May you share what you ask to change through subconscious reprogramming?

Would anyone be interested to share what you ask to change through subconscious reprogramming?

This is what i have for now, thank you!



Great topic! :slight_smile:


I decide to continue update this thread, as i believe some people may run out idea on the reprogramming. They may be able to get some idea from this thread too.

(Cancelled) I have trouble to focus on my breathing during meditation (Replaced with) I know how easy to focus on my breathing during meditation
(Cancelled) I have fear to see the truth of my existence (Replaced with) I have courage, knowledge and strength to see the truth of my existence
(Cancelled) I have fear to know the truth of my existence (Replaced with) I have courage, knowledge and strength to know the truth of my existence
(Cancelled) I am afraid to hear the truth of my existence (Replaced with) I have courage, knowledge and strength to hear the truth of my existence
(Cancelled) I have trouble to communicate to my higher self (Replaced with) I have wisdom to communicate to my higher self
(Cancelled) I am full of negative energy (Replaced with) I am full of neutral energy
(Cancelled) I am worried that I am unsuccessful (Replaced with) I know how to live my daily life successfully
(Cancelled) My mind is too talkative (Replaced with) I know how to quiet my mind
(Cancelled) I cannot quiet my mind (Replaced with) I know how to enter stillness
(Cancelled) I cannot quiet my mind (Replaced with) I know how to stay in the stillness
(Cancelled) I cannot see my past life (Replaced with) I know how to access my past life
(Cancelled) I have trouble to find my heart (Replaced with) I can find my heart easily
(Cancelled) I have weak awareness (Replaced with) I know how to see all my thoughts
(Cancelled) I have weak awareness (Replaced with) I know how to see all my hidden thoughts
(Cancelled) I have weak awareness (Replaced with) I know how to draw closer to who I really am
(Cancelled) My ego is prisioning me (Replaced with) I know how to control of my ego
(Cancelled) MY ego is affecting me (Replaced with) I know how to keep my ego healthy and natural
(Cancelled) MY ego is controlling me (Replaced with) I know my ego is under my control
(Cancelled) I always distrust my intuition (Replaced with) I know I can always trust my intuition
(Cancelled) I am unwise, calculated, and disconnected to my inner guidance (Replaced with) I know I am wise, intuitive, and connected to my inner guidance
(Cancelled) I avoid understand and learn from my life experiences (Replaced with) I know I seek to understand and learn from my life experiences
(Cancelled) I am disconnected to my higher power (Replaced with) I know I am connected to my higher power

I think I saw someone saying that our mind does not read “no” or “negative meaning”?

So if I say I cannot quiet my mind, then this command is not working?

I am unwise…is that ok? Or I am stupid ? Which one would work better?? Thanks for suggestions


If we follow this logic then whoever thinks that he is not prosperous, is not handsome, is not worthy, is not intelligent, would not affect these people at all, but it does, if that were true much less people would have limiting beliefs in the world, there is no reason for your subconscious not to recognize, this is a myth.


I checked online and it seems like there are many articles about subconscious mind doesn’t understand negative statements.

Maitreya Fields, may you help us to clarify this?

Thank you!

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Not is accepted in the subconscious mind when have beliefs like I am not worthy, I am not enough, etc. These are for removing, but when you install have to be in a positive statement - I am worthy, I am enough. So for removing there can be beliefs with NOT, but for adding always should be in positive form.

There is one thing I use when I work with people when I am not sure about something - Muscle Testing, you can use it with yourselves too. Basically this takes the answer directly from your subconsciousness, without giving you opportunity to lie to yourself.

It should be used also in positive form and if the answer is NO, then you know that there is a negative belief.

So an example person say: I am loved (positive) and his body goes to direction for NO then the belief is “I am not loved”. You remove that and replace it with I am loved.

Check this out:

The techniques is:

Closing your eyes and say YES and watch on what side your body will go

Then do the same with NO

Now you know how your body will answer with this.

Then you start testing things you are thinking you have.

I am poor

I am rich

I am beautiful

I am magnificent

I know how to talk with people and take their attention



I’m not sure whether my laptop speakers are working or not.If they work properly energy will be emitted .If they are not working properly energy will not be emitted .So How can I use this muscle testing to find out whether there is energy being emitted or not in the audio. @maitreyafields

I didn’t understand your question :nerd_face:

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that’s not how the muscle test works, its to test if the beliefs that are stored in your subconscious

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Thank you very much for your tips! I will try the muscle test out. Previously, i don’t like to spend time to find out what i need to change, as it takes too much time.

However, now i find this is a great procedure to know myself better. I feel i am changing in a positive way!


@Maitreya I am trying to reprogram my fear of abandonment, I do not know what to replace this with. I know fear should be replaced with safety but I don’t know how to word it " I am safe when being abandoned" seems to be a bit odd since most times I am not actually being abandoned. this belief greatly affects my relationships with the people closest to me. If anyone has any input on how to word this so I can change this part of my life that would be fantastic :slight_smile: thank you

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I know how to live, without feeling abandonment
I know how to live my life safely, without feeling abandonment
I know how to live my life, without to attract people who will abandonment me

Also it will be good to try to remember the first situation where you feeled abandonment and from there will pop up more emotions that you can transmutate.


thanks a bunch, unfortunately I do not remember any of my traumas that have caused these fears/ beliefs :frowning:

How to transmute those emotions? Does this audio help?
Could you release emotions and fill with love where that trapped emotion is? Using the integrated method?

Thanks, was looking for something regarding the ego

I am trying to grow from 5ft8 to 6ft2, when I do the muscle test the subconscious belief comes back as true that I am 6ft2 but it has yet to materialize in physical form. Does anyone have any pointers on how I could make this into a reality? it would be much appreciated, thanks so much



Love it! Good job and thank you for your efforts.