

Pretty much an inner resistance dissolver but without intelligence to stop is what im asking for.

So the field itself will be intelligent, and its purpose would be to make sure all the mandalas youre wearing or fields you listen to by Maitreya ONLY, keep working no matter what.

So even if part of you says “mandala x stop working”, then this field will cancel that and make sure the mandala keeps working.

Then the person deciding to use this mandala knows consciously and responsibly the effects it will have.

Im asking for a field like this because some more serious fields require it.

Things like entity transmutation and alien consciousness trap will be met with BIG resistance from many forces.

So a field to that exists like an inner resistance dissolver V2 where its purpose is to keep all mandalas on you working no matter what.

And if you dont like it, simply take it off.

Then its still a conscious choice.

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Mainly asking because when someone has entities in them for a long time, those entities shape the person in a certain way.

So if you remove the entities, you remove the source of certain traits or behaviours, but those things became part of the ego and will try to resist de-patternization.

No one should have entities in them or implants to begin with.

So we cant really say “its you the ego resisting” when the main source of whatever is resisting is caused by entities or aliens or whatever.

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Goodbye also to Morpheus field.
So, could we create a GOOD list of trustble creators?

Actually I’m using Maitreya, SZ, Mef, a bit of M doctor and many old fields of Sapien.
At this exactly moment, my life is really perfect. But if Maitreya creates the same fields of other channels, I’ll for sure use only hers and SZ’s. Maybe we could create a list.


Guys, I was actually scared of even mentioning his name when talking about my experience, it gave me bad energy esp after what happened to me… It’s like how saying Voldemort being a curse in HP… Literally the same night after I wrote those posts mentioning him, I had major nightmares and woke up gasping for air and that has NEVER happened before. And the 2 days after I’d done major cleansing and banishment which has helped majorly and I’m going through what I did as I was recovering from the fucked up sleep (Waking up much earlier than normal for my body & feeling fine but then feeling exhausted & sleep deprived during the day…). Today I was able to go back to sleep though after waking up the first time. I didn’t have any protection in place before that post but now I’ve established a cleansing & protection protocol. I’m honestly not sure what’s going on but seems I was targeted for talking bad even though I’m just talking about my own experiences… be careful guys :cry:

Btw I saw a user in this forum called that Matrix char (excl the “fields”), I hope it’s not him :woozy_face:

Edit: Seems my original post in that thread about my experience was deleted… why D:
Edit 2: Nvm I think it’s a sign tbh. I had bad vibes the entire time I was writing that post but felt it was important to share that info so people were aware. The main point is captured in this thread so I hope the old one stays gone. I just want my sleep to go back to normal like before :X

I think to some extent, it might be a bit individual… see I consulted my guides about every channel & whether they were safe or not and I was warned to stay away from Sapien and QI too, which are both super popular & there are people who have used them with good results and no harm. Maybe we can create a thread for this and include information on exactly how these creators make their fields (if that info is available), it’s more for transparency so people can decide for themselves and consult their guides as they see fit. Like the info about you-know-who using spirit guides & angels to add energy to their fields wasn’t on his channel but his patreon so the information wasn’t widely available. It would be good if we all could pool in our collective knowledge on how these fields are made for such a list

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We are talking the same language and I’m entusiast about this! It would be great to create a speed FAQ in which we find every creator, method and experience gave to us.
If our forum administrators will not create it, I’ll try to start, always if they allow us, of course.

About QI I know that uses spells and frequencies, but not in the same audios. When I use frequencies, I’m fine. However, something that I learn is that morphic field and energy fields work also at 0% of volume, while frequencies require a bit of volume.
After I become more energetic sensitive (due to Veils Between worlds, Christ Consciousness and a bit of Reiki) I don’t use QI’s 11 booster from a while.
I dream about something that explains to us everything about our story with fields like a computer register, to understand better how modify in better our work.

About Sapien, i think that he had a deal with some entity that obliges him to create two versions of a field: one good, one bad. It is only my idea of course. My istinct is more developed now, so I know what I can use and what not. And I strictly refuse all works with DESNA. I had a really bad sensation when I see her from Instagram. But I repeat, it is ONLY my little opinion. Don’t make it a state case, please.

Another thing? If I search some videos of Sapien from youtube, in advertising spaces, channels that invoke… the “black angel” himself follow. Someone explains this to me, because it never happened before. However I feel stronger with each passing day thanks to my will and to Maitreya, of course.

“When God is on your side, the enemy is outnumbered.”

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Use the divine invocation mandala or loop the audio while you sleep, You will sleep like a baby. :wink:

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Which fields of it did you use before you had this experience?

Strange, Morpheus Fields is one of the few creators ive had good results with and never felt any ill effects.

The results don’t speak anything at all… You will get results with demons easily faster and forced results that you will love it … But everything comes with a cost… Which you will have to pay in this life or the other ones as slaves for them … Or whatever contract they have with you they will take it…

How you think the power is being is used will not have to be paid?.. They are not your servants … They have their own agenda to take life force by giving you results… No matter how but they will do and then will take what they want …

You have no idea as to what truly is going on in the world… Everywhere someone is there to manipulate you so they fulfill their agenda …

Only God can give you things without any fee or anything in return … Anything else always have to pay …

There are very few who work with God to make fields and to serve others … Everyone else has only one motive to go rich or be famous … Most of the times the intention is to make money… No intentions to serve others …

Service to self = Ego

Service to others / God = Soul


Must be exhausting to live with that level of fear.
No desire to debate this just wanted to add in my experience with that creator.

I used hyper sleep state by sapien 3x and sleep optimizer once [quick youtube search will show you]

well let me tell you, i used to think this shit could only be manifested/attracted to you through fear and i never had any before. never thought possession was possible for me and was just some figment of imagination. not until it happened to me personally because of that creator specifically and through my own experience, i had no choice but to change how i saw things.

btw do you have a daily protection practice? if you do, then it probably did help. But agreed with Chris Mous, the results themselves don’t mean the fields are harmless. I got major results from some of his patreon fields as well but it was so extreme that my body did not feel like my own, it just felt wrong, like there was energy other than my own that was in my body and changing it. I have not felt that way with physical changes through Sigh or Maitreya’s fields

As to add onto Chris Mous, I also think that it depends on your own spiritual beliefs & personal frequency, perhaps they align more with the beings/entities that he works with so therefore they have no need to attack his believers/followers (I’m currently studying up on psychic self-defence due to what happened and learned about this). It’s a fact that he engages with them to add energy though, and that is opening another layer of vulnerability for anyone using those fields. Discernment is most important when it comes to anything spiritual, including what energy transmissions you choose to use. While those entities/beings may be harmless to the person they work with/the field creator, they are not necessarily going to be harmless to everyone else.

I did mention this in the other thread which was removed but I want to add that through speaking with my guides, they told me that none of the 3 creators I mentioned have bad intentions, including the above mentioned one. In fact, he isn’t even aware that these beings he works with are bad and adding dark energy/intentions to his fields. I can’t trust anyone that can’t even discern when they’re working with beings, as just doing so can be dangerous and you absolutely need to be discerning.

Same here, not asking for debate , but you need to clarify this more,
Sharing my exp, out of ALL the WEALTH /Abundance Fields, including the Gate of Abundance(Maitreya fields), ive tried all got negative effects ,

except the Patreon Mahalakshmi Yantra(only using that one for wealth all other fields are related to body healing and nothing for gratitude or something that changes mindset), that field gave me ALOT of unexpected money , that my mind self sabotages itself by saying, “hey thats enough for now”
also gave that field to my father in his emitter - and i can see those extra money come in

  • this part we can call as “RESULTS EASILY FASTER and FORCED(?) and I LOVE it”

edit : also saving for DM WEALTH , hoping i wont have any negative effects like ive experienced from past fields

Based on my experience, he’s right. I got much faster & more noticeable results but I also got fucked up, I’m quite sensitive to energy & felt like my body was slowly getting infected with outside energy, energy that wasn’t mine and was quite dark. I was actually really healthy and happy with my life before and I would get random out of context thoughts of self-harm for no weird reason, I would laugh hysterically at random times for things that I normally don’t find funny, even just my face looked so weird and off in the mirror. I felt so ill and completely not myself, like I was slowly being overtaken. I actually felt my soul try to leave my body a few times while I was sleeping & mistakenly thought I was about to astral project & got all excited lol. Once I realised what was actually going on, I realised that my soul was trying to leave because it was not safe in my body, I only felt those sensations before when I was extremely sick.

I got a buddhist friend to do a cleansing ritual for me the day I finally realised what was happening and that the fields were the problem and towards the end of the ritual, I felt overwhelmed with sadness & wanted to cry, which is the same feeling I get when I sense other people’s emotions (I’m empathic) and it’s also a common effect during/after an exorcism. After all my cleansing rituals that day (including my own rituals & a cord cutting spell to cut myself off from evil/dark energies), all of the above symptoms I felt just stopped completely on the very same day.

I want to make it clear that my sharing this is NOT to instill/invoke fear. Absolutely not. I just want to raise awareness so people can stay safe. Do not fear because when you do, it just gives them more power to control you. I was able to overcome it before because I don’t like being fucked with and wasn’t going to let it take me down. So I will overcome it again this time and become even stronger so they can never touch me again.

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thank you for your clarification

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you’re welcome! happy to share

to clarify, both these field descriptions claimed that you should be well rested the whole day even with reduced sleep as it’s meant to fit in your normal rest into less hours. It DID reduce my sleep, but I felt exhausted, sleep deprived and sick during the day. There was also an energy that was keeping my mind awake & unable to fall back asleep. So they only did half of what they claimed (the reducing sleep part). It was really like the story ‘Monkey’s Paw’ where you wish for something and it gets twisted in some way to make it a curse.

I also strongly caution against using fields (or anything else) to change basic biological functions such as sleep. Be very discerning about what you use before you do. Our bodies are complex systems & networks, interconnected to each other and every layer (physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically). Simply changing one function can & most likely will have unseen consequences on the rest of the bodies. Even in the world of science, there is much that is unknown about changing genes/body functions & their consequences.

Dude. you think you know shit… If I tell you as to what is going on with you I am sure you wont be able to sleep … Lol… You are just being used. That’s it… I would say! Nothing more as you should learn shit yourself … As you are trying to be a smart ass… let this teach you a lesson for good … Lol

What exactly you want me to explain…?

I already talk about it many times… Most of youtuber use demons, sigils, and other shit to give results and rise views and subs … Just to make money they don’t care about you… As to what will happen to you as you are being a participant with those beings, this makes a contract with you and those beings… They get the license to take control of your mind, body, life force, and use any of these as they wish…

Some beings take power of higher chakras… Some take power of lower chakras… Some just want life force energy this energy is universe one of most powerful energy it creates life… with this they gets more powerful… Always wants more of it… This is a treasure for them…

You have no idea as to how powerful the life force energy is if you channel it correctly without releasing you can literally become God on Earth…

Keep in mind, once they did something for you they won’t leave easy… They try all what they can to put you back… They are very manipulative can play with your mind easily to show you all is good nothing to worry…

What I mean with forced is if you ask them something and it is not allowed for you by your HS… Then they will still push and pull the thing you want… Anything physical change, or the woman you want very much, a job in certain position… or maybe temporary make you lucky in everything… (they can only make you lucky for a certain period of time after that your all luck will be gone) if you ask them for healing they will transfer the sickness to someone else in your family, they can’t heal… they transfer to someone else… Or anything you want they will try their to best give you… No matter how… Anything you will get with them you will have to pay them for the job… Plus your karma will gets counted in all that shit they will do for you…

In next life they will be there with you… You will born in a poor family, toxic family… Your life will be always fuked… you wont get anything you want… It will be their turn to get the payment… for this they will block everything that can make you happy… They will always take your life force… Always will be there to put anything in your mind… you will always have health issues… They will see you as their property… and will use you as they want… until your hs thinks you learned your lesson… they will be there… Once you learn the lesson your HS will create situation or someone will come in your life to save you …if lesson is not learned they will be there many lifetimes…

I tell you one true story… A man was not satisfied with his life … He makes dealing with demons… They make him marry the woman he wanted… Made him rich… He got all he ever wanted as he had dream… Time passes… All was well… One day … His daughter and wife was at home… the demon took control of his mind… Raped his daughter … Beaten her wife badly… When he get to know what he did… he goes into drastic trauma… His wife and daughter left him… He was alone… with all that shame… No one was there for him to care…

Anything that is forced is dark… No matter what it is… and have to pay later on…

Dont think maitreya’s fields are forced… Some energies works for some easily for some not depend on the karma and HS…

The yantra works in a totally different way… It is like instrument for the particular stuff it is created for… The yantra you use is very old and by this time it is very powerful tool it does more than those fields have missed to hit… Thats why it works…

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No need to get so worked up haha. Some things are hard to believe for some people until they experience it themselves. I was the same until my experience with that field creator. In the Psychic self-defence book I’m reading atm, it said one of the reasons for psychic attacks is for a karmic lesson to understand the importance of spiritual discernment, which I think is why it happened to me too. I didn’t believe in just how important it was to have energy cleansing & protection until that experience. It was honestly so peaceful living in ignorance because I never dealt with dark energy like that before. I find that the deeper I go into my spiritual journey, the more I encounter these things. And this seems to be a consistent pattern in the spiritual sphere. For the people who don’t believe, ok maybe it’s not their time right now. All we can do is inform/share knowledge & experience to raise awareness and then it’s up to each person to do what they believe to be best for themselves.

To add, I checked with my guides and they told me Maitreya was absolutely safe for me to use, she doesn’t work with entities and she uses energy directly from Source (this stuff was confirmed through my guides then I saw posts from her mentioning these facts afterwards). I use Reiki regularly which also comes from Source so that really comforted me. So glad there’s also good creators!


So, in your opinion what field creators are safe to use, that don’t sacrifice the users? Thank you.

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