This field has been created to act as an energy primer for people who are at the beginning of their spiritual journey or people who have tried some types of fields or energy work but do not have the fast and obvious results most people get.
This field will clear your connection with the Divine, it will constantly, automatically clear malicious energies and entities from you. It will release any doubts or wrong beliefs that you won’t be able to change, or can’t get help or obtain results and other negative attitudes that prevent you from succeeding.
As this field contains a lot of clearing energies and integrates beneficial beliefs into your subconscious mind it is also useful for people who want the benefits of that and would like to improve their results.
To get the benefit of the field, print the mandala and carry it with you.
This is one of the most important and profound fields by Maitreya. That is why it has been made free. We recommend that everyone use this field.
Yes, in any case. I think that it works like a booster especially with the spiritual fields where you have not yet achieved the results you want. In any case, I am curious for myself whether I can finally achieve a breakthrough with this mandala.
Probably completely unrelated to the original goal of this mandala but I hurt my back at work yesterday and wasnt even able to move today. I took a print of this mandala and went to school anyway. Within 1 hour, my back is 70% better! I have not taken any pain killer so it has to be this mandala!