Fields Suggestions

Adding on if you don’t mind. A skeletal and muscular alignment one. a lot of people suffer from having uneven legs thus creating uneven hips and even goes as far as making muscle imbalances in the buttocks and legs. the muscles and ligaments in the “bad” leg don’t activate the way they should, thus causing the good leg to get bigger while the bad leg stays the same. so maybe something to help with alignment of the skeletal, muscular and overall position of the body.


A field similar to the Field Storage Creator, but for food/water/etc… for instance, charging drinking water with a confidence/attraction field, or your food with a health field (or weight gain/weight loss), or even other things like toothpaste/mouthwash with a dental healing and teeth straightening/whitening field


One for pelvic tilt would be awesome.
It’s a common problem nowadays with people sitting down too much.
It brings lower back pain, bad posture, etc.


A diabetes one is a must!!! @Maitreya


Master Strategist: This field is for a specific effect. That is, being able to formulate foolproof plans. This would be done by giving the listener a greater ability to run mental “simulations” of their plans and visualize the possible outcomes. An example would be something similar to when Doctor Strange gazed into 14,000,605 possible futures to see all the outcomes to their battle with Thanos.
Except this field wouldn’t really give the listener psychic visions of different outcomes. More like, it allows them to more easily visualize/predict them and thus plot different contingencies.


There are already two audios which should address this:


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So in theory that could fix Pelvic tilt?
Pelvic tilt is a result of a multiple muscle imbalance.

Well, when in doubt, test and observe the results.



I’m not sure if the effects of morphic fields can be blocked if there’s some aspect to them that we’re not as interested in, but why I’m wondering this is because there are quite a few fields geared towards men, and many of them have an ‘attract women’ aspect to them. While I think it’s somewhat safe to assume that most male listeners have an interest in women to varying degrees, there are of course some of us who couldn’t care less, lol. So I guess this is a request for future male-geared fields to be a little broader in terms of who it may attract, if attraction figures into it at all.

I hope that makes sense!


that was a great suggestion! in my case, i hate the sun and i am not exposed to the sun long enough for my body to have a good amount of vitamin D, so a frequency/field for that will be great.


Most of times that’s the best idea, I’ll try it.
I’m using Mike Tyson Aura and in the description is said it could help with posture so they could be a great combo

Hello, first time poster, and I have a suggestion.

How about a Tinnitus Healing field?

Lots of people are looking for an answer to this one, myself included. I haven’t seen any producer that has made such a field too. My guess is, it would attract a lot of attention to Maitreya’s great products as well. (Aside from the selfish reason for asking for it, of course. :slight_smile: )



I asked for one too (And one for overall ear healing)
I asked for a mandala to protect from loud noises and from too much listening.


request and suggestion for field:
-field to heal autoimmune diseases
-antivirus field for people with autoimmune disease


Hair Removal Series;

Targeted to legs, butt and pubes
Targeted to back
Targeted to chest and belly
Targeted to arms


mah man spoke mah words

FireShot Capture 404 - Dibbo69 (@dibbo6969) • Instagram photos and videos -

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Targeted to feet.

I’m Bigfoot lol



Complete hair removal wouldn’t be a great idea, as hair is a big part of the body’s temperature control & sweating processes - we need it. But, if hair were converted to the short, transparent peach fuzz style hair, we still get many of the benefits of having body hair without having to look like a beast.

For men, how about everything below the neck, so we can keep the beard, but for women, no body hair and no beards either.


field bundler: an audio that you play at the same time as your favorite fields, and it will store the energy of those fields - all in the one “field bundler” audio file. You could create multiple bundles for different purposes, by downloading multiple copies of the “field bundler” audio file, and just renaming it (so you know which bundle is for which purpose)


this already exists, it is the storage creator, you can check it in this forum by doing a search.I’m not putting a link because there are multiple threads (due to multiple versions of the same energy field) of this topic in this forum.