DM: Divine Invocation

Oh boy, I’m going to play one more round since today is my off day.

I created things that served millions. You not being one of the consumers or recognizing me does not devalue what I do or me in any way.

That is the perception of a conditioned soul, so you’re right on this one.

Again, people expect others to be like themselves. I am not here to prove anything. I simply gave a piece of advice. Your inflated egos are hurt by it.

You are confusing me with people with hidden motivations because that’s what you’re used to encountering. Expand your horizon. It is possible for people to love each other and provide constructive feedback.

My advice was freely given. It still is.

@Cliclicky since you have written with manners and logic, I’ll do the same and provide an answer which you are free to believe or disbelieve.

The scriptures make very little sense to regular readers anyway. The way you understand them is by experiencing the stories. At this point, most people don’t know that they’re initiated or what’s going on at all. Then the books/verses come to them in ways beyond their imagination, and they recognize everything they go through, usually in reverse order: experience first and scripture later. Also, there are some texts that you simply can’t find or read even if you find them unless you’re ready because they’re “enchanted”. Anyways, I’ve already said too much. But lastly, let me tell you that silence and confidentiality are not for the benefit of some insiders of a cult or anything. It’s for the benefit and experience of the ones that have not started the journey yet. Think of it like you don’t want anyone to spoil this one super new movie you’re excited to see.

I advised the team not to commercialize the supreme because my “opinion” and experience
are similar to their beliefs, and I know it prohibits certain acts that conditions the soul. So I was just reminding them a few certain lines from a certain scripture to see if they correlate.
For the record, it’s totally okay if they don’t correlate, and it wasn’t even about the “money”. I
recommended not to commercialize the supreme because it would act as conditioning/defining the supreme. It’s not about $5 or $500. The other suggestion and its reason shall stay confidential.

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Its seems more like you are frustrated because you can’t buy fields and having the “poor” me mindset. :smiley:

if it was abundant mindset then you wouldn’t saying that…

How? does the doctor give medicine for free? :laughing:

You seem like a guy who ask for fields because “I can’t afford” mindset I mean com’on man

Again, its their creation they are free to do anything sell or keep it to themselves, you are none to tell them what they should do. and you need to make your mindset more abundant instead of crying like that with “I can’t afford” mindset this mindset will attract more “poor me”… :smiley:


Its feel like there are many freeloader in this forum :smiley:

with it should be free mindset they leak abundance “poor” mindset and they are treading I think with this mindset ‘hey i can’t afford can you share that’ :smiley:


No personal insults between members, please. :slight_smile:


What irony? You are smoking something… brahmacharya is on yt also … :smiley:

there is almost 90% stuff that is free if you need blueprint of life or j seals remover or something more make effort get it why expecting free it is you who need to change not the other person… think before you say anything haha :smiley:


With all due respect to all forum members, can we now actually discuss any questions pertaining to the functions of this mandala or user experiences?

I purchased this one last night and I must say there was definitely a higher divine energetic shift I felt. While I had it open, my attention was drawn to the time and it was 10:10

But the best part was while I had it open during sleep, my lucid dreams became more epic! I had a few very vivid dreams having an adventure hike in an ancient landscape with cities carved into mountain side and waterfall flowing from the mountain top.

The feeling of these dreams was incredible.

Anyone else have any interesting experience with this one?


This is basically selling God?

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In the maitreya store it is no longer available this mandala for sale, it is not for sale in Gumroad anymore, unfortunate, it would be of great help to me at this time.

It’s still on sale


No lol there’s already Christ consciousness audio for connecting to source which is free even the boosted version


Can you check if it is please? It does not appear on the website and it does not appear on Gumroad either.

Never mind they took it down

This is basically Christ consciousness in mandala with additional stuff added and ofc this is stronger. And not to mention price are determined based on how complex they are to make not based on what it is. If that was the cause then sapien should have charged torsion field and plasma bioactive 500 dollar each based on what it does. And not to mention most creator doesn’t even offer decent free stuff like sapien, maitrya or sz. But there’s no complain about them even tho they sell every single thing they make. In fact there’s always free version of fields most of the time and does almost similar things as the paid versions. But paid ones are just better and has additional stuff in them as they should. This applies for most sapien and maitrya audios. People just don’t know how to utilize them as they don’t have much knowledge about fields and don’t even want to invest time or learn about them for being too lazy. This is coming form someone who used most of sapien and maitrya audios that has been made till this date. But ofc there will definitely be unique stuff for sale. Funny how people judges things without even trying it. Price complains shouldn’t be from those who doesn’t have the product instead it make sense if it’s from those who actually has it. One can definitely disagree but not without knowing how it is. It’s like saying “grapes are sour” without even having a taste. But sure everyone is allowed to put there opinion I and just wrote mine. Also my comment isn’t indicated to anyone either. So for the sake of your own self respect try not to get butthurt by my comment anyone unless you have serious ego problem since it’s just my opinion like everyone else’s and I don’t have any intention to argue like many others. One can’t simply put their opinion these days without being interrupted by egotistical people as if their complains would do any good. So let’s not spam the threads with needless comments and going offtopic. If you don’t agree with anything or anyone just ignore it and it doesn’t cause you any harm or require tax. No one is forcing anyone to buy anything. Everyone has their free will so they can sell or buy what they want . It’s your choice to buy or not to. But I bet most people didn’t even use Crist consciousness audio lol cuz it’s “free” and humans has desire to look into things that are rare to get even if good stuff are easily found nearby. Action speaks louder than words. If most people tried that audio for a decent amount of time then there would be no complain about this one cuz they would know what that does by now. Typical avarage joe attitude.


It’s up again. Had to make some corrections.


Maitreya, should I download the mandala again?


No need.


Hi @Maitreya may I ask what were the corrections made to the mandala?


Some tweaks to make the field more better. :slight_smile:


I have it 11:11 :heart:


With all due respect, and understanding where you come from, and I may even be wrong or manipulated, always, always a possibility. I once heard a story about Buddha sitting under a tree and healing people for free, they got healed but a little time went by and they came back ill, so he healed again and the same thing happened again. So he asked his higher self or whatever was guiding him why this was happening. The answer he got was energy exchange, which may mean some kind of payment. ( my own intuition tells me not because Buddha needed it but because of the belief system of the one who got healed and the way value of a healing or service is perceived and given value)
So maybe it has to do with this.