Fields Suggestions v2

I got this idea from DM: Flower Essence Copier. The description was taken from it and adapted. I changed the action for copying the frequency from putting the item on top of the mandala to holding the item to be copied in your hand(s) while looking at the mandala and saying ‘copy’ as I thought this might be less messy and won’t require printing out a mandala (since some supplements come in powder form or in very large jars) since you can just open it from your phone though I’m not sure if it works this way or if it would then require the mandala to have a cord connected to you? I don’t mind if this gets changed to whatever works for the field.

It would be amazing if this was made, as it would make supplementing so convenient, quick and easy. :smile: And since the frequencies are stored forever, it means you don’t have to worry about the supplements you use going out of stock, being discontinued or being too expensive to afford, you’ll always have access to it! So it becomes like a supplement database/archive.

Name: Supplement Copier

Description: Using this mandala you can copy the frequency of any supplement or supplement formula (including vitamins, minerals, herbs, oils, amino acids, greens, superfoods, probiotics etc) and store it in the mandala’s database, so you can collect supplement frequencies and use them on demand.

  • To copy a supplement, hold it in your hand(s) while looking at the mandala and use the activation word ‘copy’ to copy and save the frequency in your mandala. After saving the frequency in its database, the mandala will automatically upgrade it to the best version of the supplement frequency - meaning you can copy supplements that are close to expiry or already expired and the frequency stored will be the one of the supplement at its freshest and highest quality.
  • To use that frequency at a later date, when you need it, direct your thought towards the mandala and use the command ‘activate…(name of the supplement)’ and also state the equivalent dosage you’d like to get. If no dosage is specified, then the mandala will automatically provide you with the dosage your Higher Self determines to be best for you at that moment in time. This is the equivalent of taking the supplement at that time. It gives you the frequency and stops working immediately after.

All Supplement Copier mandalas that are in use are interconnected. They share the fields stored in them with each other. So if someone somewhere has that supplement frequency that you need, you can still use it, even though you have not stored it yourself. The frequencies are stored forever.