New Release; Subconsciousness Reprogrammer

This audio taps directly into your subconsciousness mind. This means you can install directly new programs / models there without to listen to subliminals or affirmations one month or more so they can be installed in you. It’s designed to help you with changing your beliefs instantly – remove negative and install positive ones.

You have to work with this audio consciously, can’t multitask.

It works with two commands that will be included in download files.

Works on all languages! Change your beliefs on your own language.

People struggle with their results, because their subconsciousness beliefs don’t allow new changes to come, as this part of ourselves is made to work as a protector and reality builder. Most of the time people don’t get results from energy work or they get for a short time and after that everything fades away, because their subconsciousness holds a negative belief that is limiting them from desired results.

For example: If you have a belief in your subconsciousness mind “It’s dangerous to have money, I don’t deserve this, It’s not right to be rich when other people are poor, Money is a limited source, I have to work hard for money”, etc. you will project this in your reality (3D) and always struggle with this.

You have effects for a few days/weeks and after that you go to the start. Subconsciousness rules 95% of our reality and is designet to keep us safe (physically, emotionally, mentally).

This audio creates instant connection with your subconsciousness where you can re-design yourself as you wish.

How Your Subconscious Mind & Beliefs Affect Your Reality

The subconscious mind is incredible as it can heal and alter your life in a way that would shock not only you but everyone around you. It’s truly where the power of the law of attraction lies.

What is the subconscious mind?

We have two minds. The first one is your conscious mind where your ego lives. This is the mind you are most familiar with because you are aware of it on a daily basis. It’s where your thinking goes on, where your ego and its limited knowledge have a loud voice, and where you choose which thoughts you will program your subconscious mind with.

Your subconscious mind is the seat of your consciousness. This is the part of the mind that is generally unexplored and under-utilized, but is the attracting force behind your every experience in life.

Your beliefs and chronic thoughts live here and once a belief makes it way to your subconscious mind, it becomes your reality.

How does the subconscious mind work?

I liken the subconscious mind to being our connection to our higher selves. Your conscious mind is for deciding what you want to experience and once a thought turns into a belief, it is then downloaded and executed by the subconscious mind.

Your subconscious mind is infinite intelligence. It can figure out any problem, heal any disease and attract any circumstance. It can do what your conscious mind could never do on its own.

Your conscious mind gestates a thought, impregnates your subconscious mind with it, and the subconscious mind then gives birth to the thought. It turns the thought into matter.

How beliefs work with your subconscious mind

Your subconscious mind executes your beliefs. Whatever beliefs you strongly hold or subjects you think about often are sent down to the subconscious mind to be manifested.

Your reality and experiences reflect your beliefs. When you deeply don’t believe something, you won’t see anything in your reality that would prove otherwise. When you do fully believe something, you can find proof of it everywhere.

Beliefs are extremely powerful and truly determine the quality of our lives. This is where the fun comes in once you realize this phenomena.

You can choose new and improved beliefs that will alter your life in a significant way.


this seems to be very powerful! thank you maitreya


We will put some beliefs/feelings as an example to help with the use of this tool.
The sentence “Creator of All That Is” can be replaced with God/ Universe/ doesn’t matter in what you believe. Some people are more religious and believe in God and others search in physics and Universe will be better for them. In the end, they both are the same thing.

8 I understand the definition of abundance through the Creator of All That Is.
8 I understand what it feels like to have abundance.
8 I know how to have abundance.
8 I know how to live my daily life with abundance.
8 I know the perspective of abundance through the Creator of All That Is.
8 I know it is possible to have abundance.

8 I understand the definition of acceptance through the Creator of All That Is.
8 I understand what it feels like to have acceptance.
8 I know when to have acceptance.
8 I know how to have acceptance.
8 I know how to live my daily life with acceptance.
8 I know the perspective of acceptance through the Creator of All That Is.
8 I know it is possible to accept myself fully.
8 I understand what it feels like to accept and receive Healing from another.
8 I know how to accept and receive Healing from another.
8 I know the perspective of Healing through the Creator of All That Is.
8 I know it is possible to accept and receive Healing from another.

e I understand the definition of achievement through the Creator of All That Is.
e I understand what it feels like to achieve.
e I know when to achieve.
e I know how to achieve.
e I know how to live my daily life achieving.
e I know the perspective of achievement through the Creator of All That Is.

e I understand the definition of balance through the Creator of All That Is.
e I understand what it feels like to be balanced.
e I know how to be balanced.
e I know how to live my daily life in balance.
e I know the perspective of balance through the Creator of All That Is.
e I know it is possible to be balanced.

8 I understand the definition of beauty through the Creator of All That Is.
8 I understand what it feels like to be beautiful.
8 I know how to live my daily life in beauty.
8 I know the perspective of beauty through the Creator of All That Is.
8 I know it is possible to be beautiful.

e I understand the definition of compassion through the Creator of All That Is.
e I understand what it feels like to have compassion, for myself and others.
e I know true compassion.
e I know when to have compassion.
e I know how to have compassion.
e I know how to live my daily life with compassion.
e I know the perspective of compassion through the Creator of All That Is.
e I know it is possible to have compassion, for myself and others.

e I understand the definition of being complete through the Creator of All That Is.
e I understand what it feels like to be complete.
e I know how to be complete.
e I know it is possible to be complete.

8 I understand the definition of confidence through the Creator of All That Is.
8 I understand what it feels like to be confident.
8 I know when to be confident.
8 I know how to be confident.
8 I know how to live my daily life in confidence.
8 I know the perspective of confidence through the Creator of All That Is.
8 I know it is possible to be confident.

8 I understand the definition of seeing clairvoyantly through the Creator of All
That Is.
8 I understand what it feels like to see clairvoyantly.
8 I know when to see clairvoyantly.
8 I know how to see clairvoyantly.
8 I know how to live my daily life seeing clairvoyantly.
8 I know the perspective of clairvoyance through the Creator of All That Is.
8 I know it is possible to see clairvoyantly.

Emotionally Present
8 I understand the definition of being emotionally present through the Creator of
All That Is.
8 I understand what it feels like to be emotionally present.
8 I know how to be emotionally present.
8 I know how to live my daily life emotionally present.
8 I know the perspective of being emotionally present through the Creator of All
That Is.
8 I know it is possible to be emotionally present.

Evaluate a Situation
8 I understand the definition of evaluation through the Creator of All That Is.
8 I understand what it feels like to evaluate a situation with clarity.
8 I know when to evaluate a situation.
8 I know how to evaluate a situation.
8 I know the perspective of evaluation through the Creator of All That Is.
8 I know it is possible to evaluate a situation before acting.

8 I understand the definition of faith through the Creator of All That Is.
8 I understand what it feels like to have faith.
8 I know how to live my daily life with faith.
8 I know the perspective of faith through the Creator of All That Is.
8 I know it is possible to have faith.


hey maitreya, How to use this. can u please explain me.

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Play the audio and follow instructions from the image


What I should do if I want to only install a new belief without deleting others? :smiley:

what are the instructions

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You will get an image after you buy it…it has the instruction…

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so, if i use it once a new belief will be installed right away.

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technically yes it should work at once…cuz it’s programmed to work instantly.

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did you buy and use it

You replace a negative belief with a positive using this audio

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How’s your experience been so far?

If you have belief “I am poor” and you just install “I am rich” you won’t see some difference. It’s important first to clean your house and then to get the new interior.


Is listening to the whole hour required?

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No, only when you are working with it.


@Maitreya so as I am playing the audio I repeat the command (out loud or in my head?) given in the image? How many times and for how long? Do you have a recommended way of using the reprogrammer?

You change it only once, you don’t need to repeat it.
It changes it instantly.


what exactly do you mean by this? do you have to be more detailed in the new installation or do we have to remove more limiting beliefs prior to the new installation?

for example why would you not see a difference in just saying “i am rich” but see a difference in “i understand that i am rich”