Names for Soul Contract Revocation

Some beings that are very powerful need to be called by their name when you want to cancel agreements with them. I’ve been working with this field DM: Soul Contract Revocation for a while now. It takes time for this mandala to track everything down, and I noticed that some beings trying to sneak out. When you call them out, it’s instant. I’m still recovering from my last “session”, but because I had a protector by my side, I went further than alone. Now I have a sinus and throat infection as a result of my healing crisis :roll_eyes: small price for that.
We have done maybe 40/130 names. (Please take it slowly if you are energy-sensitive). Not every name felt wrong or evil. With some, we struggled to read the formula. So, for us, it was an indicator that we had a contract with this being, and they didn’t want to let go. We used two fields: DM: Soul Contract Revocation + DM: Soul Fragment Retrival and words below:

I’m revoking all agreements, vows, and contracts with … and every other name they use at any time and in any space in the Universe. I’m cutting the cords and removing implants and seals. I’m recalling my soul pieces and returning their energy back to them.

Fallen Angels:

Lucifer - Traditionally viewed as the fallen angel who became the ultimate embodiment of evil and rebellion against God.
Samael - Sometimes equated with Satan, an angel often associated with severity.
Azazel - Taught humans to make weapons and cosmetics, according to the Book of Enoch.
Azael - Another angel who taught forbidden knowledge.
Shemyaza (also spelled Shemihazah) - Leader of the Watchers in some accounts.
Kokabiel - Taught astrology.
Armaros - Taught the resolving of enchantments.
Baraqel - Taught astrology.
Bezaliel - No specific accounts but listed among the Watchers.
Gadreel - Introduced weapons of war.
Penemue - Taught mankind the art of writing.
Kasdaye - Taught the children of men all the wicked smitings of spirits and demons.
Kasyade - Instructor of children in the resolving of enchantments.
Yeqon - One of the leaders who swore together to descend to the earthly plane.
Asbeel - Promised to bring the “sons of God” to mount Hermon.
Tamiel - Taught destructive enchantments.
Ramuel - Watcher of dubious repute.
Danel - Mentioned in some versions for his fall.
Chazaqiel (sometimes Tzadqiel) - Taught men the signs of the clouds (meteorology).
Sariel - Taught the course of the moon.
Rumjal - Responsible for teaching warfare.
Uzza - Also known as Ouzza or Uzzah, said to have been rebellious.
Ananiel - Influenced seasons and skies.
Batariel - Taught astrology.
Busasejal - Taught magical incantations.
Hananel - A guardian angel who fell.
Turel - Another version of the name Turiel, associated with the bull.
Simapesiel - Led humans astray.
Yetarel - Another fallen watcher.
Tumael - Taught the art of the moon.
Turiel - Sometimes associated with mountains and earth.
Rumael - Involved in some rebellious acts.
Zaquel - Taught disobedience to God.
Arakiel (also Arakiba) - Governed the earth.
Shamsiel - Once a guardian of Eden, taught the signs of the sun.
Satariel - Conceals God’s face, leading to the distortion of prophecy.
Sathariel - Associated with deception.
Sariel - Different from Sariel of the moon, taught the course of the stars.
Arazyal - Taught the signs of the earth.
Asael - Another spelling of Asa’el, taught men how to make weapons.
Akibeel - Taught signs.
Amers - Instructed in the slaying of souls and demons.
Anane - Led humans astray by charms and beauty.
Araqiel - Taught the signs of the earth.
Armaros - Also instructed in counteracting spells.
Artaqifa - Taught the signs of the earth.
Asbeel - Gave evil counsel regarding the beauty of women.
Atarculph - Associated with mysterious arts.
Atrugasis - Also instructed in mysticism.
Baraqijal (Baraqel) - Taught astrology.
Batarjal - Another instructor of astrology.
Bazqail - Taught the signs of the earth.
Chobaliel - Once a steward of heaven, taught agriculture.
Danel - Noted in the Book of Enoch for disobedience.
Ertrael - Taught the course of the moon.
Ezequeel - Taught knowledge of clouds.
Gadreel - Introduced weapons of war.
Gibbor - The mighty.
Gurson - Known for inducing lust.
Hakael - Associated with deceit.
Iuvart - A rebel in some accounts.
Jeqon - Led astray the sons of God.
Kasbel - Taught the signs of the writings.
Kawkabel - Taught the stars.
Kesabel - Instigated the rebellion.
Kokabel - Leader of the star-associated angels.
Lahatiel - Associated with destruction.
Luziel - Once a cherished luminary.
Matarel - Controlled the water of the earth.
Melechel - Taught art.
Naamah - Associated with seduction.
Nelchael - Fallen for arrogance.
Nisroc - Guardian of the realms.
Omiel - Involved in mystic arts.
Orus - Provided insights into the cosmic events.
Oureloph - A keeper of secrets.
Pamyel - Led astray through greed.
Peniel - Gave visions to mortals.
Rahab - A demon of the sea.
Ramlel - A watcher who fell.
Raum - Stealer of princes.
Rugziel - Known for his strength.
Salamiel - Once a guardian of heaven, taught the phases of the moon.
Samsapeel - A misleader.
Saraknyal - Associated with the moon.
Sathanel - Fell from grace.
Seriel - Misguided humans with beauty.
Shumiel - Another fallen.
Tabya - Inducer of error.
Tamlel - Another teacher of astral knowledge.
Tarel - Another guide in astrology.
Thammuz - Seasonal deity who fell.
Thausael - Taught pride.
Tumael - Taught animal husbandry.
Urakabarameel - Gave instruction in freedom.
Usiel - A minor transgressor.
Uzza - Known for pride.
Yomyael - Led astray through pride.
Zaafiel - Protector turned aggressor.
Zaqiel - A melancholy spirit.


Beelzebub - Often identified with Satan, known as the “Lord of the Flies” and high-ranking in the infernal hierarchy.
Asmodeus - A king of demons often associated with lust, depicted in the Book of Tobit.
Leviathan - A sea monster or serpent, symbolizing chaos and often considered a demon of envy in Christian demonology.
Baal - An ancient Canaanite deity who was demonized in Christian texts, associated with power and fertility.
Mammon - A demon of greed and wealth, often depicted as a deity that is worshipped.
Belphegor - A demon of sloth and invention, who seduces people by suggesting to them ingenious inventions that will make them rich.
Astaroth - A grand duke of Hell, often associated with laziness, vanity, and rationalized sins.
Lilith - Described in Jewish mythology as the first wife of Adam, known as a demon of the night and associated with sexual lasciviousness.
Azazel - Mentioned in the Bible and in Islamic texts, often associated with the scapegoat rite and seen as a leader of the fallen angels.
Abaddon - The “destroyer”, identified with Apollyon from the Book of Revelation, overseer of the abyss and plagues.
Samael - Often confused with Satan, a figure who is both angel and demon, associated with death and seduction.
Dagon - An ancient Mesopotamian and Philistine deity of agriculture, later transformed into a major demonic figure.
Moloch - A demon depicted as demanding child sacrifice, associated with the condemnation of such practices in the Bible.
Belial - Described in the Christian Bible as the personification of lawlessness and evil.
Baphomet - A symbolic creature with origins in mysticism, later adopted by various occult practices, symbolising the sum total of the universe.
Chemosh - A deity from Moabite religion, demonized in Christian tradition, associated with war and disaster.
Adrammelech - An Assyrian god who was later deemed a demon, associated with child sacrifice.
Pazuzu - Originally a Babylonian demonic god of the wind, brought into popular culture as a demon of the underworld.
Furfur - A powerful demon who causes love and storms, known in demonology as a count of Hell.
Gusion - Known for offering wisdom, understanding, and the resolution of disputes.
Valefar - A duke of Hell who tempts people to steal and is known for creating good relationships among thieves.
Barbatos - A great duke of Hell, commanding thirty legions, known for understanding the voices of animals and bending people’s will.
Stolas - A demon depicted as a wise owl or raven, teaching astronomy and the knowledge of poisonous plants.
Vine - A king of Hell who can tell the past, present, and future, causing wars and building towers.
Zagan - Can transform things, make them wise, and create water wine.
Orobas - A powerful prince of Hell who gives true answers about the past, present, and future and confers dignities and prelacies.
Halphas - A demon known to incite wars and marshal armies, portrayed as a stork in demonic lore.
Malphas - Grand president of Hell who builds high towers and fills them with weapons, also a great dissembler.
Andromalius - One of the mighty Earls of Hell who brings back both thieves and stolen goods, uncovers hidden treasures, and reveals all secrets.


Wow, this is a valuable list. If someone sits down to work on themselves, they will clear a lot of bad energies from within.

Rather than being associated with fertility, it’s more about indulgence and maintaining control over women by keeping them isolated. It also appeals to men, but it manipulates them in different ways. :slight_smile: Often, people think they are in control of it while it merely performs small tasks for them, which later cost much.

Very thoughtful work, well done. :clap:
How do you combine the mandalas in this work? Do you have to open the two mandalas you mentioned at the same time?
I think you have to be careful with saying these names out loud…isn’t that dangerous? :roll_eyes:
The Book of Solomon’s Keys contains names, this book contains names that if you work on your liberation from them, it contains the entire work.

Thank you very much

I had them in my MM but also printed when I worked with names. It was more in a ritual way.

More dangerous is having contracts with them.

From my own research and experience when you say things aloud would it be affirmation, declaration, or even revoking contracts it has more power. Your voice is a very powerful tool. Every spoken word has a frequency. Sound is what demons hate. Sound can be healing more than your own thoughts because your physical body resonates with bells and crystal bowls. We are made this way.
Search for the bells theory. Why do we no longer have bells with specific metals, why were they dismantled and buried?

I heard he was the Guardian of this planet back then, but he made the decision to work with demons instead of the Creator. Solomon’s lineage is highly respected in the Satanic cult. They’re all about bloodlines. But this is just theory. Might be right or might be wrong.

Many of names that are now demonized belong to beings that said ‘no’ to dark magic or guided humans to freedom. Some beings came here to help, ended up being worshipped (Ego hit in) and became slave masters. Some of the angels turned into dark ones, but I’ve seen a few getting back their Light. Soul evolution is not just a human experience.
But! You don’t need contracts with any beings. If you really want to be contacted, then I recommend the Creator. The only boss I have :smiley: apart from Maitreya in 3D ofcrs :blush:

What is MM?
After printing the mandalas, is there any statement that needs to be or should be said before and after the activation?

Regarding King Solomon, there are all kinds of stories about him and every religion and even sect takes his story to their place. :roll_eyes:

You’re right about the sounds, it was probably uncomfortable for someone or something that humanity had healing tools and wanted control over.
The only boss there really should be is God. :slightly_smiling_face:


Mandalas Manager

Read this:

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thanks a lots :clap: :100:

It’s a very extensive list but I think there are a lot of of beings whose names are not even listed or documented anyewhere for whatever reason.
But I don’t think it’s impossible to get rid of them in those cases.

Very welcome :slight_smile: I think everyone should read that thread at least once. There is a reply energised by Maitreya to help you out with clearing.

The Creator is always more powerful than any being, so you don’t need the name. I’ve been studying demonology for a few lifetimes, and there are ways to ‘force’ demons to say their names. You can even see it in modern movies about exorcists. That’s why dark beings keep their names secret. The most powerful way is to call them out in their demonic language, but this is not something that I would recommend to anyone, as this language is heavy, and you need to be firmly connected to the Source.

Thanks Polaris.
Sorry for the question…
Genius’ explanation is excellent but I didn’t really understand how you can release contracts based on every name on the list you made.
And by the way…what shield did you use? How did you activate it?


This is the formula for names.

I’ve done Genius’es Declaration first, and I had a heavy healing crisis. Then, I decided to revoke with names. If I can be honest, this is the best way. Go with Declaration first.

I had the Geralttt and a man who had very protective energy by my side. :pleading_face:I could see all demons stay away while he was simply there.

I really recommend DM: GERALTTT this field, and working actively to develop own protective skills. In case things get hot, you can use ‘Call to Action’. I used this many times when things got heavy. The response is immediate. I used ‘Strike Fear’ on a human once. Otherwise, I would get involved in the fight and would kick his ass. He left me alone. Plus, the ‘Superhuman Mode’ improves your physical strength, and you can use more fields without overloading :smiley:


thanks polaris :ok_hand:
I’m a little afraid to work with each name individually, although working with the Declaration composed by a genius, which as you said could cause a healing crisis…I think you’re right, just reading some of the names made my throat hurt. :roll_eyes:

Thanks and have a wonderful day

They are from the same mandala mentioned by @Polaris. Take a read.



Since you edited your previous response, I have no words to say🙃

I think I got an answer to my fear and doubt, thank you :heart: I almost forgot this DM existed. I was about to change my career goal :pleading_face: because I saw a video related and scared the wits out of me because the career I’m aiming and also directed to, will definitely involve Mafia and corrupt politicians in future. Also the career position is infamously known for generating black money and making lot of assets for self, but I rather die than go wrong route and join dark forces. But previously I was scared because honest officer will either get killed, blackmailed or get transfered here and there more. Also I’m just a fragile woman who wants a peaceful life and no struggle, I did feel I have some purpose here on the earth and why HS is directing to this career and my death will be near. OR maybe I’m being too dramatic :sneezing_face:, I don’t know. Because I had synchronicity of situations which made me think like this.

I’m still not clear what is my career is and I keep begging my HS to change my career or give me clear vision what to do but it keeps saying the same career position name, thats it. But seeing these two posts of contracts and vows, and GERALTTT I will be back on track. I will take it as signs and guidings by angels and God. Also I’m in a do or die situation so I will definitely study for this exam :sneezing_face: and I hope I pass, otherwise my mom will marry me off to a random stranger, she’s already seeing matches. I think Universe is testing me, shaking me :sneezing_face:, but also it’s showing me paths and insights, grateful :pray:

Sorry for the rants and bearing me till here :bowing_woman:t2::purple_heart:

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The fields are quite new to me, but I read the description of the mandala and understood it, which is why I edited the response. I was quite surprised by your response…so I asked for the explanation of your response.

Unfortunately, in every country, power makes people lose their inner compass.
But don’t be sorry either… the story you tell strengthens others.

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I’m sorry, If I sounded rude :bowing_woman:t2::heartpulse:, I meant no harm. I guess I responded before you edited so. And I understood it wrongly when you responded…???. I’m sorry :sneezing_face::heartpulse: