Fields Suggestions

Is an audio to reincarnate in another galaxy will work …
Field of liberation from the eternal cycle of reincarnation (being free to incarnate wherever you want in the universe).

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Its called higher self connection :wink:


Hey @Maitreya
I didn’t find any probiotics field on YouTube maybe you Will be the first and that’s will be awesome


Those as well, my friend!!! There’s a lot of room for every topic.

All the best!!! :wink:


A Lucid Dreaming field! I haven’t found ANY fields anywhere for lucid dreaming or even one that would allow you to have specific dreams (listen to audio while thinking about something you want to dream about)


All field categories are important.
Don’t be selfish.


The Reading + Learning field needs to come on youtube! I would be eternally grateful if it did, I am a college student can’t afford Gumroad/Patreon, extremely humbled by your hardwork and dedication though Maitreya, this field would help tremendously in my studies, god bless you all and stay safe

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“Information Absorbing” field - play it while studying/reading/watching. For instance, while reading about a subject you want to learn, or watching a documentary - play the audio in the background and you would absorb/memorize & retain the information. Could also be used for language learning - play it while watching a show or movie in your target language, and you will absorb the information and learn faster. (I know there’s a speed reading/learning field, but from what I understand, that field only increases your ability to speed-read, and learn faster - it doesn’t necessarily help you absorb information in the same way I am suggesting here)


Is it possible to create a directional reflection shield field?

Often called the Instant Karma shield, it directly sends negative energy back to sender.

Its karmically neutral as I’ve understood it since one isn’t sending negative energy, rather just strongly saying NO to it.

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With the rapid learning field you can literally download the knowledge of people who have written any type of book.This is not exactly what you asked for, but while waiting for your request to be made, maybe this could help you out…:upside_down_face:


A diabetic field would really help my blood sugar and anhidrosis. It would also help many with insulin resistance @Maitreya

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Yes. I understand that Hollywood movies are also bad for your subconscious beliefs. If they can add protection of this too that would be great. Even a YouTube protection too.


While Maitreya has no audio for diabetes, she has two other great options:

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I stumbled upon this recently - try using this in the meantime to clear anything you’ve picked up along the way. How to Clear Hollywood Programming - YouTube


How about an audio that motivates us to meditate more? I’ve been meditating as much as I can every day, but honestly I think I could meditate a lot more because I have a lot of free time, but I can’t pass a certain limit, it ends up getting boring.


I’d like to request a King Solomon field as an addition to the Great People Series.


What about an audio to bring to a our conciousness a knowledge about something we learn in the past, but we forgot about it.
That would save us a lot of time re learn something again.


hmm yes, a brainwave audio to induce certain brainwaves (alpha, theta, delta, gamma, epsilon), would be amazing, especially for spiritual and mental development.


@Maitreya hi will you be making a female version of the Lover archetype ? That will be perfect !


Is there a way to submit paid requests?