Fields Suggestions

When custom order unlocks…


Golden Blond Hair


Solo mandalas please.

For the future, programmed to work at 10-30cm.

Dont want to affect everyone around.


What do you think of a field to correct PECTUS EXCAVATUM?

What is pectus excavatum?
It is a congenital deformity in the rib cage. This pathology consists of an apparent sinking of the sternum with respect to the sternum area.

If this condition is not treated, it can cause compression (pressure) of the lungs and heart.

Pectus1 (1)

Symptoms of pectus excavatum
-Difficulty breathing
-Chest pain
-Decreased resistance to exercise
What are the causes of pectus excavatum?
Researchers think that pectus excavatum is due to an irregular growth of the connective tissue (cartilage) that connects the ribs to the breastbone. This irregular growth causes the breastbone to move inward.
Can it be prevented?
Unfortunately, pectus excavatum cannot be prevented, but the good news is that it is treatable.

What does the treatment consist of?
If pectus excavatum creates problems with the heart or lungs, doctors may recommend surgery. The goals are to improve breathing, patient function, and cardiac posture. To do this, there are various surgical procedures:

The Nuss procedure: it is a very minimally invasive technique. A small incision is made to insert a camera and allow the surgeon to see inside the chest. Then, through two other incisions on each side of the chest, a curved steel bar is inserted under the breastbone with the mission of reversing the depression. It is not visible from the outside and remains for two to three years before finally being removed.
The Ravitch procedure: It is performed through an incision in the middle of the chest to remove the cartilage. Stainless steel struts are then placed to support the sternum and the corresponding ribs are connected. This allows the sternum to be lifted. Later, they will end up being eliminated in another operation.
Pectus excavatum can be cured without surgery by vacuum bell therapy. The problem is that it is very uncomfortable and requires a lot of perseverance and years of application to achieve a correction. Even so, in very constant patients and with great will it can work.


A field to correct bunion pleaseeee. Thank you.

1 Like

a field for smaller masculine, golden ratio lips pleasseeee


Is this something you’re dealing with personally? I’d be very interested to see the results of regular use of the Golden Ratio Body field, as in theory I think it would help.


The speed learning downloads the knowledge to your subconsciouness but maybe an upgrading of it or maybe a new field with the posibility to absorve passive knowledge would be great.


This is not necessary anymore.
You can use a rife audio from Youtube + Field storage audio.


My suggestion is an audio for:
Slow Down the Perception of Time

You could combine this with one or more of these effects.

-Being More Concious of the Present Moment (which, in turn, would help to make time feel slower).
-Laser Focus (same as above).
-Think Faster.
-Do Things Faster.
-Plan our time/schedule better.

This could be really useful for people who want to make better use of their time. A great audio to increase productivity.

Some of us feel that time goes by really fast and being able to slow down the way we perceive time, would be wonderful.


Use the golden ratio face and it won’t leave your lips lol

Love this movie


Sapien has that.

If she makes that people will say she copied Dream.

Request original things.


My cousins ​​have this condition and constantly have difficulty breathing. I want to help them, also the field will help many other people with this condition.

A field for high social status .

A humongous part of health is social status, much more than diet. High social status/success literally changes hundreds of gene’s expressions to increase attractiveness and reduce metabolic syndrome traits (massive testosterone and dopamine increase from winning, for example, is well-documented, and high blood pressure/abdominal fat/cardiovascular disease from low social status is well-documented). It makes sense if you think of it from evolutionary terms: if you are successful, then nature will want you to be healthy and attractive to pass your genes on. If not, then no. Tom Brady is obviously at the top of ladder in those terms.



I am a black man that currently resides near a town with an active KKK chapter.

I am constantly harassed in ways that make me uncomfortable.

When I drive, rednecks will try and push me out of my car lane by crossing over the white lines in their monster trucks.

There has been one particular instance where a man tried to ram into my car on the highway and I had to make a complete stop on the freeway and hold up traffic.

When I sought to learn self defense skills, the white coach at the gym I attended astrally raped me and cursed me to hear voices in my head, leading me to the hospital.

He also threatened my family and brought harm to my older brother.

All because of the color of my skin.

I am messaging you requesting your help to create something that can keep the danger away, scare these people off, and make them leave me alone.

Could a field be made to activate when I get genuine negative attention to make myself seem extremely threatening, or something of the sort?

These situations are testing me extremely and I’m noticing violent urges within me and automatic anger at people who aren’t related to this situation.

Any help would be appreciated and I have the funds to purchase such a field.

Thank you.


An easy, quick, and cheap action would be to print out various mandalas and keep them on you at all times.

These come to mind:


Also give them to your family members


Hello Beltloop,

I would try the Thor Mandala or Michael Mandala from Sapien. Possibly also the Shield Dogtag or Lion Mandala or Dogtag. Alternatively, possibly the Multidimensional Shield from Programmed-Intention.

