Fields Suggestions

in combo will be pleasant, because it will require less audio to listen to, therefore requires less time to have the same results. another advantage of the combo will be the fact that they work in synergy, mutually reinforcing each other, while bringing exponential results on the brain, intelle work…



Separately. It can be dangerous to mix certain chemicals together, plus if someone is not medically allowed to take one of them in the combo (blood pressure, mental health issues, etc…), it is not going to be safe. I think it’s best to do one by one, for maximum safety. Some herbs may also have a cancelling effect, as different herbs and supplements act differently on the brain, so it may not be wise to do several at a time. We can do some research though for nootropics specifically which can be used in a stack together.


I would like to suggest a field for breast lift(breast rejuvenation)without increasing or decreasing their size that only targets lifting and rejuvenating the breasts and
-regenerates, strengthens, tightens, shortens the cooper’s ligaments along with tightening of breast skin

  • strengthens the attachment of cooper’s ligaments to the underlying pectoralis muscle
    -Stimulates the fibroblasts in cooper’s ligaments and the breast skin for collagen and elastin production
    -makes the breasts youthful, toned, tight, contoured
    mainly a breast lift/ rejuvenation field that makes breasts go completely back to the shape they had when they were at a high position
    many women suffer from sagging breasts due to major weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, aging, etc …but unfortunately, there’s no field available for breast that only targets rejuvenating and lifting the breasts without increasing their size…hope you will mark this suggestion!! Thanks… :slightly_smiling_face:

Hmm…I do have good stuff in mind but I’ll wait until previous ones are made lol

Eliminating NASAL POLYPS

Nasal polyps are soft, painless, noncancerous growths on the lining of your nasal passages or sinuses.

They result from chronic inflammation and are associated with asthma, recurring infection, allergies, drug sensitivity or certain immune disorders.

Upgraded hair regrowth field.

Bear with me, as I’ve been struggling with and trying to understand male pattern baldness for a while now (which can affect ANYONE, really, despite the name,) but I’d like it if the next version of a hair regrowth audio includes unconditional love, increased scalp circulation, scalp health, stress reduction, and such, as well as a 5 alpha-reductase inhibiting effect isolated just to the scalp and a decrease in sensitivity of hair follicles to testosterone and dht. Don’t know if it helps, but I also read that ‘baldness is strongly associated with the AR gene found on the “X” chromosome.’

Thanks for considering!


Could be one to download knowledge from a Chef/expert cook?
But not just gourmet food but homemade food.

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Slimmer calves snd ankles from both muscle and fat. It’s very common problem with women to have cankles or naturally bulky calves and ankles that no amount of exercise can fix.

How about a field to increase and normalize all vitamins and minerals in the body? Our diet has been increasingly poor in nutrients over time, as the minerals contained in the soil have been increasingly depleted, in Brazil for example the lack of magnesium in the soil is very large, there is only one city where there is a lot magnesium in the soil, and there people live an average of 100 years, there is supplementation, but for many it is expensive, good quality supplements are not cheap, a field that covered this area would be very useful, there are also frequencies, but it is usually a for each separate mineral, which ends up being complicated because there are several in the body.


That would be awesome.
And with additions for hydration + oxygenation + Amino Acids.


What about a referral program?


Hello everyone!!! :slight_smile:

I got another suggestion related to the “Subconsciousness Reprogrammer” series. The next version 4.0, could be specific about just physical / body changes in general for example, rewire / alter genetical / DNA code for desired changes, enable the body to receive the commands / energy / frequencies / subliminal / personal thoughts and turn into reality - obviously, always related to our body.

Let me know what you thing about this concept, and if there is something that needs to get added.
All the best everyone!!!



wow, that would be awesome.


If we already have the V3 of the reprogrammer, will we get the V4 for free?


Lol no…free for what reason? And I don’t think there will be v4 either


Probably It will. :slight_smile:
If we really requesting it, why wouldn’t Maitreya neglect it?

All the best !!!


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An upgrade.

What do you mean by referral program?