Money Amplifier: The Financial Flux Multiplier

Question : lets say my father gave me money to buy something for my kid and upon payment i will say the “multiply” ,

how will the “multiply command” work in that situation - will it work for me or for my father?

It works for you


Hmm, I see a tremendous opportunity to practice this, as a big part of my job is about purchasing supply and taking care of the invoices. Many, many more transactions than in my private life. :wink:


I just got this DM yesterday. I used it this morning when I bought bread from a bakeshop and this afternoon, a friend paid me a hundred pesos as part of an amount he still owes me. I feel it’s starting to work for me.

@Maitreya Can I also use this DM in a restobar after I pay the cashier after drinking beers with friends? We meet on weekends and I just want to clarify since taking alcoholic drinks may affect the power of this DM. Thanks.

Can I also use this DM in a restobar after I pay the cashier after drinking beers with friends? We meet on weekends and I just want to clarify since taking alcoholic drinks may affect the power of this DM. Thanks.

I don’t see any issue, why it should not be working with alcoholic drinks, though you might get too drunk and forget to use the “multiply” keyword :sweat_smile:

Now the bigger question is what can we do to increase the amount we allow to flow back into our life? I mean this field seems to be literally life changing, the more you spend the more you recieve, without any limits, how much you spend/how much you can recieve back,apart from your own limitation. Amazing work @Maitreya

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Wow! The following day, this same friend of mine called, we met and went to a bank in the city to withdraw money. He paid me the remainder 500 pesos which completes the book transaction and my share.

I continue to use this DM daily in buying bread and fruits for our household. I feel so empowered and confident in receiving money with this DM. Thanks a lot for this @Maitreya !


@skyhigh You can say it about absolutely everything. The more, the better!

Hi, does the “multiply” command need to be said in English or would it work said in Spanish (my native language)?

Thanks! :wink:


Works in any language. Humans understand language, universe understands intention (feelings) :slight_smile:

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Have you guys noticed any difference when you pay via card or cash? It seems to me that the effect when I payed with cash seemed to be stronger, or at least felt this way. I will have to test it further. And the other question how can we increase the amount we are able to recieve back? Basically how to open ourselves to recieve more money back?

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It works the same on cash and card. It could be you think that digital mandala works better on digital money. Practising gratitude is the best way for expansion. You will notice how much you have already.

Plus, I’d try this:

If this resonates with you.


does this field have passive effect just by carrying the mandala ?

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You need to use” Multiply by.…” to create vortex. But on standalone mode, I realized that gratitude comes naturally to me. I don’t worry about my finances at all. I feel happy when I pay my bills (because I know it will come back to me multiplied).
I noticed that multiplying x1000 up to x8000 works best for me. It is way more than enough for me. Sometimes even less because I feel like I have everything I need. This is exactly the right spot.
So far I’ve experienced at least 7 unexpected money incomes in different ways.
Estate agent decided to charge me 1% instead of 2% for selling my flat, lawyer reduced fees, my car was fixed for less than I had prepared, refund etc
What I also noticed, I don’t spend money without thinking. Using “Multiply” is like mindfulness shopping. And I love it!

I am not on “I need to save” mode because it creates fear of lack in the future, I am on “I am gathering money because I love this energy and I will think twice before I will share it”.

When I was struggling financially, I played the lotto hoping that it will solve my all issues and help my family. I don’t need millions anymore. I am happy with what I have. I wish that state of mind for everyone, honestly :blush:


This field seems to be a game changer. Especially the part of you being worry free about your finances, this one is a biggie.Because even rich people are sometimes afraid of loosing money and being broke, or that they have to protect their wealth.

And as you said now paying bills is not as painful anymore, fore example nobody likes to pay taxes, but with this field it’s more like a way to let even more wealth flow back into your life.

I noticed that multiplying x1000 up to x8000 works best for me

Do you consciously do that? I just imagine money flowing back to be without any special amount.
And from your previous answer:

It could be you think that digital mandala works better on digital money.

I had the feeling that the effect felt stronger for me wth the physical cash, maybe because it was more present, more “real”.


I took the description literally. And it works best for me when I use specific numbers. This also helped me to remember to think about command. I even printed x1000 on my bank card smile: I keep asking myself, “How much money back can I handle?” This is also an indicator of my growth. I can accept more because I deserve more, but I will not be greedy at the same time.

That is quite reasonable. slightly_smiling_face: I don’t use cash at all, I always pay with my phone :laughing: Always worth working on limitations.

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It’s important when using the mandala to state a number that feels comfortable to you and to increase it over time. By saying “over time,” I don’t mean to wait, quite the contrary.

For instance, if you now say to increase by 5000, but you feel discomfort - look within yourself and sense what that discomfort is. For example, if you feel that it’s too much for you, you can immediately affirm that in the Universe there’s an infinitely inexhaustible amount of money and that you easily accept this sum.

Then, say again to increase by 5000 or even more. In this way, over time, raise the limit of incoming abundance towards you and your comfort with it.

The influx of money to you does not depend on how much work you’ve done, but on how you feel about having that money.

Field works with card/cash/bitcoins and all payment options.


Thank you very much for your answer, @Maitreya
So if I am not missing something, then this field is really the ultimate wealth field because the more you spend, the more money is flowing back to you, and the more money you have to spend. And spending can be anything, even giving money to charity and so on. To make the process of the money flowing back to you easier, maybe it’s best to have a job or profession that allows for such flow? I mean, if you have a fixed income, the money has to find a way to flow to you, rather than when you are self-employed, for example, where a new client can easily appear and hand you the money. Or is it more like a limiting belief of mine?

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Money and abundance can be obtained in various ways. Beliefs that limit a person to thinking they can only earn money from their job are restrictive beliefs that should be cleared. As well as beliefs like “I have to work hard to earn money”. Really? There are so many people who work much less than others and earn more than those who overwork. For instance, graphic designers who create passive income can earn much more than those who work with clients daily. I recommend looking into how you can generate passive income from your business or the work you do, so that your effort and money work for you, rather than you working for them. Combining this mindset with this field can multiply your earnings.

Apart from your job, there are many other ways material things and money can come to you. I suggest you work on this topic within yourself and be open to other sources of abundance the universe offers you.


Instead of spending can I affirm while investing a certain some of money and expect result?



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