
New World Order shit :snake:ā€¦ In action lol ā€¦

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What do you guys think of the ultimate astral katanaā€¦?

Maybe if enough forum members want it, team maitreya can do another forum giveawayā€¦?

This is my proposal :

First, no protection, no intentions or on/off or stop working or other stuff, if you have the mandala on you in a 30cm radius it will work period. So not compatible with manager or field emitter etc.

It will have intelligence but it wont listen to you or anyone , it will just adapt and do as programmed.

This is like gtfo mandala, in a sense that its meant for protection but also banish things so you can focus on yourself and internal growth.

The katana will have the following :

-It will actually HURT and cause discomfort and fear to anything feeding on your life force.
-Like the original it can be used to banish entities and parasites, stubborn entities refusing to leave will be transmuted to white light.
-The katana will also have angelic energy, pure dragonfire energy aswell as some exorcism energies incase youre dealing with a very powerful entity.

Lastly, the katana will also work on destroying implants, bioweapons and will actively work on disconnecting you from ALL aliens, races, entities, deities, demons, etc. Even if you consciously call them or summon them, the field will still remove them and banish them and disconnect you.

This is a field for when you wanna be literally alone and focus on internal growth.

What do you guys thinkā€¦?

The one man army katana ;D


or why not ask God? :smiley:

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I did, and maybe God will work trough maitreya :wink:


You confirmed what I thought in my ignorance. However Iā€™m downloading a ton of wiccaā€™s books, and everyone can create a servitor. If you use the sigil of another creator, youā€™re using the creatorā€™s energy and a cord is created. If you want to be a witcher, itā€™s important to understand how you can create magic and MORE important how to revocate it.

Itā€™s for this reason that actually I prefer to study more about. And Divine Invocation is a powerful arm. Donā€™t forget Violetā€™s flame, Fohat fire and Gumroad Spiritual Guardians. I use only the last and now I know my Guardianā€™s name! Next step of learning is Angelology. I think that if we know all the Guardians (Angels and Archangels) and how to pray them for having in concession their powers for many benefits, servitors will be useless. Guardians are happy to help us, remember it! Just express your gratitude for their work.

Different opinion about Dream Catcher. I read that it is Demonic portal. But I donā€™t think that Maitreya did this field with ignorance. If anyone knows more about, Iā€™m here to listen.

This forum is a great tool to talk and understand better, thanks to all of you.


Literally feel my SOUL coming back with this.

How is consciousness stealing not a violation of free willā€¦?

We need a field to permanently kill these soul stealers next lol

Galactic katana you can use to kill alien races :joy:

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Because it was you who goes to them using some nibru shit field and asked for help ā€¦ So you received itā€¦ Lol

Ask and you shall receive ā€¦ ā€œHelpā€ :fu:

Lesson: dont do drug dealing ā€¦ Lol :rofl:


Didnt ask anything really

Also I had these implants before any field like nibiru etc

These alien factions literally force their agenda into the human collective and shared reality trough their incarnates here on earth.

Theyre mostly in europe and the usa.

Time to ask my higher self for a draco star system incarnation I guess.

Eye for an eye :slight_smile:

Yeah, NEVER EVER gonna do ANYTHING with beings unless theyre angels or dragons, period.

So far divine invocation is the field that helps the most against these alien filth.

Gonna ask god for a galactic alien killing katana lol

Maybe iā€™ll get it

Or we can have maitreya make a katana infused with draco star system energy, maybe that will scare them away ā€¦?


Oh well okayā€¦ Lol

Btwā€¦ You can still fight with them and can kill if you reach buddha status of consciousnessā€¦

What I mean is once you reach there you will have full control of things ā€¦ But I doubt if a person reach on that level and still does petty thingsā€¦ Lol

Anyway there is another way kind of shortcut if you can have full control on your sub-mindā€¦ then activate your full dnaā€¦ With this you ll get light bodyā€¦ + god like powersā€¦ But I doubt if your HS will allow thisā€¦ Since there many lessons he want you to learn before you go thereā€¦

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Ask and you shall receive ā€¦ :wink:

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Nibru and alien field are one of the fuked up fields ever createdā€¦ for the new world order :fu:ā€¦ Same with the intercession one it connects you to anyone in the name of ā€œhelpā€ and then ā€œthe endā€ā€¦


Can this field be altered so it does not take any commands or any on/offā€¦?

I know the mandalas have intelligence but this field here is serious stuff and I feel extreme sabotaging energies when using this.

It works, I feel my awareness coming back aswell as implants being removed, but theres this fear that the beings will try to alter the field or tell it to stop working etc.

Can this be altered so that even if one says ā€œstopā€
it would STILL workā€¦?

So if one really wants it to stop you simply have to take off the mandalaā€¦? This is actual free will then.

This is soul threatening, its like the whole galaxy turns against me when using this.

But damn does it feel good when your soul comes back lol

10/10 field.

Tell the mandalaā€¦ If I say stop then still keep working on me only stop when I take the mandala away from the bodyā€¦

use fearless mandala and that one on yt unconscious fear removal ā€¦ They both combined should help you to a great extend ā€¦

Also use tremendous confidence fieldā€¦

When you use fear removal field focus on the root chakra put intention your all inner fear are being removed/cleared ā€¦

Then when you use confidence field ā€¦ Focus on your solar plexus chakra imagine it is getting bright like the sunā€¦ then put intention no power can harm youā€¦ You are the one who is powerfulā€¦

Lolā€¦ This one should be on the top of the block list ā€¦

Wowā€¦ He sure those are his guides lol ā€¦ These days anyone start making fields thinking their guide helps them with it lolā€¦

To be clear they donā€™t do this, they will just show you the path as to how you can do thisā€¦ If anyone is helping you to make fields they are NOT guides or angelsā€¦

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I saw that comment by you about Sigh but Iā€™m not sure why heā€™s so bad tbh. I actually used his stuff for 2 weeks and am pretty happy so far then decided to expand into Maitreya after confirming with my guides it would be safe. And I donā€™t believe Maitreyaā€™s stuff doesnā€™t work. Where did you get the info that Sigh has those negative affirmations in his files?

And yes I agree, it seems the ā€˜beingsā€™ he believes to be his guides and that he trusts to add energy to his morphic fields arenā€™t actually good. There is discussion in the spiritual sphere about being careful of what beings claim to be your guides as theyā€™re not all good and thereā€™s such things as false light beings too. You canā€™t trust just any energy that tries to contact and work with you.

It was interesting because after I fixed my sleep and banished the evil, I had to go back on his patreon page to double check something. I was on his page for maybe 20 minutes max and scrolled through a lot of posts, some energy embedded images included. I just felt so much bad energy I really wanted to close the window but kept persisting to find the information I needed. Then that night when I laid on my bed to go to sleep, I felt my upper back freezing & locking up, the same way it did every night I was in that semi-possession state. That really confirmed to me that his energy is bad (my guides told me its not him thatā€™s bad but the beings he works with). Thankfully someone up there is looking out for me cos shortly after the freezing up, I felt 2 beams of pure energy [like strong reiki] at my face and it disappeared completely. I only wish I was given this protection energy last time lol. But I think I had that experience so I could understand the potential dangers of receiving any energy transmission and to be more careful of what I use.

In the Debates thread, there was a heated discussion over free will and I agree to an extent. I think it gets a bit murky when youā€™re intentionally using a file with your free will but didnā€™t consent to being psychically attacked or possessed, but it happens anyway cos the evil is embedded within the file you chose to use. I was so ill for several days until I realised the root cause of my illness was because of those fields!! It definitely made me determined to kick them out for good so having a strong will can definitely help overcome bad energies, though I also think itā€™s good to have spiritual support in some cases to help banish it (which is where exorcism work can come into play if necessary)

Not fear like that lol

as in actual aliens messing with the field
or using the fields intelligence to stop it from working etc

fear removal wont remove the aliens

not that its ā€œfear

yes of course :smiley:

French Yes GIF by Groundhog Day

I actually have an idea

Also best way not to violate free will or whatever.

A mandala, specifically for maitreyas fields, that when worn printed in a 30cm radius, will make all other mandalas that are on you in 30cm radius or generally maitreya fields work period.

Like it will have intelligence but it wont listen to you, and its purpose is making all the maitreya fields work on you no matter what. Literally no matter what.

Otherwise it can be like 90% of you wants a field but 10% doesnt so that 10% can say ā€œstopā€ and the 90% of you doesnt get what it wants

Easiest way no?

And your conscious choice would be wearing that mandala.

You wear it in a 30cm radius, ALL maitreya fields that you decide to wear or listen to, will work NO MATTER WHAT. No stop or commands or blabla

But ONLY for maitreyas fields, no other creators or energy work etc

Ofc no protection on it @Genius

This can only happen if you split the consciousness and this happens when a person has trauma or when someone abuses the person or when someone rapes a person, this is the effect - split of the consciousness.

This is the worst thing that can happen to a person - if this is made then it will suppress the intuition and will censure how you perceive the world around you.

In other words to make you more stupid and without feelings and intuition.

I would recommend using (Field Integration Primer) along with other fields, this works with your subconscious mind to clear beliefs that stop you to get results.