30 Days Fields Storage Creator

Demanding much?

Preferable, yes, but if you stay 2-5 minutes it will know who to affect after that.

2 fields have this protection:
30 Days Fields Creator and
Subconsciousness reprogrammer ver 3

You can share all other audios with your parents and lovables.

For kids… Kids below 16 years don’t have to listen more than 1-3 times audios per day… If the field affects them for more than 12 hours, this can cause damage to their energy system.


Hm, if someone has legally acquired the field it should be possible for the owner of the field to make items for others such as family, children or close friends. It’s somehow not fair if only the owner of the field has to use it and a spouse also has to buy the field himself in order to benefit from it. So I ask you to think about whether it might not be possible for others to use it if a legal user makes items for others. thanks

Okay just see that this only applies to the 30 day field. So not for the 36 hour field. So you can make fields for others with items as long as they are there. Hm, it’ll be difficult to convince my father to do it.


I think the person who buys the field can make some sort of dogtag for other people, these other people to use the Stokes fields, but they will not be able to create dogtags themselves, because the 30 day field storage creator will not work for them

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Okay, that would be fine, but the price is off-putting just for the convenience of not having to recharge every 36 hours. Well, maybe with the next Christmas bonus. :thinking:


Trust and believe it adds major value to my life not having to remake the fields every 36 hours.


If the 36 hours work I will buy this :laughing:


Don’t say anything about buying here man or beggers will start chasing you and say things like “I know it won’t work but I can try” lol like seriously these people has no shame and dignity ffs trying to obtain something shamelessly even tho the creator doesn’t want them to.and then they will use those illigally obtain products to exchange in black market for other fields like sapien fields or other expensive products.good thing he is adding protection to all new fields…more like forced unwanted guests lol and if any of you have any question about these two protection fields then better ask the mods in dm lol or at least don’t admit directly you own them…thats my personal advice for everyone…another way is block your public dm so unwanted people or strangers won’t be able to text you to get things for free…telling from my personal experience… ( I’m not trying to offend anyone but stating facts…if you are triggered then it means you are among them lol)

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Good thing you mentioned it lol I was about to write this few days ago when you told me in DM it has protection… but decided not to cuz I know some butthurt would start crying and say “where is the proof” also I’m straight up savage lol so it is what it is…but I was waiting for you to make this comment lol that’s why I saved ss of it to roast the freeloaders and black marketers :laughing::joy:


Deezam! This is kind of a baller field hahaha.

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I like your style do sho tho.

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Lol thanks

I mean it’s people’s fault that it came to this lol they should have learned how to keep things to themselves but no they need to let the whole world know and become it’s saviour lol otherwise dream or maitrya is not money hungry (like some creators) to take such step. In the end of the day it’s their bussiness after all…not to mention dream also saw people sharing his stuff in discord server (which had 300+ people) which made him feel bad. And there are so many servers doing these stuff so there was no other option…


Yes, for the parents I want to buy other fields.

For a child, I want to load only fields that are safe for him, but necessary. With these fields, he has long-term listening experience. And he will use it for fewer hours. This version attracts by the fact that it does not need to be rewritten every day, and 3 fields are enough, no more

Yes, I think that protection should definitely be on such expensive fields. But the real owner should be able to apply it to his family members.

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It can be programmed in a way that will only work for family member and blood related if you purchase but they shouldn’t be able to use the audio directly either…would only work if you buy it and create the item with an intention that you will share this item with a specific person “ONLY close relative and blood related” (think about the person in mind) …just to protect it from retards. Like seriously if these activities keeps up then they might have to stop making them some day. As I said it’s a bussiness after all lol and we shouldn’t let these things happen…and if this keeps up then they might start adding protection in every single audio…


This would be a great option

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Would be better if done for all three versions…just think about the person while making it and it will work on that person…(along with yourself ofc)


Hm, I have another idea that could possibly work at least for the 36 hour and patron version. Suppose you put a photo of the person under the item what you want to charge. This could appear as if the person was present at the process. Furthermore, it could also work if you simply leave the finished storage item on the photo.
I know from the Croatian healer Braco who heals with his gaze, that people who are present hold up pictures of their relatives. And that means that there are healing effects in these people. So it’s within the realm of what is feasible. Clairvoyants can also learn information about the person from a photo. What do you think about the idea?


You wont have photo of everyone tho…and even if you do then others might not. Even I don’t have photo of anyone lol