
I think I might end up buying this one :laughing:


What did you mean by this exactly? Since “skull” and “correctly” could mean anything. What’s “correct” to someone may not be “correct” to a different person… etc

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Btw, don’t think that a servitor can help truly with protection …

There are beings for those these are toys, if people really think that a mind created energy being or something can really save them thats a big illusion … Yes, they help to a extend … But you just can’t realy on them for “Protection” …

Protection is something which only GOD can give truly… People just need believe in GOD.


Anunaki mixed automatons (a cloned slave force they brought with them to earth) dna with the local ape dna to create humanity, as a slave force.

They werent automatons or AI.

Fully aware, very intelligent beings.

But in my experience, the AI thing is 1000x more dangerous than any anunaki or reptillian or whatever.

Theres some extremely DARK, literally sinister entities that are working with that AI.

But the question still arises tho, AI cant create itself.

So whos behind it…?

What has that kind of intelligence to create AI aiming for global domination of 8 billion fucking souls?

Definitely not anunaki or reptillian otherwise they wouldve been “countered” by the other alien factions.

And yet this AI gets stronger and stronger with barely anything countering it…?

Part of me wants to think its all God behind it lol.

Playing a little game, having AI broadcast from other universes to test us?

Is this the “can you prove it scientifically?!” people?

Can you prove god exists scientifically?!!

Slaps the person with divine invocation mandala

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Yes, a lot of alien races work with this A.I. From a new video I have seen from Project ‘Farsight’ (they explore various subjects by the means of remote viewing) the reptilians are being held in check by the draconians with the aid of this A.I. This kind of A.I they are trying to impose on Earth.

It is a very good question. Who created this A.I in the first place, why it got to this point so bad that this A.I is trying to subdue all races? There are a lot of references to this situation in Sci-Fi TV Shows (The ‘Borg’ race in Star Trek, The Replicators in Star Gate, the cylons in Battlestar Galactica).

Unfortunately, it is becoming more and more clear to me, that our planet Earth is just a ‘soul-energy-harvesting farm’ for all kinds of alien races. Some alien races are working together, some are waging wars against others, but we are stuck in the middle of all this, and all they want is to keep us inside this 3D Matrix and steal our soul energy.

So it is my belief that we shouldn’t depend on any race. We should try and awaken our soul, mind and spirit (the real ‘Trinity’, how Corrado Malanga describes it), reach unified consciousness (as in the mind-body-spirit working as one, really becoming creators), and after our physical death, return to the original Primordial Source (not the artificial Matrix Source). In order to do so, we must have a high enough level of consciousness in order not to fall into all the traps that lead to prolonging this false karmic cycle, and to reincarnation. (this mandala ‘Bardo’ is of great help in achieving this)

And after returning to Source, we may choose to experiment life in other Universes, dimensions, ACCORDING TO OUR TERMS, not some false karmic-contracts imposed on us by enslaving alien races.


Arent reptillians draconians?

Whats the difference here?

Rumor has it its from a different universe

Doubt there is alien races in our galaxy that can jump universes except maybe arcturians.

My theory is whatever this alternate universe AI is, its so strong it either lures these alien races into working together like humans do demon deals for power etc

Or it straight up controls them?

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From my research, the draconians are a slight different species than the reptilians (as in the the draconians have additional bat-like wings, whereas the reptilians don’t). The draconians are more evil and more powerful. They project holograms and look like the graphic representation of ‘the Devil’ or ‘various demons’.

So whereas the reptilians pose as Jesus, God, various archangels and saints, the draconians project holograms as demons. The draconians and the reptilians are in rivalry for the possession of our souls, but they often collaborate intro tricking humans that they save your soul from the other faction, and vice versa.


Im gonna order a watch with custom picture,

But its gonna be 2-3 mandalas in there.

High chance they just put all 3 together as 1 picture.

Would they still work? Or do they need to be all seperate.?


Should work if the images are not cropped or modified.

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Any place where I can also research about draconians or reptillians or generally this topic…?

Search on youtube “Calogero Grifasi” - he is a hypnotherapist who developed his own technique, and he treats people who are “possessed” by various aliens. He is like a modern-day exorcist, using hypnosis. He also does investigative hypnotic sessions on various subjects.

Here is the link to his “investigations” in English. He does have an international community throughout Europe, and you can find his youtube channels in spanish, french, italian, german,polish and other languages.

Also, his recorded sessions with clients are a very good source of information.


Anything reading wise…?

Specifically tied to draconians and reptillians…?

Also english isnt my native tongue so maybe you can help out lol

Amphibious is it also reptillian…?

Theres some papers about the anunaki where it says they are amphibious shape shifters

Not sure if this is a reference to draco star system draconians or something else…?

Dogon tribe was also contacted by amphibious beings claiming to be from Sirius but if you use sapiens sirius tag , their energy is nowhere near amphibious.

As far as i know, every invisible entities can be shape shifters. The different is their aura.

For example if a Caladrius shapshifts to a beautiful woman, its aura will be cloud-white.
Meanwhile if a Pegasus also does the same, with same face of that woman, its aura will be milk-white.

The shape and face can perfectly same, the aura won’t.

I have another question @Genius , I’ll ask here so it can help others also.

So I know inner resistance dissolver works, and its on a few fields already included like transmute negative entities.

Now lets say you wear transmute negative entities and you also wear implant removal one,

then will the inner resistance dissolver from transmute entities work on implant removal one also?

Or is inner resistance dissolver specifically for transmute negative entities…?

Maybe i didn’t choose the best word but what i meant was skillfull.

An easy way to run things on auto-mode is just to let your higher self to use the nft.
(works also with maitreya fields that are intercessions too for example divine invocation, fohat, dragon etc…)


i like local vibration raiser

it also raises the vibration of the room so it’s like a win-win situation, well designed

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Inner resistance dissolver is for inner resistance, nothing else. Other fields are for is described.

Yes but maitreya added inner resistance dissolver to transmute entities and brahmacharya etc

so if we wear brahmacharya, that inner resistance dissolver would also apply on other fields right…?

Or is it specifically for brahmacharya

Btw does transmute negative entities to light work on ETs…?

Removing inner resistance applies to the field it is used for.

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Guys i recommend everyone to delete their servitors they do a lot in the background put thoughts, block fields, steal energy even blocks the third eye, chakras, they make decisions on their own they make friends on their own anyone who is a great psychic can easily control them and make them do things on you from few weeks i was feeling weak low energy despite using shields i was not able to find out the reason

my psychic friend told me your servitors are involved in it someone else controls them last night i just played divine invocation and asked God to transmute all the servitors i created to light and send to light they were all gone then i also asked all my energy which were taken by entities servitor to come back to me after few seconds i started to feel energized and good,

nobody will go anywhere with those beings really it all is an ego ride if you think you are going on the right path this is an opportunity to think again talking by experience i used nfts and all those beings so if someone says to you they only listen to you that’s a lie

now i started to believe in God more than anything else i encourage you guys to be careful don’t trust those beings blindly and be cautions

the creator fields you chose to use it will have consequences on your future with it so be cautions

i never believed what chris says about other creators but this is an opportunity to think again as my psychic friend told me to don’t visit that forum and stay away so there is seriously something going on