Fields Suggestions

not the same thing. I have storage creator (the one from gumroad)… in fact, that’s what gave me the idea for this one. because with the field storage creator, you have to play all your fields at the same time to charge up your object. I do this by opening a bunch of different files (via Quicktime player) and then clicking play on each one. but if you had one single audio file, that included your favorite fields, you could just play that. and it would also work by itself, not just for using with the field storage creator. also, I know how to bundle audios together but Maitreya said we can’t do this with her fields. so having a field that would allow us to bundle our favorite fields would be cool.

Your language and science fields are great. Thank you




A field that helps to destroy mold in your room and or helps the body to detox it .

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Field for toenail/nail health, growth, hydration, anti fungal + removing abnormalities , could be potentially useful for some.

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Last night, the idea hit me that the Extreme Flexibility field would probably help with pelvic tilt issues by relaxing some of the tension that’s keeping you out of alignment. Have you tried this?

From the description on Patreon:

This audio will create your whole body extremely flexible. There is more energy put into hip flexors, glutes, hamstrings, groin area. We also included a boost in muscles, increasing overall speed and agility + strength in upper body (core and shoulders)


Is love to see a flexibility one!

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It already exists, but it is only on Patreon. Maybe @Maitreya would be willing to upload it to YouTube also?


Thanks Frank.
I didn’t know it.
I’m listening to the automated yoga workout and that would be a great complement.


One audio to be a leader/boss would be good.
with skills to manage groups, be charismatic and with the ability to motivate other individuals, planify, organize etc.


One audio for handwriting would be good too.
Mine is very ugly and nowadays most people since every is using it less and less.

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Minerals series (zinc, potassium, magnesium…) 3$ for each one or you can bundles them.


That’s a great idea!! Basically, this would be the “Alpha male type” of a leader. Would be great to do a series on that topic (Boss series) as well. Give me some heartsssss if you agree!!! :wink:

All the best to everyone!!!



Stop requesting peasant fields ffs


We need more spiritual fields !


I agree, but like what for example ?! do you have any ideas of spiritual fields …

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-Grounding the bodies physical energy centers to the etheric realm

-Third eye OPENER/GROWTH (not healing/balancing)

-Soul group connection

-Past lives

-Induce dreams where your higher self talks with you as a dream character

-Lemurian energy infusion

Want more? These are basics


most people won’t know what to do with all this hahaha, but i really like it :+1:.
I believe it is possible to chat with your higher self in an astral projection, like chatting with a friend, of course you have to be a very advanced psychic.



Plenty of lurkers who dont show themselves that also want it

Besides, their zombie ego doesnt know what to do with it.

But once you play a few spiritual fields, its a different “you” thats gonna surface, and it knows damn well how to use these.

We arent egos man


-Journey to Atlantis

-Replicate the energy systems of different alien races.

-Disconnect from the collective ego

-Back to basics (a journey to where your consciousness first individualized)

-Theta/Delta mastery (ability to remain conscious in the deeper states)

-A journey to the void (transcend the universal consciousness and enter the REAL source of all things, perhaps meet a few void beings there)

-Conceptual mastery

But yeh, I can keep requesting, I dont think its gonna be made lol


Wow…there are just things that are not possible with energy fields … it will surely take aliens to have this kind of technology …

Instead, think of something like activating the 12 strands of DNA,

Construction of the light body,

Reading of Akachic memories,

Telekinesis, manipulation of each of the five elements by thought / will,

We can continue … but I don’t know if it will be done :angel:


Aliens in this galaxy are overrated

Remember they are also mere VESSELS for consciousness.

Arcturians who are supposedly the “most advanced” dont really impress me either.

This galaxy sucks lmao

I think we need to go further a few galaxies and find some actual awesome aliens