Fields Suggestions v2

A field to remove the belief that one needs to take other’s problems onto their shoulders or to absorb others problems and the pain they suffer from their problems.

It helps with conditioning a lot a bring a correct judgement so with time you will not feel that need, because you will be aware it’s not your responsibility. DM: Become the Master of Your Life

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A field to help with language translation and interpretation professionally, perhaps as an addon to the professional series or its own thing

A field thats kind of like a love and kindness bomb and prevents S### A*** and blackmail in the area for whatever radius that can be accomplished.

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Please Create a Field for Balanced Methylation. To overcome under/Overmethylation. More than 30% of the world population are in these methylation imbalance. Undermethylation is exist about 22 % of world population, most times undermethylation is not a problematic. But Overmethylation always problematic. There are mixed methylators also whose problems are undermethylation in some area and Overmethylation in anothor area.
Methylation is a hot topic right now in medical field.
Please make a field to solve these imbalances. :pray:t2:.

A field for automated hydration.

What this would do is to maybe absorb moisture from the air to hydrate the body so one wouldn’t need to drink water anymore.

a field for humour and comedy


Please Create a Field For Healing Aspergers Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder ) :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:.

Based on the work of Lester Levenson, the creator of the Sedona Method, the goal is to release all negative emotions, thoughts, and feelings from your system. This process involves addressing and clearing these elements across thought, feeling, emotion, frequency, and vibration, spanning all time and space within your body, energy field, and even simultaneous parallel incarnations. The outcome is an expansion of consciousness, enhanced emotional well-being, and a quieter mind.


  • Anger: Feelings of frustration, irritation, or rage.
  • Fear: Anxieties, worries, and phobias.
  • Sadness: Feelings of grief, depression, or sorrow.
  • Guilt: Regret, shame, or remorse.
  • Stress: Tension, overwhelm, or pressure.


  • Limiting Beliefs: Thoughts that restrict personal growth or potential.
  • Negative Self-Talk: Critical or self-deprecating thoughts.
  • Worries: Concerns about the future or past.
  • Resentments: Holding onto grudges or past hurts.
  • Doubts: Uncertainty about oneself or one’s abilities.

Addressing and releasing these emotions and thoughts can lead to greater emotional freedom and well-being.

Edit Suggestion: Additionally, for further consideration, I would suggest including the following for your review, @Maitreya:

  • Apathy
  • Grief
  • Lust
  • Pride
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A personal fragrance bubble, to filter out smells harmful/ harsh to our systems; to register the necessary information but block out the smell that can contaminate the senses.

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Ok, I am going to go all out here.
I used the power of Copilot (of course), as I may have the ability to compose an extended text describing what I want, but Copilot has a different wordsmith ability, that I believe I may still lack.

Without further ado, please look below for a suggestion that it is a little bit of fantasy (D&D), a bit of wishful thinking and something expanded.

Energetic Field RPG System

Introduction: Welcome to the world of the Energetic Field RPG System, where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur. This unique system allows you to harness the power of an energetic field to interact with your body and soul. Through this field, you can acquire new skills, sense your current abilities, and manage enhancements and impairments. Dive into a realm where your daily decisions shape your growth and experience.

Skill Acquisition:

  • New Skills: Unlock new abilities through experiment and practice. Each time you engage in a specific action or challenge, the energetic field responds, gradually imbuing you with new skills.
  • Existing Skills: Sense and manage your current skill set. Each skill is categorized and felt with detailed descriptions, levels, and progress bars.

Enhancements and Impairments:

  • Current Enhancements: Feel the active positive effects that boost your abilities.
  • Current Impairments: Sense any negative effects that may hinder your performance. Impairments can be removed or mitigated by specific actions or through the help of other energetic fields.

Skill Attribution Points:

  • Allocation: Earn skill experience points through dedicated practice. These points will be allocated automatically to enhance the relevant abilities you are working on and consistently put effort.

Stat Attributes:

  • Primary Stats: Feel your core attributes such as Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. As you connect more deeply with the system, you become more attuned to these stats.
  • Secondary Stats: Sense additional attributes like Health, Energy, Stamina, and Luck. These stats provide a deeper layer of understanding and spiritual growth.

Bonus Experience Points (XP):

  • Daily XP Allocation: Each day, receive a set amount of free experience points that you can apply to any skill or stat of your choice. If you do not choose, the XP will be automatically applied to a random skill or stat that you actively use and is deemed necessary by the field.
  • Quests and Challenges: Your daily tasks serve as quests and challenges, each potentially containing a random amount of bonus XP. This bonus XP is applied to your chosen skill/stat for the day or to the randomly selected skill/stat by the field.


  • Skill Network: A sensory representation of your skills and their progression. As you connect more deeply with the field, you can intuitively navigate through different branches to understand and further plan your development.
  • Effect Tracker: A real-time understanding of your current enhancements and impairments, allowing you to manage your status effectively.
  • Stat Overview: A comprehensive sensory experience of your primary and secondary stats, providing insights into your strengths and weaknesses.

Quick review: The Energetic Field RPG System offers a dynamic and immersive understanding of your being, blending the mystical with the tangible. By harnessing the power of the field, you can shape your journey, acquire new skills, and grow stronger every day. Embrace life, live the every day adventure and let your decisions guide your destiny.

A field that allows us to integrate higher and lower expressions of a zodiac sign.

Professional Volleyball skills download and integration

@Maitreya :pray:

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@Maitreya , please make a Mandala for Psychology Knowl edge. The audio is great