more intellectual capacity related to the area)
I hope you all have enjoyed this post, it did take some effort, although I did copy and paste some of the definitions, it is quite important, I hope that Maitreya can create a field similar to what I have explained here!