DM: Release Effects of Pornography

Yes, brahmacharya V2 already does it. In most cases you don’t need release effects of pornography because brahmacharya V2 is already capable of doing a lot of things and also gives other benefits as well, on the other hand, Release Effects of Pornography field reaches more deeper layers and removes things that brahmacharya V2 missed to hit, if you already getting great results with brahmacharya V2 then you don’t need to use Release Effects of Pornography however you can combine these two to achieve your goal in a more powerful way.

Release Effects of Pornography was designed for those who just wanted to get rid of Pornography and don’t want other benefits that brahmacharya V2 has to offer. Release Effects of Pornography was designed later so it has more capacity and layers to help you get rid of those negative effects that Pornography had made on you after years of usage.


Thank you very much for the reply @Genius :smiley:


Hormone Healer + Libido (Jumpstart the endocrine system)

Brain Chemicals (balance out chemical disruption caused from porn)

Dopamine Repair (Repair desensitized Dopamine receptors)

Androgen Receptors (Repair desensitized receptors from masturbation - as long as this file targets AR’s in the brain which I think it does)

Neurotransmitter DM (repair receptors and neurotransmitters)

Brain Reset DM (Rewire the neural network hijacked from porn)

Release Porn DM (Eradicate porn conditioning)

This stack stuck with for 30 days should provide life changing results.

To stop watching porn:
Brain Chemicals, Brain Reset, Release Porn, Brahmacarya God V1

To heal the reward circuit AFTER you’ve quit porn: Hormone Healer, Dopmine Repair, Neurotransmitters Repair, Androgen Receptors

I think a huge problem people were running into was using the healing fields to try and stop the porn addiction because that’s all we really had then, but since the addiction was still there it made it useless. We now have the tools to eradicate porn addiction once and for all.

Porn could quite be the greatest weapon ever created and the sheer number of angles to defeat the problem just shows how damaging it is long term.


Today is my second day using this mandala. It worked very well.
I came to realize that some of my sexual activities and fantasies were based on pornography. That way I know more about what I want.
At the same time, some of the subliminal audio I heard about sex became less influential, which made me healthier.


Great results!


Yes, I can control myself while carrying it. Thank you for the present.


Lovely description.

Here’s a deeper, spiritual addition. As one watches porn, he/she is often polarized with the will to possess the perceived, may it be actors, actions or any experience alike. The negative polarization to possess the experience is then met with the divine pendulum, enslaving the user to be possessed by it.

I hope this knowledge helps you gain a wider understanding that expands to your relationships and life in general, beyond the use of porn.

Cheers <3.


I have used this DM: Release Effects of Pornography, twice.

The first time I ran this DM, it cleared out everything that it said it would. All the sexual sexually memories and their effects were remove.

I don’t know if the release porn also remove my prior non porn loving sexual memories and the effects that I had with prior sexual relationships, were they also deleted too. All I can tell you is I have a empty feelings inside, my past relationships are no longer inside me and I am unable to recreate the feelings I had.

I am fighting to replace the feelings and effects that were there before I used porn and not sure if the porn just replaced it.

Some how the simple feelings and effect we had before are no longer there. These were the simple feeling you get when a women or man smiles on you.

I am fighting the need to going back to using porn. I need to find a way to rebuild these simple memories and effects that the porn destroyed.

Please give me any help that will return me back to the simple days.

thank you for your time.


First of all I would check why you think you lost something that maybe wasn’t real.

Porn creates changes in the brain. It damages a lot of neural connections and also affects you emotionally. Another aspect behind porn is a dark force. Why do you think porn was created in the first place? When TV can brainwash you and send subliminal messages, even worse things happen when you watch porn. Plus, you are plugged into an egregor of porn. Millions of people with various deviations affect each other and feed darkness.

I would continue with this mandala and add this DM: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
Feeling numb might be just a phase in a healing crisis. It will pass once clearing is complete.



Hello, ex porn addict here. :wave:

What you are going through is completely normal for a person after quitting porn when you talk about the numbness.

There are 2 known highly dopaminergic activities(things that induce unusually high dopamine production) food and porn.

When you eat food you cannot overstimulate your dopamine receptors because you will feel full before the damage occurs but with porn you can just keep watching and overstimulating the receptors.

When you watch a flick, there’s a girl and you get a dopamine hit, then you watch a new video with a new girl and you get that dopamine hit again and this makes it so that you can keep stimulating the dopamine receptors without your body stopping you.

When the dopamine receptors are stimulated too much, they will down regulate in order to prevent damage to them. What does this do is that not only does porn not feel that pleasurable anymore but now all your previous hobbies you used to enjoy also lose their effectiveness. Things like going for a walk, hanging out with friends, watching tv, playing video games, these activities feel dull now also.

So in order to reset the dopamine receptors you need to stop completely watching porn and any kind of pornographic imaginery in order to allow the receptors to reset for about 2 months.

There’s a video about this which what I wrote is a summary of some of the important parts but it’s a good watch regarding this topic. How porn is destroying you and our country

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@anon19822555 Thank you for the information and I see what you are saying about dopamine receptors. This field has almost removed all the desire to use porn. However, I am now fighting the real problem masturbation, porn was just a tool I used. It will be a long battle for me and I will take it one day at a time. thank you

Brahmacarya God - NoFap Semen Retention and Transmutat This might help.

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There is also this Transmute Sexual Energy / Energetically Programmed Field

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