DM: Divine Invocation

Then why do you pay for your water bill when it is already present in your surrounding?Just go to the river and take the water yourself then…

Why u pay for fish at mart when you know how to get them?Go to the sea and catch them then…Why u pay for vegetables when u can grow themself?

There is a quote,that says, you cannot debate with foolish people,because they will not understand any answers you will give them.


@Triall that’s a very good story man, thanks.

Let me first clarify that me nudging the team with some heat was just a friendly push (clearly warned in my first post), and they actually responded pretty well. The rest of the community is just being protective, which is a sign of love, so I even enjoy them as long as they speak with manners.

here’s what’s going on in a nutshell;

Certain titles/definitions such as “Supreme Soul”, “The Unmanifest”, “Creator and Liberator” etc belong to certain schools of thought, and of course, everybody is free to generate new thoughts, but I myself am protective of some trademarks and my belief sees certain misuse as a degeneracy which conditions the soul. I simply wanted to see their stand in the matter and that initial ambiguity has been resolved and the lesson was taught by Maitreya speaking the truth that you really don’t need anything when it comes to experiencing the supreme.

The supreme soul is the causeless cause of all there is. It is the source. Everything emanates from it. The defacto teaching is to use law against law to liberate the conditioned soul until there are no laws binding/conditioning it. Spoiler alert; you eventually learn that you had everything in you all along, and even the teachings are a type of bondage or perhaps just symbols on your path until you remember the supreme law/self.

@maxgamer laws of the physical plane do not govern the divine plane. As long as you judge with that perspective, you will be a victim of your last sentence and yourself. Especially with that mouth.

All that being said, everybody is free to live a humanly life on earth in their terms and repeat that forever. Whatever floats your boat as long as you’re happy. Just have some manners.


Yes, it’s what they where saying concerning radionics instruments… You use the instrument because your belief system needs the instrument but you don’t need the instrument, manifestation is part of you. Before you get to the place where you are all those nifty gadget fields a lot of inner cleansing has to be done ( very aware this is a belief I hold and has nothing to do with what is) like Einstein said “reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one”


Yea serious is maybe the wrong word…we can change it to “authentic”? Like based on respect etc…

It’s very simple actually…of course all these things can be misused and thinking they do everything for us but the main idea should be to accelerate certain things on your path. Pretty much all “advanced” people use tools to enhance certain things. If you refuse to believe that you are free to visit them.

Tools of course never should replace any practice, quite obviously.

All what people on the path of spirituality need is common sense, self-honesty and dedication to practice.


This is precisely what I always try to say but can’t find the right words.


You seem to be a fellow Gnostic…in all religions and scriptures, it’s the same exact esoteric knowledge, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

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I went through the gnostic teachings, but I would not label myself with that word.
Much like everything on this plane, that word has been degenerated and contaminated over the centuries. Also, the eastern world could label west’s gnosticism as jnana yoga, which is a tough path. Looking back, I wish I had done more bhakti yoga, but I suppose my being could never accept it without the logic behind it, so it had to be done that way. Good luck on your journey brother.


For the record, my username is just a reference to a funny story/experience on my journey, which gives me a smile sometimes. It does not mean what most people would interpret it as.


Can discussion on these threads stay on topic? The topic is the Mandala. Separate threads can be opened to discuss beliefs, etc.


I use the word Gnostic as in “universal knowledge” that comes from spiritual experience. Not the group called the Gnostics, the early Christians. I love all true religions. Thanks brother. You too. I enjoy your posts.

could label west’s gnosticism as jnana yoga
Exactly. They are the same thing. Dharma is another word.


The “discussion” is over you can breathe easy now

Since you asked very nicely, so be it.

I shall take my leave with the irony that the thread is about reaching divinity, but the participants find divine discussion off-topic.

For all you know, the mandala might be strong enough to bring us here. There you go, perhaps that’ll make things smoother now.

Everyone, please do not quote me in this thread anymore.
Enjoy the field.


To be very honest I had buyer’s remorse after buying this one but I committed to trying it out and now after my experience with it, Im so glad I bought it.

What I’ve noticed having this on is that my life has been divinely guided with so much ease. Also I always seem to be at the right place at the right time with many noticable lucky moments. Things have just been working out whatever it is from the littlest things like not getting stuck in traffic, finding the perfect parking spot to getting some financial opportunities. Aside for all this i feel so much at peace :blush:

Thank you very much for this @Maitreya it’ll be one I always use now.


This is something very powerful stuff I ever seen… my friend shared something which amazed me she used this mandala for 2 hours and then something big happens… she was in abusive marriage for 5 years and her husband used to treat her like very bad it was like you have to live with it… anyways she used this mandala for 2 hours then a situation created which involved everyone her family and her husband family and police and it leads to separation to get rid of her negative husband and his negative family… she is now moving in life with her child and things are going really well… I was shocked when all that happens no one had thought that this will happen like this all sudden and she will get rid of her shitty husband…

I also used this mandala for few hours and felt really blissful and clam the feeling is like you are in home finally… after few hours of keeping this mandala a work of mine which was stuck since covid got cleared after few hours of using that mandala I mean its really powerful and the peace you get with this cannot be expressed … Really grateful to you @Maitreya thank you so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :blush: :heart:


Ok, I bought this too. From what I’m understanding, the power of this mandala is such that you don’t necessarily HAVE to work consciously with it because it seeks out/understands the things in life you’re stressing over and addresses them. Looking forward to it, while I work with other mandalas. Don’t know if it’s this in combination with other Maitreya products or this one working alone, but someone promoted some artwork of mine unasked and I made a couple of sales. Also won $6 on a scratch ticket. Sweet. <3


I got pretty good results with this mandala highly recommend this to everyone if can afford it.


after which period did you see your results ?!

Since day one. :zap::ok_hand:


What results?

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All my works just go in the flow as I feel I am divinely guided things seem to happen right time in the right place.

Now just using this Mandela only and it feels great like a blissful state and feeling like you are 24/7 connected to the divine I also asked for help for few things and all I can say is things are going in the right direction.

A lot of things changed and improved in my life since I started to use this one.