DM: The Field Optimizer

Yes :purple_heart:


As I use mostly audios, all I have to do is print it and carry it with me in my pocket? Is there anything else I should do like instruct it to activate?

@Maitreya need your input with regards to above, thank you

i try many combinations of fields in my emitter
it seems like 12 dm’s max are effective
even with the optimizer on it

once i try to put all my dm’s (around 70) with the optimizer in the emiter
and it feels kind of wierd
and really heavy
but the optimizer should just pick the right amout…

i do so much research to find the right fields for me
when i find something that fit me it brings AMYZING effect
but its really hard to fit the right one’s…
its not like i see a bleeding cut in my finger right?
its more complicated
so i just keep trying more and more

i have some idea …
manager that have the acsess to ALL the free on yt and paid fields that i paid for
it will pick the right fields and the right volume
and it wil send everything to my aura (as the nft series)

people can notice the improvment but how we can really know things like
the etheric body damaged?
the soul get broken?
my inner child are really broke?
there is a demon or smthing evil that try to abuse me??
maybe ptsd??

i realize how clicking the right video can change so much…
i guess my higher self can scan my spiritual body more effective
cuz its higher view of me…

i read about the “higher witcher” but what i describe is diffrent i guess
I hope I was clear :slight_smile:


Maybe it’s possible to build such tool using existing fields.

I saw some good hints in field emitter topic and was experimenting with something like this in the past:

On pendrive:
The Field Emitter.jpg
The Field Optimizer - ALWAYS ON.jpg
(or The Field Optimizer - ALWAYS ON 100%.jpg)

Inside AUTOPILOT.txt put path to a folder. I guess it could be a path to folder on computer like C:\a\bc\fields\, but I was using https URL to a folder on my private cloud. BTW it’s encrypted cloud, URL looks like random text, it’s only accessible when logged in. It worked.

Maybe you could put something like this in AUTOPILOT.txt:


so it chooses from both locations.

I haven’t tested it with YT link though.

BTW on pendrive I was putting some one more file specifically for higher self connection.

The idea here is to have optimizer close to the body, as the “first layer of fields”, but all other fields being picked from remote location “second layer of fields”, which sounds like potentially being less overwhelming, but maybe it still depends on what will emitter do.

I’m thinking file could be named AUTOPILOT BY FIELD OPTIMIZER.txt for being more clear here.

Generally you could play with this, rename, put them how you see fit, and see how this goes for you :).

But yeah - such field like you proposed, sounds great.

i think we should let maitreya create this tool…

i have an idea
it should be like a doctor that can scan any issue at any level
having the abilty to acsess any field that created and just send it to the person
creating the perfect stock of fields and sending them with a Schedule!
until the problem are healed

(for exemple : the most necessry field for the person right now is … : blueprint of mental state , lung regenration .

and it will take 3 weeks long for full recover
the doctor will send the fields everyday automaticly until mission is done…
the person must stop use other fields to let it work effectivly

The doctor should have several options

  • higher purpese : that working with the soul and will always pick a stock for “the bigger picture” * will ignore urgent but less important problems

  • present perfect : it will focus on the sepsific time a needed stock
    and will let the person just keep direct his life with less obstacle’s at any level.

  • the jinny : the person will write his goal on a note and the jinny will create the right stock based on what was written on the note

*it can be litterly the perfect field.


i realize that all the energy work and resarch’s can make ppl crazy
its like too much options too good and can be very addictive
and when we investing too much time on energy work
its just become a big messy rabit hole :frowning:
overwhelming and overthinking over day about “how i can do it more effectivly”
like a game -_-

other problem is that when we use many fields it catch a big part of the natural human field.
*we can actually can create amyzing things with our own power but we are too busy for let it be…/ when doing alot of energy work it never happen!

so thats why that kind of smart field can release us from just running in curcles :blush:


Can the Optimizer Activate/desactivate the commands inside « GTFO »/« Speed/Slow perception of time » by himself when it’s best for us ?

Alright so I don’t know if this is real or i’m turning crazy, but since I put the free mandala “Integrating the Higher Self” in my stack, the Optimizer seems to works way better !


Improvement in the integration of various energies can be expected after the integration of the Higher Self, as well as many other positive changes in all areas of life. :slight_smile:


So i can have even 400 fields on the folder with emitter,manageer and optimizer?

Yes, your Higher Self will choose which one is the most beneficial for you, and also when to send it to your aura. I think less is better. Focus on one or two things you want to improve in your life, then move to something new, once achieved.


OKKK thanks


Im really curious wether the field optimizer when used with the mandala manager (both in a folder with other fields) also affects audio fields that I play outside of the folder

For example I decide to focus on a certain thing and play a field and the field optimizer kicks in and my higher self just denies the field because it has other plans lol

Could this happen?

@Maitreya @Genius @Vega


The Optimizer can use only those fields that are in the folder. However, your Higher Self can control your reality without the Optimizer at any time and space.


How to use it specifically? Can you give me a complete example template? For example, if I want to use it on a spiritual level, what should I say?

You can open the Optimizer and say, “I would like to develop my spirituality. Could you please use those fields with this intention?”

The Optimizer is like giving your HS the authority to use fields that your HS consider beneficial. You don’t need to do anything, to be honest. And that is the main purpose of this mandala.



I have a folder with “Mandalas Manager V2”, “The Field Emitter”, “The Field Optimizer” and 26 files (20 Mandalas, 5 audios and 1 text file with affirmations).

I want to have 1 file (text affirmations) ALWAYS ON AT 100% OF ITS CAPACITY, 24 HOURS A DAY, EVERY DAY. It’s possible?.

What is the command? Or if I have Field Optimizer, IS IT NOT POSSIBLE?

I want Field Optimizer to optimize and manage, manage 25 files and give me the best at every moment and I just want it to let me, allow me to have my file with text affirmations ALWAYS ON, 100%, 24/7.

It should work if your HS approves those affirmations and they are for your highest good.

This command is ok.

Alternatively, you can create a separate folder with copies of the Manager and the Emitter, activate this folder and add the text file if you want to have full control. Then you don’t need give any command, as this will be on for 24/7.


To keep optimizer on the bottom underneath all mandalas or on the top of all mandala.

I guess no activation needed?.

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It can be on top or on the bottom. But the MMv2 on top of the Optimizer. No activation is needed.

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