Bhramcharya V2

This field is for those who are addicted to sexual pleasure and pornographic media and want to get rid of this addiction and want to use the ‘precious energy’ into something that the body can benefit from instead of wasting it for no reason.

This field will give the following benefits:

  • Sexual Energy From The Root Chakra And The Lower Dantian Will Go Upward To The 7th Chakra Through The Sushumna Nadi
  • Will Charge All Your 7 Chakras
  • Will Remove Sexual Thoughts And Thought-forms
  • Will Remove Cords With Actors You Used To Masturbate
  • Will Make Porn Videos And Masturbation Unappealing
  • Will Remove All Sexual Desires & Hidden Sexual Urges
  • Will Remove All Stored Experiences Of Watching Porn Videos And Nude Pictures
  • Will Remove All Sexual Thoughts About Women
  • If You See Nude Pictures Or Porn Videos Then It Will Raise Your Vibration And Will Remove The Urge To See Porn And Masturbate ( Keep In Mind If You Tried To Forcefully Watch Porn And Masturbate Then It May Give Pain Or Shock In Your Head As It Will Go Against Your Mind. )
  • Your ‘Sattva’ Guna Will Be Strong And Will Dominate
  • Will Use Sexual Energy For Body Healing
  • Will Use Sexual Energy For Creativity
  • Will Use Sexual Energy For Confidence

All Version of Bhramcharya V2 Includes: “Inner Resistance Dissolver” and “Brain Reset”, Brain Reset will auto stop if there is no damage.

Please keep in mind using this mandala constantly for a long period of “one year” will make a permanent change in your body, your body will start to automatically absorb the energy and the sperm won’t come you will be able to do sex but won’t be able to have babies and the reversal will take up to 1 year or more if you decided to have babies.


Need mandala verision bro

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Oh wait bad idea lol

Today will have 3 similar mandalas for that with some different effects. People who want this to be permanent can use it.


Nice avatar btw lol


sexual pleasure next mai :heart:

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Mandala should be the memory whipe, cord and thought forum part cuz 24/7 sexual transmutation isn’t good


Btw check dm when you have time I’ve done some stuff also add dopamine pathway and neurons restructure part to destroy all pathway created by porn or sexual addiction. Add mind control/brainwash programming that will create hatred towards sexual addiction and porn so one can’t watch porn even if he wants. More like creation of fear from that just like fear of death in people (same formula as emotional perfection)

pornophobia fear of watching porn

A different mandala should be made on that lol that will be even stronger than the V2 audio to kill porn addiction. For serious dudes who really don’t want to jack off avarage joes beware of it


Alright, will check it soon





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You could name this mandala version 3 btw lol
Also add losing desire towards beautiful women and their obsession so there will be no simping over them cuz some people are sexually obsessed towards women


You gonna share those juicy customs with us right? :smiling_imp:

I think it just removes the existing thoughts and desires.

Mainly because most desires are more dopamine/porn based, rather than raw primal/sacral chakra based.

I dont think any field can shut off the primal urge.

But this is more like a general cleansing, you would be surprised how many of our “desires” is just dopamine.

Was hit by this thought yesterday when looking at the stars wondering why creation even exists lol,

If we take away/shut off dopamine from humanity, what is left then?

Anyway back to this gold, feels good.


Thank you very much @Maitreya !
One thing that could perhaps be useful to add would be something like: Heal all kinds of sexual trauma, Dissolve and heal sexual blockages, Dissolve all sexual insecurities.


This audio gives puts me at a certain peace, unlike the V1 which just made me more horny and aggressive lmao


Thank you

Thank you for this gem Maitreya! I’m wondering though… can I continue to use my purchased “Attraction magnetic sexual bundle” and still receive the benefits from it if I am also using this V2 on a daily basis or will they clash?


The last paragraph says the semen won’t come out during sex. Does it mean we’re gonna have dry orgasms as the default mechanism of our bodies?? If that’s the case that would be awesome!

Edit: oh you said sperm, so semen will still come out but without the sperm? So it’s gonna be like we went through vasectomy?


I’ve always wanted an audio to stop cumming, but without the rest that comes with it.