Fields Suggestions v2

A field that works with the shadow side of our mind.

It would bring very aggressively our shadow to surface to be processed so that we couldn’t ignore it or suppress it. Basically what has been seen cannot be unseen.

Also something to add is to help the user look at their shadow side with neutrality and acceptance rather than immediately criticizing what comes up. That the field would block any kind of negative critique that would maybe block the processing of the shadow.

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For the second part, you can use the unconditional love field from YT. Also “Fight or flight”. :slight_smile:

For the first- Trauma release. Our shadow side is just unprocessed emotions and sometimes some entity which makes people mind believing that they have evil side and thats ok. So, Soul contracts removal.


A field designed to treat all types of hernias, Inguinal hernia, Umbilical hernia, Femoral hernia, Incisional hernia, sliding hernia, etc. :pray: :hospital:

I think there’s more to that.

If we identify as a good person our mind then protects that view of ourselves and blocks all that would go against this view and puts it in the shadow. I suffered years of chronic stress but the fact was that I had done some nasty things to others but since I identified myself as a good person, I didn’t know it was me who had been abusive. “Somebody here is an abuser, it can’t be me, it has to be somebody outside of me out to get me”. @Maitreya

Mantra Connector

Connecting to the consciousness of mantras, and prayers and intelligently streaming mantras to ones aura picked by higher self for protection, wellbeing, abundance, obstacle remover, etc. Mantra energy streamed must be from the unlocked version of the mantra

Mantra requestor: Request specific mantras to be streamed to aura 24/7 or for higher self to choose mantras for specific goals to be streamed to aura

Sadhana Automation:
Certain practices require visualization and other processes. Gives the ability to put files into folder to automate a spiritual process. Directed by subconscious utilizing subconscious connector parts.

Protections by higher self to make sure power gained does not affect others negatively

@Maitreya I hope this is possible


Greetings. Could you please create two other audios related to the “Healing the baby in the womb” program?
One for healing/recovering from “bad stuff” that we received/accumulated at the time of conception.
One for healing/recovering from the “bad stuff” we received/accumulated at the time of actual birth.
Basically, the same kinds of effects/benefits provided by the “healing the baby in the womb” program but applied to the moments of conception and the moment of birth. Hope that makes sense. Blessings

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Further to my comment above with ideas as a request (and wish) to see more fields that are focused on anti-aging, longevity, and health oriented formulas. Inspired by NOVOS solution would be huge (

Similar to the already available field for Keratin but for the following (or even the first 3 below as all-in-one):

  • Vitamin C
  • Hyaluronic Acid
  • Collagen
  • Omega 3
  • NMN / NR (NAD+ precursors)
    & Other Longevity Molecules (i.e. resveratrol, fisetin, quercetin, rapamycin, spermidine, metformin, and berberine)
  • Omega 3 to Omega 6 Ratio Balance


  • Genetically modify the body’s capabilities to naturally synthesize Vitamin C & D
  • Vitamin C production gene fix in Humans (GULO gene)
  • ORMUS (Monoatomic Gold)
    ORMUS gold was used in Ancient Egypt as a medicine and for spiritual practices . It is also said to have been used in alchemy, a type of medieval chemistry that sought to transform ordinary metals into gold and to find the elixir of life.
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber / Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a type of treatment used to speed up healing of carbon monoxide poisoning, gangrene, and wounds that won’t heal . It is also used for infections in which tissues are starved for oxygen.

Wish that you will find at least something out of this list interesting and worth creating @Maitreya, thank you and God bless.

A field to get rid of the trait of needing to be charming.

I’ve adapted this trait due to past trauma I think and I think this is a coping mechanism(being charming).

I’ve come to the conclusion that releasing this trait lifts off a weight off the shoulders in the sense that there would be one less thing to focus on, making life easier when interacting with others and in general.

Releasing this trait would also make one feel more like their true authentic self.

Needing to be charming is also a form of manipulation as the person charms the other meaning the other is not in their best form to discern the charmer, it’s like a spell has been put on to the charmed one. So in a sense being charming is a form of abuse in my opinion. And because perpetrator trauma is a thing, where the perpetrator also suffers because what you do to others you do to yourself, it would be important to let go of this trait because of this as well.

What about hair color manipulation?
If you artificially stimulate the production of a specific pigment in your hair, you can achieve the desired shade of hair color without chemical dyes
It is known that
“Hair color is determined by the content of two pigments - eumelanin and pheomelanin
If a large amount of eumelanin is synthesized, then the hair color becomes dark - brown (if pheomelanin is present in sufficient quantities) or black (if there is a lot of eumelanin and very little or no pheomelanin). In the case of less eumelanin production, the hair acquires light brown shades (with a warm reddish tint if there is a lot of pheomelanin, and a cold tint if there is little). Red hair color is the result of a very large amount of pheomelanin and an almost complete absence of eumelanin. Hair becomes blond if pheomelanin is synthesized in relatively small portions, and eumelanin is practically not produced.”

Mandalas that stimulate the production of a specific pigment to correct the desired level of hair tone towards dark or towards light from the current native level of hair color

A Field for DIAGNOSING what fields a person needs! The answers must come in the form of feelings, in a dream or some other way. The site has a lot of fields on different topics. It is not always clear what exactly you need to solve your situation. Because it’s not always obvious that exactly what you think will help! Let’s say you want to solve the problem of money or relationships, but it turns out that the problem is the influence of some entities, or the oaths of the soul in a past life, and so on. How to understand this? Considering that even on the same topic there are different mandalas.

The field could:

  • give ideas about which fields you need in order of priority.
  • Let’s say you want to improve your relationship. Do you need a relationship field? or remove the magic? or entities? Or should you remove J-seals altogether? or do you lack self-love? or was there not enough parental love? or do you even need to work out the family line? It’s not at all a fact that it’s a matter of communications!
  • In general, the field should help bring thoughts about the tools you need into consciousness, and set priorities to achieve the desired goal.

It would also be good to make the same “diagnostician” for health - since sometimes the problem is hidden in places other than where they are looking for it. Not everything is so obvious.

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A field is needed so that a person can think more logically, express his thoughts better and more interestingly - in writing (I’m aware that there is an “Author” field, but that’s for writing bestsellers). This will be useful not only for marketers, journalists, editors, and bloggers (although a field for them would be nice). Today, many people communicate on social networks, write in instant messengers, and blogs. Therefore, it is great if communication can be improved using the field.

  1. It would also be great to create a field for voice improvement. Choosing the right tone that you want and suits you. Diction development. To make speech sound clearer. For people to listen. Information can also be included to help the person express themselves better verbally. So as not to lose your thoughts during a conversation. To use the right words that are suitable to express the right thought and so on.

  2. A field that helps SELL real estate or some things. This is not about business (the store has a mandala for setting up a business), but about making the sale easier and faster - for someone who is not a seller by profession. So that this field can clean up the property and attract a buyer.

  3. A field that improves photography skills. Today, almost everyone has a smartphone with cameras, but not everyone knows how to take good photographs. It would be nice if this field could improve the photography skills of those who know how to take stills.

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Natural healing technologies known as Med Beds, Medical Pods or Light Chambers.
They are believed to use a combination of electricity, frequency, lasers, quantum technology, UV light, Tesla Energy and vibration to heal all human ailments naturally, even reportedly able to reduce aging by up to 30 years (known as age regression).

These various medbeds all stem from Nikola Tesla and Georges Lakhovsky’s 1934 Multi-Wave Oscillator which is part Tesla coil and part Earth generator. It was believed to be patented and hidden from the general public.

  1. Theta Chamber or Theta Pod surfaced online and has since been available for use at select wellness centers. This device is the modernized state-of-the-art version of Loran Swensen’s 1989 healing device known as the Omega Brain 5000. The Theta Chamber utilizes a combination of four treatment modalities including: binaural audio beats, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing light therapy (EMDR), vestibular motion and cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES). Administering these multiple treatment applications the system is designed to induce a “Theta” brainwave deep relaxation state which encourages healing and learning. The system simultaneously signals the hypothalamus to return to producing normal levels of serotonin, dopamine, and other neurotransmitters. Thus, entraining or reprogramming the brain to create healthy new neural pathways that build lasting change. This treatment can assist with anxiety, autism, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, concentration, depression, fibromyalgia, hormone balance, insomnia, memory, migraines, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, OCD, Parkingson’s disease, personality disorders (e.g. bipolar disorder), PTSD, sexual disfunction, stress and weight control

  2. Da Vinci Medical photobiomodulation therapy (PBM) light beds seen below utilize whole body red and near-infrared light therapy to enhance the body’s natural processes for metabolizing free radicals and minimizing the damage they cause. This boost in the body’s natural healing cycle helps reduce inflammation and promotes healing of damaged tissue. PBM has also been shown to increase the rate and quality of tissue repair, improve muscle performance, enhance recovery and reduce pain with no known negative side effects.

  3. Tesla BioHealing brings us a Med Bed Generator which explains it uses Tesla Energy to heal humans. Their site defines Tesla Energy as 3-dimensional longitudinal waves, also known as scalar waves or scalar energy. They are the framework of quantum mechanics and non-Hertzian energy (without frequencies) also referred to as standing energy, cosmic waves, or zero-point energies.

  4. 90.10 Meditation Bed or 90.10 MedBed which utilizes quantum energy entanglement for cell regeneration and it’s procedure had completed review by experts following publication in the Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research. This quantum technology converts your bed at home into a MedBed in cooperation with the quick installation of a quantum 90.10 Cube device which is a quantum processor that features an energy output of 12 million QEPPs and works in the quantum field via its own quantum language where it has access to infinite intelligence and unlimited potential on an exclusive 90.10 quantum network. The 90.10 Cube uses an Instant Activation Technology that enables the teleportation of energy and frequencies into your body in 0.00 seconds meaning there is no time delay between the thought and the implementation making it literally faster than the speed of light. The 90.10. MedBed analyzes your body’s reactions and communicates continuously with your subconscious meaning that what is not good for you does not happen, so neither side effects nor over-energization are possible.

  5. The EES System (Energy Enhancement System) invented by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves” which can allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels.


A field to make a personal climate bubble around the user.

What would this do is that it would create an optimal temperature for the user so that when it’s cold outside the user would be warm and when it’s too hot the dm would cool the user.

Then you could maybe assign your own parameters for what the ideal temperature is.

The range could be maybe one and a half meter so from the dm 1.5 meters on all directions would be affected by this.

Audio field could also be okay as an addon that would implant the climate bubble on to the listener for let’s say 24 hours.


All the Mstate ones, the signature of the elements named in it Mono-atomic state.

  • Mstate Gold (ORMUS)
    (ORMUS gold was used in Ancient Egypt as a medicine and for spiritual practices . It is also said to have been used in alchemy, a type of medieval chemistry that sought to transform ordinary metals into gold and to find the elixir of life).
  • Mstate Silver
  • Mstate Platinum
  • Mstate Indium
  • Mstate Iridium
  • Mstate Rhodium
  • Mstate Copper

M-State elements are super conductors, that you can consume, for a bit, the integration of a super conductor to your system, makes everything work a little faster, especially neurons and the nervous system.
These enhanced connections, can push and jump start a lot of repair internally.
It can also help with spiritual evolution, as in a higher functioning body and nervous system is what you can get with proper long term growth and evolution.

(In the hope of seeing some advanced anti-aging and longevity creations in the near future, with some ideas given here).

  • Epigenetic Clocks Therapy (DNA methylation aging clocks) - aging time reversal, in a similar concept to the Time Breaker field to age backwards (induced reprogramming to reverse cellular aging / Age recapture to ideal age - at the point of complete growth and development actually).
    (Epigenetic clocks measure changes in DNA methylation patterns to estimate biological age).

  • Klotho Gene Therapy (info)

  • Follistatin Gene Therapy

  • Chromosomes Therapy (LOY, E2F1, HDAC1, CEBPB, REEPB5)

  • Quantum Multivitamin for Men & Women

A field to get rid of the belief that masculinity is toxic. A field to make you feel good for being a man or rather not having any negative emotions associated with being a man.

There’s been so much subliminal brainwashing and as a male I think I have this toxic belief as well, also having had a very toxic father doesn’t help either.

It’s this inherent feeling of being somehow evil because of my gender is what gets me, it feels like it’s a crime to be a man.

This field could be unisex or specifically tailor made for each sex.

And also other unique field for women as well could be good because I think many women feel like it’s wrong to be a woman, that you’re just a burden and you need to prove your worth through how much hours you can work in a week. So a field for women to activate and embrace their feminine nurturing and caring side, that it’s ok to be the more passive one.

Women have more power than they know and if they would step into that femininity and embrace it they would attract things to their lives very fast metaphysically.

I would say that this field already exists and it’s the Apollo Perfect Masculine Beauty, from the description:

The field will remove all wrong ideas that make you conceal, suppress, damage, or hide your masculine expression and beauty out of fear or wrong belief, including collective misunderstanding of the masculine nature and value.
The field will clear all traumas and conflicts related to past relationships. It will release the feelings of being offended, angry, and disappointed.
DM: It heals the whole family line from negative feelings towards women and will bring fresh new energy and ability to develop and sustain healthy relationships, family and partnerships. It will release delusions that one is not worthy or valuable or any condescending or demeaning attitude one has suffered. The field will connect you to the archetypal masculine energy of a worthy, dignified, strong, courageous, responsible, loved, respected and valued man. A man that feels like a god.

Hmm, I’ve been listening to this field already so maybe my problem lies elsewhere other than toxic masculinity belief. I never read the description of the apollo masculinity, just listened it because it seemed cool.

Navapashanam Elixir
The recipe for this sacred alchemical preparation – a unique
combination of 4,320 ingredients – was channelled over
5,000 years ago by legendary Siddha Master Bhogarnath.
Infused with unconditional love and grace, Navapashanam
is the essence of cosmic life-force energy.
A lack of life force energy (prana/chi) is the root cause of
all disease and Navapashanam has, throughout history,
proven to be an extraordinary, effective and multi-purpose

Revitalising malfunctioning organs, Navapashanam
systematically eliminates diseases at the root cause. The
remedy’s power to rejuvenate the body’s circulatory,
digestive, endocrine, glandular, immune, nervous, and
respiratory systems has been known to bring about
miraculous physical transformations, vitality and longevity.
Bringing balance to the five elements; seven chakras and
three doshas (Vata, Pita, Kapha) and detoxifying the Nadis
(energetic channels), Navapashanam helps the body
increase its capacity to absorb and retain precious prana.
Navapashanam eliminates toxins, reduces inflammation,
purifies the blood, regulates body heat, and rejuvenates

This sacred medicine performs a scan of the physical,
mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, changing its
molecular structure according to specific conditions and the
uniqueness of the moment. It has the capacity to boost any
energetic, meditative or psychic practice, and is, therefore, a
valuable tool to enhance such practices. The calming effects
it has on the mind helps promote a consciousness conducive
to periods of prolonged meditation with sustained
concentration. Its supreme life-sustaining and
transformative energy can help induce enormous karmic
shifts. Accelerating the process of self-awakening, this
ancient all-natural remedy can help those on the path to
transcend duality and transmute negative energy into