DM: Divine Invocation

I am not sure how to put this into words.

Yes, It’s the indweller or the Antaryamin who resides formless or in any form desired but you are not always connected to the Supreme energy, you can call it the inner self one who is beyond space and time. It is the essence of the Universe that is with form and without form. It is the Supreme creator.

The all penetrating existence that is formless, shapeless, omnipresent, attribute less, and quality less aspect of the Universe. It is the Un manifest. It is experienced as emptiness of the Universe. We could say it is the body of the Universe that is static. Every thing that has a form and that can be sensed, evolved out of this Un manifest. It is so subtle that it is beyond all perceptions. It can only be seen when it has become gross and has taken form. We are in the Universe and the Universe is in us. We are the effect and Universe is the cause and the cause manifests itself as the effect.

This field doesn’t change anything in you it just connect you the Supreme self that can come to you whenever you want and wherever you want to guide and help you.


This was actually really good. I’ll tease you one last time to grasp what I am saying.

let’s say you and I are eating dinner at my house, but we’re not making a conversation.
Would I say “Genious, come to my place and sit at the dinner table” when you are already doing that or would I say “Genious, let’s talk”?

Hence, let me put this with extreme humility, I do not understand the words such as “it can come” when it’s already there.

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The truth is that you don’t need anything from outside as you already carry it in yourself. Not fields, not energy work or anything else.

If you can to control your mind and energetical system, you can reach any state. It’s already yours.

Our job is to help people to reach those states that are already inside them. In time when you get back a lot of your power, you won’t need anything from outside - and this is the people’s natural state where they are limitless and everything is possible.

This is you (and everyone else).


It’s a pretty neat truth, isn’t it.

Now we’re in tune. Thanks for participating and helping me save $88 guys. Sorry, bargaining is a very common thing in my culture. You won 10 gigawatts of warm smiles in today’s game, please accept it as a payment for your kind guidance.

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It is. I understand it gets hards to understand the concept of something like that. In simple words, the energy calls the supreme consciousness which is already there but isn’t connected to you. (Not yet because of matrix and illusion)

It connects to you and asks for freedom from all suffering and negativity.

If some of you not getting the concept it’s okay. Just do what you feel is right. :slightly_smiling_face:


What is the difference between this and the higher self?

Some people say the higher self gives all the info needed, knows everything… But then this seems to other levels…


@Maitreya i happen to bought this field. I don’t know how to use it. Can u help me with it.

@Genius this guy seems more like a troll to me… he wants to save $88 but no one forced him to buy the field irony died… :smiley:


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You are very close. I was being sarcastic in the most humble way possible.

Let me speak it up more clearly since you and Genius didn’t get it.

  • I do not appreciate you guys commercializing the super soul.

I’d support you charging $1000 for a sigil to conjure a jiggly-puff like entity.
But when it comes to love and grace, you putting a price on it and acting as the gatekeeper defeats the purpose.


Trying to be oversmart? :smiley:

I dare you to say the same thing in dreams forum haha he is also selling om field named vibration of creation had ever guts to say there? …

anyways if you are so concerned then create your own concept and field then give it for free. it takes time and energy to create something if you can’t create something like that then don’t open your dirty mouth it easy to say this but ever tried to create a field? if not fuk off okay… :smiley:

Bender = braindead :smiley:


Everyone is gonna have their opinion but what’s done is done. The mandala has been created and has already started to generate sales no matter who likes it and who doesn’t. If it isn’t gonna help anyone grow can we please refrain from expressing an opinion, that isn’t going to change anything for the better for the remainder of this thread?

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  1. I have said similar things to them as well. Don’t let my humility and respect cause you to misjudge me.
  2. You know nothing about me and what I do.
  3. I know what teachings they went through or at least the scriptures they’re learning from, clearly seen in their words, so I kindly reminded them of a few of the ethics that are literally asked by the supreme personality, not just me.
  4. You are the one that has a dirty mouth.
  5. Truth often burns the ignorant and enlightens the wise. I forgive your defensiveness.
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What is your goal in this discussion here?


I just said it. see #3.

Well then since you are clearly not interested in a serious discussion lets make it short.

Maitreya can put any price she wants, period.


What gave you that idea? I’ve been quite serious for the past 3 posts.

She can jump off a bridge or massacre a village if she wants, but that doesn’t mean she’d be doing the right thing. (exaggerated for your sake although I know it still won’t matter.)

Producing good things doesn’t make one incapable of having areas to improve and I doubt you’re the one who should decide for her. You defend because you fear when there is nothing to fear. There is no attack, but you feel attacked. There is a hand to give you something, but you rather cut it off.

I just wish you knew how many divine scriptures you disgrace with your ignorance.
Bhagavad Gita, Hermes, Torah, Bible, Quran, Tao Te Ching…
Many prophets, mystics -known as gods-, some trained for decades, dedicated their earthly lives to enlighten the world for the one and same message, yet I know most of you don’t even believe their validity nor can you understand their words. This very speech is meaningless to the ones that are not started the return journey.

So, I’ll now take that leave you offered. Peace be upon you.


Okay I forgive you. :smiley:


Words like these from a person who never created anything and asking to get it for free is ridiculous… You know what if this field was free then it wouldn’t would be valued anyways. I saw many thinsg from maitreya and dream are free but no one take them seriously because they are free.

I don’t know what you wanna prove here I never saw you doing shit like that in dreams forum. it means there is something you have in mind against this forum.

PS: Person who ask things for free never do anything for free anyway.


Don’t fall prey to this individuals opinions as they are just that, not for an instant does this person stop to think that these scriptures and translations themselves are also interpretations based on what people could house in their minds back then as far as belief structures and such and hey thats ok he and them are entitled to their opinion but when you try and challenge someone else on why price this for whatever reason not valuing their work then no its not ok to impose your own beliefs and structures on others by masking it under humility and respect and if respect is truly what you are trying to uphold then do so by respecting Maitreya’s team for bringing this option to others who may not have easy access due to whatever condition is holding them back. this is all in response to the gentleman above Bender no disrespect to you as you are part of the whole but please don’t start discussions based on your righteous kick of respect and humility…

anyways this is just my OPINION not out of humility or respect simply out of LET others be, if they are guided to take this on then great if not then its no skin off your back.

Have a good one everyone