30 Days Fields Storage Creator

What do I need a photo of everyone for. It’s enough if I have pictures of my parents. I think you didn’t understand what I meant. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Your idea is called action at a distance in some circles. It is pretty much radionics and does work 100 percent. I do this type of energy work without photos. Pictures are the energy signature representation of the person and essentially it is them. Sooo you are spot on


I get what you mean but I don’t even have photo of my parents lol I only have them in phone. Also people actually doesn’t use printed picture these days…and from overall perspective I don’t think it’s a good idea…but sure it will be better if both option are added like you put picture or think of that person in your mind or stating them. they just keeps them in device or in drive. That’s the cause for most people. So I think the thought process is easier where you just simply think of that person…or state them like my mom or dad after the audio starts…I mean verbal activation like subconscious reprogrammer…

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Yes, I’m a bit old-fashioned in that respect, but of course today’s generation makes everything more digital. But for me it was basically about whether it would even be feasible with the storage field. I don’t think my father would sit down in front of a computer at 84 and expose himself to the whole process of charging an item. For him it’s all nonsense and I don’t really need to tell him.


It is easier to use photos though for sure. I did that for a long time till my skills got upgraded


You didn’t get it. I was saying would be better if you could create for any relative by just thinking about him or stating him like my dad or mom during the creation process. So that no photo would be needed or the person wouldn’t have to sit in front of it. Also maitrya would make it so that it is suitable for everyone so I’d personally say it’s better since everyone doesn’t have printed picture.

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Or she could add both option to make it more flexible for use.

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Yes, now I understand what you meant. Would be nice if that could be changed so that it works and not just for the 30 day version


Well I think it should be possible. Verbal activation was used for subconscious reporgrammer so I think she can add option where people can state “create for my dad or any relative they want” while thinking about them and then it can work for them… other than that she can use it for all versions.

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Well then let’s hope they will do it.


With this field you could store the Quick Read / Quick Learn field and thus not have to reproduce the field when we say the command?


Hmm, I haven’t even thought about it yet. Should actually work because the field ran non-stop in the storage item.

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Yes you can


I tried looking this topic up, even read through some Sapien threads but I still don’t understand a thing as everyone there seemed to have some knowledge and didn’t explain from beginning.
Could someone please summarise this?

Which topic?


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Maybe even plasma flower node connector in there as well!
Love this for real!

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Thank you Maitrea and team for the fact that the price for the 30 day storage field has become a little cheaper. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:

Problem nur wie kann man soviele Items bequem tragen. :thinking:

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I see same price


Now that’s strange. When I first saw it on Gumroad, the price was $ 444. This morning I was looking for something on Gumroad and the price was $ 369 so I hit it.