DM: Bardo - Liberation from Samsara

Bardo is the so called Intermediate State-the state between death and reincarnation. In it the beings can find the primordial light, the Creator, God, and be freed or chose their next reincarnation without being forcibly returned into the current space on Earth.

In Bardo there are many artificial realities, which the person can see and feel attracted to while wandering after the death of their physical body. The beings who have created that space to bring back the souls of people back to Earth again and again use that technology, which finds and displays to the person their own weaknesses and desires, showing them images that would be attractive to them specifically.

People who feel anger and desire for revenge can see images in which this is taking place, just like in a movie, so when such person sees that they are attracted to it and move in that direction thus entering a new incarnation. People who are very attached to their relatives and loved ones can see images of them even before they have realized that they have died. People who have left before accomplishing their goals can see images in which they finally achieve them and move in that direction. People who have many fears can see them and from the fright they may forget that this is an illusionary space designed to hold their soul on Earth and when they attempt to run away and hide in fact they will enter a new incarnation.

In this way the cycle of reincarnation can last thousands of lives until the person is fully satisfied with exploring the Earthly plane, recognizes its illusion and decided to go back to the Creator. All the projections coming from the mind are illusions, holograms, that attract people who are still not ready to detach themselves from the illusion of Maya.

This field has been created to transfer the full knowledge about the correct way to God to the person when they naturally find themselves in Bardo. Using the highest powers in the Universe the person will be attracted to God and given the full knowledge of Bardo and the correct behavior in that state which will lead to liberation. All bright illusory images will fade away and the clear light of the Creator will be brought into focus for the person, so they can make a conscious choice without being mislead and confused.

The challenges and trials in Bardo do not know good or bad. Nor they judge the person. People who manage to make the right choices will be freed regardless of their deeds and Karma.

All images appearing in Bardo are holograms derived from your own mind. The key to success in crossing Bardo is the pure neutral consciousness and observation, without any interaction, regardless of what you see or what happens around you. Tibetans say that even if only this knowledge is given to the person they can achieve liberation.

Focus on and love for God and absolute neglect for the colorful projections and personal fears and desires in Bardo will help achieve personal liberation from the continuous forcible reincarnation on Earth.


Answering the first question I have received for this field - it’s not needed to be carried out whole life. Once it’s used it transfers the field on all levels inside yourself.


So does this have any affect on us when we are alive? Will we notice any change in ourselves from this mandala?


Some people can experience more neutrality and focus. A mind like a Buddhist, but this is not the main idea. The field is made specifically to help transfer in Bardo.


Sounds exactly like the kind of thing that should be within the human collective consciousness.


Can I give this mandala to my close family relatives( for example my grandpa )to use? @Maitreya


Umm… so why would this beings do this ??

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this field means that maitreya will not reincarnate again in this reality in his next life (if I may say so).and therefore during our next reincarnations (if we do not manage to make the choice to go to the creator) in this reality we will not see maitreya again (how sad).I hope strongly that we succeed in making the choice to free ourselves from reincarnation.


This is super interesting and at the same time me thinking… i should take it now or wait…but. … if i die tomorrow…:rofl:


When we are in the Bardo,Where is our higher self?! I mean, having no more ego, the connection to the Higher self must be 300% perfect,So why doesn’t he help us face the illusions that trap us in the matrix?!

Furthermore, what part (dimensions) of us is in the Bardo, I mean, is it just a part of our soul (since it is possible for another part of us to be embodied in a reality simultaneously in several realities), or is it our spirit that we have here on earth right now or this is another thing ?!

Yes, can be shared in the family.

Higher Selves are evolving through your experience. They want to learn things and if you are suffering - that’s fine for them. If you look the life on Earth from a higher point of view, imagine that you already had thousands of lives here with so different experiences. If one incarnation has difficulties, this is like a drop in the ocean. HS doesn’t suffer when a human being suffers. I have talked about other topics for HS, that their plans and your plans are 2 different things.

Imagine your soul like a tree. You (in this incarnation) are just one branch of it.
The soul can have many incarnations in different dimensions, times, etc,
but this doesn’t free you from the experiences you have after death.
The branch gets life from the tree, but it evolves and gets longer and stronger over time.

Some souls can get their incarnations back in themselves, but this happens when the soul gets enough experiences and energy to decide to get back to the Source.


Looks at my higher self mandala :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Does every individual soul also have an individual higher self that then connects with source?

Or is there only 1 higher self that also experiences everyone elses life also?

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Soul can have few HS’s.


What does higher purpose connect you with?

An individual higher self based on your individual soul or more collective of humanity kind of higher self?


Freedom Liberation GIF by ARTEfr


This is the most important Mandala that Maitreya has ever created.

This might be the key to achieve once and for all the liberation from the Matrix, and the reunification with the Prime Creator, by not being tricked into another incarnation by beings who run their illusions on us in order to keep us captive in this never-ending wheel of incarnations.

For more information, read about the Gnostics and their teachings.

All of the above is of course only my opinion and I don’t force anyone to see things my way. Peace and eternal gratitude for Maitreya for creating this and sharing this knowledge!


How about the Tunnel of light, do we still need to go through that ???


According to the gnostics, the tunnel of white light is a trap. All those stories about you being awaited by your relatives, angels, spirit guides is a masquerade. The fact that they take you to a place, where they evaluate your life, where they congratulate you for the good things you did, and they try to make you accept to enter into another life in order to make up for your karma is a lie. Because no matter how many lives you have, they will still find few little mistakes that you have to make up for, and convince you to reincarnate again, and again, and again, and again. They trapped our souls, and use our souls’ energy to keep the Matrix running. They also programmed this Matrix to bombard us with all kinds of scenarios in order to constantly stimulate us to produce low-vibration energies that they feed upon., but also euphoric, orgasmic states. The natural state of the soul is pure stillness and inner peace. So they use this matrix to “squeeze the juice” out of our souls for their means.

Karma exists, but karma is just an algorithm in the matrix. Is just a program, therefore if you have the necessary tools, you can “edit” the source code and bypass your karma.

Things like Astrology, Numerology, Tarot are amazing and are extremely useful tools to help you decipher the algorithms of the matrix, both on a personal and global scale. Because before incarnating, they agree with you a “karmic program” that will be activated upon you. It’s like playing a video game, like Warcraft or something where you first chose your race, and a few skills and weaknesses and then you build on that, but it’s just a simulation.

And the only way to exit this holographic prison is to remember that this is just a game, an illusion and to completely detach from all earthly things and feelings. To exit the duality mindset and be a witness to everything that is happening in your life, and then to achieve “enlightenment” meaning feeling that you are a part of God, and feeling that you simultaneously are all the living things on this Planet and you no longer identify with your fake self, but with this collective consciousness inside all the living things.

And right now, all these New Age beliefs have invented this “ascension to 5d” thing. All the spiritual teachers, gurus, all the youtube channels, all these “channeled” messages from Archangels, and Jesus, and all kinds of evolved alien races are talking only about this “Ascension to 5d” thing. It is my opinion, confirmed many times using Maitreya’s “Body response Mandala”, that these beings are upgrading the Matrix to a more sophisticated one, where duality no longer exists, where life will indeed be sweeter and more enjoyable, but essentially we are trading one harsh prison (this 3d matrix) with another more enjoyable prison (the 5d matrix), where our soul will still be a prisoner. And perhaps these benefic alien races have also been trapped inside this “Sweet” 5D, or 7D, or n+1D matrix, and they cannot see that they also are prisoners of their own. And the great scheme is that this new 5d matrix will completely keep us in a safe comfort zone, where our soul cannot grow and evolve, and realize all the lies and deceptions about this world. This 3d matrix, with all the suffering and madness, is a great place for your soul to quickly evolve and awaken and eventually achieve that “enlightenment” state necessary to avoid all the traps that they throw upon you when you are in “Bardo” - the place in between lives, and finally manage to break free from their prison once and for all and reunite with the Prime Creator. If you manage to do that, you will have absolute freedom.

Remember one thing: they cannot do anything to you WITHOUT your consent. That is why they use all their tricks in the bag in order to fool you to accept what they are proposing to you. That is why your free will is one of the most important things.
Perhaps there will come a time when we will have to chose to enter this “Heaven on Earth” 5D thing, and we will rush to do so, without knowing all the facts. My advice to you is do what your soul tells you. I might be right but I also might be terribly wrong about this. Only time will tell.


Extremely lucid comment brother, I share practically the same view about the matrix.


@Firehand thanks bro, your post just resonated so damn much, felt shivers. Almost like some dark shit got released just by reading your post.

Love if you share more on what you recommend - like fields, tools, techniques, etc.