Skeletal System and Joints Regeneraton

@Maitreya Fields
“”“This audio is programmed to regenerate and restore all joints and bones in the human body and adjust Skeletal System to natural state. Also, all muscles will go to their places as the bones change.
Audio is programmed with unconditional love and boosting for faster results.”“”

If i have a twisted ankle and was deformed, which means the left ankle is pushed further inward and higher to the right side, can this track fix this problem?

Also, as for skeletal system, does it also include my spine and neck?

Thank you!

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Your entire bone system is affected so technically yes…


That’s what I am thinking. But I see Maitreya field has a separate file just for spine, and that’s why I need to ask for confirmation.

That one is only for spine…

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This field works on whole skeletal system.


@maitreyafields Would this work on skull deformalities like from trouble birth and forceps use? That would be very useful for people injured during birth. Like it would return you to a theoretical state if the injury never happened. If not ill add that as a field suggestion.

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2-3 times a day

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I think this might be good for my shoulder tendinitis, what do you think?
Do you recommend any additional fields?
I’m thinking about fields that can heal it, i know about the fields for pain, i use them

Tendinitis is a inflammation of tendons, so you need to listen something for that.
I’d recommend Sapien Medicine’s Plasma Light and Advanced Healing with Voltage or rife frequencies (You can store them in metal objects with Maitreya’s field storage creator.


I’ve recently started to store in an item Sapien’s Advanced Healing (gumroad) and Plasma Light (patreon) with storage creator (gumroad). I’ll add the voltage audio.
For rife frequencies (i like spooky2) i’ll try to use Maitreya’s converter, although i also have gumroad version i haven’t tried yet with rife frequencies ; I think it will compensate for the lack of headphones, transforming them into energy fields.
I was thinking that the joints audios would help, but i was wrong then…
Thank you very much for your help


Frequencies do not need any conversion, they are included in what the field stores, I use pure frequencies without any morphic field converters and I have results.


Yeah, you can store rife frequencies directly with field storage creator.
I have tried that and it works.
You can use rife frequencies on Youtube.
Try Rife Force Channel.
Anyway Maitreya energetic is very good as a booster.


I’ve also used rife force with good results, specially for pain. rife force and spooky2 are my favorites.
Thank you very much for your help

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can I loop this? i fractured my ankle 3 months ago and they told me that it would require surgery if it still hurt or didn’t heal at the end of it. I think it is still broken and I can’t afford to take the time off work to heal from the surgery and it still hurts quite a bit on a daily basis. I get good pain relief from this and it feels like it is helping a lot so I want to know if more will help or hinder my progress at this point


Try using sapiens bone strengthner, joint Regen and plasma protocol 2 as well
Also vitamin D with sun gazer


I have been using those as well, isn’t it plasma 1 though? thanks

Maybe means “too”

l just have a slight foot injury, nothing serious. I’ve been using this with a field storage item for 3 days now, my foot is feeling better. Yes you can loop this. l hope you get better soon and don’t require surgery.


thank you, have been doing a lot better. I will not need surgery thankfully


