Mandala Suggestions

I understand, thank you for your response once again

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Something like limit breaker but for the physical body: Biokinesis Enhancer or something.Constantly upgrades/helps the cells/rna/dna adapt and evolve for physical fields/subs etc.Gets their permission/cooperation/remove senescent cells/create new/better cells etc. Remove subconcious resistance to this. Remove consensus reality/Matrix blocks etc. Use zero point energy to keep from draining/harming the body. Scan each person and progress at a healthy rate. And anything else that whould help. :+1:


Mandala servitor mastery:

  • Create easy super powerful servitors
  • Being a master creating servitors, download the knowledge to know everything about servitors
  • Only create positive servitors that help you, other people, animals, things, places
  • Gain de ability to see your servitors and hear them as if was in 3D

@Maitreya A mandala that replaces food. When placed near you or on you for a while creates the nutrients from a whole meal (please plant based) and fills the stomach.

Place it near you or on you for let’s say a few minutes when hungry and it will be as if you have just eaten. Store it when you feel full. Use again when hungry.

I’ve been hearing about a coming fake food shortage and this would be nice to have on hand.


I’m intensively using the hercules field, I finally managed to do the planche, calisthenic movement, it gave me tremendous strength, I think maitreya could make a field for calisthenics and body awareness…

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DM: Body Scan & Bruce Lee Knowledge & Knowledge of bruce lee


we need the love bomb mandala


SR V5 (Beyond “The Reality Note”?) Not sure if that would be a field or mandala.

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A mandala for the Relationship Healing audio that you could just write the name of the person/persons that you would like to heal your relationship with or a photo and leave it on or near the mandala, and the mandala would start to heal those relationships.

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Pride, Prejudice and Objectification Dissolver Mandala -

The mandala will both subconsciously and in the moment when it happens, dissolve any pride (negative pride), prejudice and objectification and replace it with unconditional love.

Frequency extractor mandala cannot do that?

That suggestion was before the Frequency Extractor – Master Mandala came out. Yes the mandala can do that because the brainwaves are frequencies


Good to know thanks


Home odor neutralizer


Field Optimizer (a smart field that activates/deactivates specific mandalas, based on what is best for you at every given moment) - it would do this through creating a connection to your Higher Self, who already know’s what’s best for you at every moment, and would give priority to the fields that you need, at the perfect level of strength of each one, also while preventing energy overload.


A fantastic idea, it could also encompass fields and subliminals.

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Yes, you could carry it alongside your mandalas, field storage item, or the mandala manager, and would also work with Maitreya’s pendants, Sapien tags, etc

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Palo Santo mandala


Painkiller mandala for those in pain.