Self-Declaration: Overcoming Black Magic and More

This thread is dedicated to Self-Declaration statements as a prayer to get rid of influences that are haunting your life. I may add more statements and update this thread whenever I can.

Here are the steps you can follow:

  • Use the Soul Contract Revocation DM and give it a strong intention to find all the contracts and agreements you have given to the dark side, evil, and any being of the dark side, and revoke them all.

  • Connect with your Higher Self, Guide, or Supreme Self and make the following declarations:

Note: I would recommend using the Higher Self Audio / Mandala or Divine Invocation while you read it with full power and will.

Before you start, say this: ‘I don’t allow anyone else to interfere with the connection between the Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self.’

  • My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self, I declare that I refuse to serve evil and dark side beings, the entire egregore of evil, I refuse to connect with their energies and laws and ask My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme self to give me the clear sense that it is my right, and to remove any fear of death, or that dark side beings can and have the ability to harm me in any way. My consent to this is now retracted in all lives, dimensions, between dimensions, all times, and all other places they are given in the Universe, All my energy be returned from these places fully purified, whole, and all separated parts and consciousnesses that are only mine to be cleansed from all this and to be returned to me and my soul.

  • My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self, I Retract any vows, contracts, consents, or agreements, to evil, dark side, dark side beings. If I have performed magick/sorcery in any life or violated the free will of other beings, now renounce all the benefits I gained through these powers. give me the sensation needed to know that the Universe cares for me and provides me everything I need, without using the services of beings from the 4th and 5th dimensions.

  • My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self, I Request all illusions within me that evil/dark side beings are strong to be removed. All illusions and realities that make me believe that I can’t cope and that they will never leave me, never let me escape from them.

  • My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self, If I have ever attacked other beings in a past life, another dimension, or between dimensions, I ask my Higher Self/Guide/Supreme self to energetically target these people/beings and cleanse the suffering that I have caused them, to provide them with complete healing up to the soul level, and to receive the greatest benefits and blessings possible based on their experience.

  • My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self, I Release absolutely all implants, influences, and emotions that allow me to have holes in my aura and let dark side beings pierce through it.

  • My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self, Remove all the reasons within me that allow and permit evil/dark side beings to attack/manipulate/influence me and Please destroy seals, implants, devices, imprints, energy, and anything that was placed by alien races, evil, dark side beings, that are placed in mind, body, aura, chakras or anywhere in the body on all levels, destroy them on all levels from the source without the right to come back.

  • My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self, Release all soul fragments that don’t belong to me, clear them, and return them to their rightful owner. do the same for people to whom I have given my power or soul fragments: release them, clear them, and bring them back into my own energy field.

  • My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self, Please find and destroy all chanting, servitors, ill intentions, morphic fields, fields, and any energy attempting to harm me. Break all bonds related to the owner of servitors. Cut all cords. Send all entities, demons, and other beings that are maintaining these influences into the Creator’s light without the right to return.

  • My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self, All my energy, soul fragments, and everything that belongs to me, to be extracted from the owner of servitors, cleared by the Creator’s light, and get back to me for my highest and best. Everything that belongs to the owner of servitors, All their energy, soul fragments, and everything that belongs to them to be back to them.

  • My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self, Please destroy all the thought forms, and send them into the Creator’s light without the right to return.

  • My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self, All energetical fields or influences that are not from the highest realms of light to be destroyed without the right to return.

  • My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self, Send any entity or being that is attached to me, my body, chakras, aura, or anywhere in the body on all levels into the Creator’s light without the right to return.

  • My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self, Remove all attachments, cords, devices, implants, and anything draining my life force, chakra, and any energy center energy. Prevent their return, and restore all stolen energy to its rightful place purified by the creator’s light.

  • My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self, Find and destroy any sorcery, black magic, spell, hex, or curse made against me at its source.

  • My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self, all radionics/psionics used against me to be destroyed.

  • :new: My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self, If there is any being or entity from the dark side attached to me or present around me, please send it to the light without the right to return. If any being or entity from the dark side refuses to go, call it by its name and send it to the light without the right to return.

  • My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self sends me the healing that I need right now. (It will fill the gaps left after destroying the seals, implants, devices, etc.)


Feel free to share how you felt after your experience and any other thoughts or insights you’d like to provide.


I definitely feel better, so much gunk in my spiritual energetic construct, good to have reminders that these energies are actually extremely weak.

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In the process of saying the statements I feel as if an energetic force or pleasant breeze was cleansing my field, or my being.


I’d like to mention, if you feel fear or thoughts of stopping the process, don’t give up. These may come from the dark side to deter you while you declare the statements.


Can we add destroyed all radionics/ psionics used against us to harm are life .


I did it yesterday. I had a pain in my left ankle and hard buzzing all over my body. But i have it always if I relax 30 seconds. After these seconds my body starts buzzing.

Should i recognize something? Didn’t see a change in my life

Thanks in advance

Added! :muscle:


I sense that you still have entities around you. Read the instructions and repeat the process. Before you start, say this: 'I don’t allow anyone else to interfere with the connection between the Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self.


Thank you for scanning @Genius !
I believed that im free of entities, because I used exorcism and clearing audios in parts for over a year. Now i think that it’s because of entities that i dont get connected consciously with my higher self, the divine and that some fields don’t work. Even some fearful and angry thoughts that are popping up in rhythms and for no reason so to say… I will follow your advice and see. Even reduce my playlist and focus on entity clearing. Do i have to know these entities for working with the field send entities into white light?

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Most of the time, no. However, sometimes many 5th-dimensional demons and beings don’t go unless you call them by their names.

Try this; it should work: “My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self, If there is any being or entity from the dark side attached to me or present around me, please send it to the light without the right to return. If any being or entity from the dark side refuses to go, call it by its name and send it to the light without the right to return.”

Do you think it works if I put these statements in a text and then in the emitter field? To transmit the energy of these affirmations, will it work to have 24/7 protection and cleanliness?

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These statements work when you mentally or verbally state them with your free will and power.

I’m not sure if this can work with the Emitter that way. Since it is the Higher Self, Guide, or The Supreme Self whom you ask to process the said statements, however, I think you can give it a try, but you must mentally or verbally state the statements with your free will and power at least once.


How would you say for wormhole, or open portals who interfere with person field or sucking life force etc…

Thanks for this @genius
I have been facing a lot darkness lately.
I read all sentences aloud with the divine invocation mandala in the Digital Mandala and meanwhile I was reading I felt feelings in my body of light and releasing and relief.
I feel lighter and purer now.


@Genius Is there a way to know if you are influenced by dark forces or entities? Like some clear and notable sign, something physical, mental, etc?


It’s different for everyone; some may become depressed, angry, aggressive, or fearful, while others may start to worry about everything, and for some, there will be no signs.

However, many people feel irritations when there is an entity attached to them. This irritation causes them to react out of their nature; they do things they don’t want to. The inner voice gets weakened; you hear it still, but you don’t listen to it. If you try to connect with your Higher Self, you won’t feel like doing it or feel as if it is weak and can’t do anything. There will be a feeling of helplessness as there is nothing that can help you, and you are alone. You will start to victimize yourself for everything in life. When you hear the Supreme Self, you will want to ignore it with full power and will try to pretend as if there is no such thing that exists or will feel as if the Supreme Self does not care about you, etc.

You start to feel that dark forces are powerful and develop a willingness to go there to use their power and stuff as if they are your friends, etc. There will be a feeling as if your consciousness is trapped, and you are not making your decisions. It’s a subtle feeling, mostly the same as if you are roped or trapped with something and not able to do anything.

These are some examples they use on people. Their only aim is to put a veil between you, the Higher Self, and the Supreme so you don’t go there for help. And they have full control over your consciousness. They do all they can by picking up your weaknesses and using them against you. They can go to any extent to put you down. Whenever something is wrong with you, you’ll get the hitch. It’s up to you if you catch it or not. If you ask yourself if there is any entity attached to me and if there is doubt in your mind for this, then most of the time the answer is yes. Also, if the feeling is heavy, the answer is yes; if light, the answer is no.

However, I think you should try this to get answers:

Stand up, close your eyes, feet firmly on the ground, body loose so it can move. Say three times out loud ‘YES, YES, YES,’ and the body will sway forward. Then say three times ‘NO, NO, NO,’ and the body sways backward. Then say a statement that can be answered with a yes or no question then see what your body will say. The body has a connection to the subconscious, so it knows things you don’t know you know.


Dear @Genius thanks again :slight_smile:

After over an hour I am now through mut the process. I also used the comprehensive resistance resolver, infinetily repeater, connect with spiritual guardians and send entities to white light while repeating each of these statements three times, each time saying at the end: this is my will. In the beginning I always said my higher self, my spirit guides, my creator and my highest self. Could not do so much with the word guide🙈

In the beginning I still felt enormous doubts and such thoughts, but gradually developed such a subtle sense of power or strength. I sweated a little on the torso, had vibrations and buzzing throughout the body, sometimes in waves. A slight pinching and twitching in the legs and heat sensations. Constantly a varying very high frequency sound in the ear/head.
Now at the end I feel a little strange.

Not sure what was happening now, but I think only good.

Does this process get me around the soul contract revocation and the exorcism prayer mandalas for now? What do you think? Can’t afford them right now. Oh and should this process take effect immediately?

Best regards and thanks again :slight_smile:


I would recommend doing this every day. Also, establish a routine to connect with your Higher Self or the Supreme Self. When doing so, always affirm, ‘I don’t allow anyone else to interfere with the connection between my Higher Self’ and ‘I only want to connect with my Higher Self and nobody else.’ This precaution will help you avoid deception by other beings and entities posing as your Higher Self.

The field has certain programming to find contracts, and revoking them can help you a lot with it. But, in case you can’t get it, you can state this statement:

My Higher Self/Guide/Supreme Self, please find all the contracts, agreements, and consent, knowingly or unknowingly, that I have given to the dark side, evil, and any being of the dark side, and revoke them all.

Yes, the effects are instant once you state it with your free will and full power.