the command is the same, remove a belief with the command, say the pre installation command and then listen to the subliminal to install the new beliefs.
Example: delete old belief of “I am ugly” Install new belief listen to subliminal
then you’re done
thank you very much for your contribution, I very much appreciate your explanation. so you still have to find your own blockages and negative beliefs, but we have already made good progress.
One of the challenges i have is finding the root beliefs. I know that growing up as a kid I would be scolded by my father for getting poor grades at school. There were times I was so scared I would hide my school report so my father could not see it. When I did and he found out he punished me physically and told me how much of a loser I was.
My father would shout at me telling me I would never be successful and was absolutey useless.
This translated to my dating life i became a nice guy i want to GET RID OF THE NICE GUY but its so hard sometimes.
Women told me in the past i am handsome looking but i keep thinking they are lying to me. When I look in the mirror i see a big nose and a big bald head.
Anyway i have started my first day with this program will see how things progress.
delete/“It is challenging for me to find the root belief of…(Trauma or Negative belief)”
install/“It is easy for me to find the root belief of…(Trauma or Negative belief)”
The problem I see occurring is that most will have a hard time figuring out the exact belief. What I have told and guided others to do is take a personal inventory before you start doing transformational energy work. Take some time to figure out what you want, who you are and what you want to change about the way things are in your reality. Slow and steady wins the race. This is not a sprint it is a Marathon of immense proportion!
Make a check list and work from there.
delete/“Some energy tools do not work for me”
install/“All energy tools work for me and I get fast results”
BOOM! That just happened
If you guys could post what you deleted/installed in this post. That would be greatly appreciated
I wrote down a few things in form of statements that i want to change right away
Delete I am loser, install i am winner
Delete that I am stupid, Install I am smart
Delete I have an ugly face, Install i have a handsome face
Delete women don’t find me sexy Install women find sexy
Delete I give up to easily Install I never give up
Delete people find me boring, install i do not care what people think
Delete my past has control over my present
you can also try to install sublimals of beauty, sublimals of self-confidence and or self-esteem, sublimals of intelligence…etc etc.
The subliminals are really capable of reprogramming the mind, this has been deprived and scientifically demonstrated in a thousand and one ways … by coupling them with this tool, v you have the power over yourself and over your reality.
By using the subliminals in this program, you will even be able to instill positive beliefs that you may never think of on your own.Another advantage could be that there are a very large number of positive beliefs that will be installed in a very short time (at least a lot less time than if you do it yourself by saying all the statements).
Find a good, proven and trustworthy subliminal maker and try that.
I played almost three minutes for slow eating and I feel it’s powerful.
I’ll see how my eating will be tonight.
I also need to reprogram this haha
@Maitreya Listen to both audios at the same time. Or do I listen to the reprogrammer first and then the subliminal?
Brilliant, thank you!
I have done this, mostly using Maitreya’s other fields, and it does work. But, it can be exhausting, especially if you get zealous like me and do several different types of fields back to back in the same session. I’ve done that a couple times and needed to rest for a day or two as a result.
Yeah, I think we all struggle with this. I’ve been trying a shotgun approach, where I just write out all the negative self worth statements I can think of, then one by one remove them just in case they’re floating around inside me somewhere.
Another thing you could try is to find high-quality, reliable beliefs from wise people, and think to yourself what would the opposite belief be, then write all them out and try removing them also before installing the wise beliefs. One idea I had right now might be the book of Proverbs in the Bible, that has lots of negative/positive belief pairs.
Another I’ve been planning to install is a list provided by Dr. Jordan Peterson, a recently famous intellectual, located here:
@jamesvanderbeak While listening to the subliminal. Do you have to listen to the reprogrammer at the same time?
Yes exactly, you listen to the subliminal on your headphones, and the subconscious reprogrammer field on the speaker.
@Takyon can you listen to both from speaker?
Yes I think it will always be good if you use two different devices (one for each audio) … so that the are not interfere with each other a at the audio output of the device.But experience it and tell how it is for you.
@Takyon yes, I’ve played subs and fields playing from the same device and have wondered if playing simultaneously effects the energy