Money Amplifier: The Financial Flux Multiplier

Anyone else experimenting with this field? I tried using x million and it felt very powerful, a bit like being strucked by lightning. Very interesting how far one can go with this field.


If i just listen to the audio while sleeping and if i don’t say command word while what might be the result

It might help you to change your beliefs about money and wealth, but it won’t multiply your spending. The key is to say verbally or mentally the command “Multiply by …” to create the vortex.

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does mandalas work on my computer screen if the whole picture is not on the screen?

The mandala on the wallpaper shouldn’t be cropped. The picture should be in one piece. Size is not important.


I am still not sure how to set the intention to multiply the automatic payments. For example soon patreon will bill me the amount for subscription to maitreya fields, how do I set up the intention that the money is directly multiplied? I saying somehting like " Everytime the payment is patreon is activated the amount is multiplied by x2" or something like that, while having the mandala open in front of me? How often should this one be repeated? Thank you.


Stating it once is sufficient. You can use the phrasing you wrote.


Thank you.

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saying only the word “MULTIPLY” also works?

i seem to have resistance or not feeling good whenever i say "multiply by (insert any number) "

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Should I say this before payment or after payment? Do I have to tell you every time I pay? Is there an automatic mode?

I would examine the reason behind this. Have you tried ‘Multiply by 2’? You can start from small numbers and then increase it with time.
This command is programmed in the field, so I would use it this way for the most optimal results.

It can be before or after, whenever it suits you.
Yes, you should say this command every time you make a payment for the most optimal results.

Automatic mode will work only on standing orders, regular automated payments, direct debit etc You can follow similar command like here:


it seems my issue is expecting,
for instance i spend 1000 in my currency for groceries, when i say multiply by 2,3,4,5

my mind is expecting to recieve 2000,3000,4000,5000

but when i use “multiply” only , i can let go easily, no expectation on how much will return or from where it will come

Maybe this could be a deep-rooted fear of disappointment. If there is no expectation, then there is no disappointment.


The Art of Letting Go?

Seems I can’t make this field work for me either. Or maybe it is working but I can’t see it yet. The culprit for me is that I want to secure a comfortable lifestyle after retiring in the future. In the now I have a pretty good job salary, decent savings…

I’ve tried varying the multiply from x 2 to 100 000. Also adding “or more” after the chosen number.
I am doing several beliefs/blockages fields.
Thinking there must be some deep rooted way I’m feeling about this that I just can’t break through.

Maybe my worry about a future retirement is blocking the now?
Or my HS knows I’m checking out of this incarnation when retiring. So if that’s the goal…:wink:

Or maybe I’m at some level not motivated enough cause what I really want above anything else is true love. (interesting about this part is that there is no desperation just a deep desire to experience it)
We can have both of course, but perhaps a part of me still makes love and money contradictory in some way?

So maybe fear of the future, disappointments in general, lack of trust.

Any suggestions?

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Points for consideration

  1. Influence of the familial system and money-related scripts. Having more is risky or lead to appropriate and unwanted scenarios – death, rejection, illness, violence etc.

  2. Influence of past embodiments and money-related experiences.

  3. Injected their own meanings into the definition of money, which differ from the creator’s meanings.

Behind money can stand

Pleasure and comfort
Satisfaction of children’s needs

We attach various meanings to money, but money is simply a specific type of energy. And the attitude should be appropriate.

  1. Not allowing oneself to have more. You simply don’t need to have more money; there are no internal meanings to have more. For example, you wear T-shirts and buy them for $20. Now go to a store and buy a T-shirt for $300. You may resist the purchase because you don’t see the point in it. This applies to absolutely everything: food, clothing, gadgets, travel.

  2. Money comes in response to needs. For example, there are people who declare, “I cannot earn less than $100,000 per month. That’s for buying this, giving to that, paying for the children, paying for the house/ I cannot have less. That’s my minimum.” And there are those who can live on any amount per month.

  3. A person energetically may not be ready to handle large sums of money. It’s like winning the lottery, where, upon winning a large amount, one spends absolutely everything down to zero very quickly.

  4. There’s no real focus on money, prosperity, abundance. To have money, possess it, let large sums flow through you. It’s not interesting at all, but spiritual growth – yes, that’s where 90% of attention is concentrated.

  5. Money comes through people. If there are poor relationships with people, money will manifest through people very reluctantly and weakly. Harmonious relationships with men are formed through harmonious relationships with the father. Harmonious relationships with women are formed through harmonious relationships with the mother. And all of this is on the energetic level. Without working through relationships with parents, you’ll have conflicts with people around you, affecting the amount of money.

  6. New money comes to you in the form of opportunities (primarily through people), rather than arriving like a package through the window.

  7. Keep in mind, destiny finds it challenging to multiply your income if you go to work for a long-awaited coveted salary (which you squander on trivial things and then dive into consumer loans), with closed eyes and ears, silently and passively expecting gifts from the world. Declare yourself to the world, don’t be afraid to experiment (advertise your products and services on open platforms, let your talents be known to friends, etc.).


Not a suggestion but a question.
How are you differentiating desperation from deep desire? Is deep desire defined on the lines of not running after something and being complete in oneself and still wishing to experience something



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And here is your blockage. You feel like you can be rich or happily in love, but not both. So you are sabotaging this. What if this could come to you at the same time?

This field is all about that limitation.

How about changing the approach to a more playful one? You play a game with the Universe every time you say this commands, so it’s light, bright and without attachment. That money will come eventually. You don’t care when. Just play the game and have fun.

I like all 10 points, they are very well made! But this one is something that people ignore quite often. This could be an investor who wants to invest money in your project that will bring you even more opportunities.

If you do not complete yourself first, you will attract people with the same issue. The most popular ‘attachment type’ and ‘avoidance person’ will always attract each other, creating a lack of understanding and hurt each other.


Thank you @Hero and @Polaris for your suggestions.
I’ll take them all under thourogh consideration. :slight_smile:
Starting off with the Limitless Good Karma Booster. :+1:


I always forget when I say multiply every time I pay, and say okay after paying?

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