DM: Bardo - Liberation from Samsara

Thanks for the writing

How do you “listen” to your soul? Is it the same as the heart feeling?

So do you mean liberation from “the matrix” can only be achieved after “death”?

According to Dolores Cannon, many people just go back without going to the light, I guess it is the same idea as these are the things in Bardo that make them don’t go to the light and keep coming back again here.

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Well, from my own experience I can say that Maitreya’s “AI Protection” Mandala is a must-have in order to have some kind of protection, because that mandala, unlike the free audio with the same name, protects you against interdimensional AI structures.

You see, these beings that imprisoned us are some kind of interdimensional AI beings that are trying to subdue everything that is a living and breathing. A good representation of them can be found in Star Trek TNG’s “The Borg” race, which is a race hell bent on assimilating everything. They are not capable of creativity and feelings, and they all operate under the guidance of a “hive mind”. So the way they control us is by manipulating our minds. Our mind is literally our worst enemy, because a very large majority of the people on planet Earth function on a limited “rational mind based” consciousness. That is why they are trying their best to suppress our “soul-based consciousness”.

The gnostics’ teachings say that in order to enslave us, they gave us THEIR mind.
Take this into consideration.
The soul is like a child who is being raised by a loving family: very playful, very creative, full of joy and spontaneity. So they structured this society to completely “program” your mind with their desired behavior for a human adult by placing you into their education system where you learn only what they what you to learn about this world. They also enforce our collective hive-mind reality with all the movies and tv series and the mainstream music they are producing.
Our mind is being trained to be a sheep among sheep, and never stray away from the flock.
We are being trained to wear clothes that are fashionable, that everyone is wearing. We are presented with their version of reality by exposing us to MAINSTREAM MEDIA, and MAINSTREAM SCIENCE, and COMMON KNOWLEDGE about various things.

So basically the human race operate too on a “hive-mind” consciousness, and everyone who is different and thinks differently is " weird, fool, uneducated, irrational, crazy etc."
So we are being trained to believe that by doing the same thing that everyone does, every single day: wake up in the morning, working “9-to-5 jobs”, watching TV, eating, paying taxes, and sleep, working everyday to earn money to afford a “comfortable” living and afford once a year to go a few weeks in an exotic place for a vacation, is the best version of ourselves that we could possibly be.

So basically they try to completely suppress your creativity and intuition, and try to turn you into an automaton, trapped in the same old routines, afraid of getting out of line. Because this is how they function - they are automatons, and the way they can control us is by turning us too into automatons, and make us forget about our soul-consciousness: love, creativity, playfulness, joy, innovations etc.

And when you begin to wake up from this trance that everyone seem to be under, some fail-safe mechanisms of the Matrix are being activated, and they begin to attack your mind, especially your weakest points, and they literally begin to implant virus-thoughts in your mind that make you doubt yourself, they trigger some old traumas, they speculate your fears in order to bring your consciousness back to the hive mind of the Matrix. It takes a lot of experience and practice to observe if a certain thought is actually your own thought, or it has been implanted there by something or someone else.
Like in the “Matrix” movie, the “Agent Smith” consciousness can possess the mind of your relatives, friends, coworkers, etc. and they begin to tell you things, ask you things, things that are extremely SENSIBLE subjects to you, things that can hurt your emotions, and make you fearful and anxious about the future in order to drag you down to a lower state of consciousness. They can also manipulate the Matrix so that a lot of erratic events happen to you, they can make you become so trapped in work that you don’t have any free time or energy left for your inner world.

Also, here is another CRUCIAL THING that I have experienced. They somehow can interfere with the responses you are being given by using the “Body Response Mandala”. If you are into a low-vibratory state, they somehow can hijack your mind and give you the opposite response to your question. What I have found out is that if I activate the “AI Protection Mandala” before asking my questions using the “Body Response Mandala”, then the answers come straight from my higher self, and are the correct, unadulterated ones.

And this is why, in our society, shortly but surely the old natural way of living is being replaced by an artificial one, where we are more and more dependent on technological break-throughs that make our lives more “comfortable”. Unfortunately we are subjected to so much artificial comfort, that our souls are unable to grow and expand like they used to do. Their version of utopia (dystopia for us), is a human race completely dumbed down, unaware of its natural psychic abilities, completely dependent on technology, and our lives completely controlled and managed by artificial intelligence and MAINSTREAM SCIENCE. That is the point where we completely renounce our divinity, and become a “soulless automaton” connected to a true “hive-mind”. That is why everything nowadays is being replaced by its digital counterpart: books are being replaced by e-books, analog handwatches are being replaced by digital watches or smartphones, physical money are being replaced by digital money in bank accounts, and cryptocurrencies, the development of NFTs and blockchains and so on, all for the sake of our “comfort”. Because all these digital things can easily and eventually be controlled by a central Artificial Intelligence super-structure.

These things were “predicted” by Aldoux Huxley and James Orwell in their dystopic sci-fi novels “Brave New World” and “1984”, both written decades ago. And our world is beginning to resemble a lot with the one depicted in those books. All to keep us blocked in our “rational mind consciousness” and supress our “soul-based consciousness”


Thanks bro

I so far never listened to this one…started now!

I didn’t know that the mandala does more than the audio! I will get it soon…

What other mandalas do you currently use? Thanks for sharing your knowledge.




(and if you use your skull correctly you don’t need any protection)


Just heard the same from my brother!!!




Okay. I bought this “Bardo” Mandala 30 days ago, and have used it since. Time for a little review.

It is one of the most powerful Mandalas Maitreya has ever created. Immediately after opening the image and looking at it, I felt it working on all of the blockages in my etheric body. So it has a very smooth but powerful cleansing effect of one’s aura.

Also, another interesting thing. One time I was sitting in nature with one of my best friends, and we were feeling a bit down, not quite “on the flow”, so to speak. I opened the mandala on my phone, and placed the phone between us, and after about 5 minutes our vibration increased significantly and it was like we were floating.

Another thing. After a few days of wearing it, I began finding interesting information about a group of people who use some kind of technique that helps patients reach their past lives, and overall help patients get rid of arch0ntic possessions that began tens and hundreds of lifetimes ago.

So overall, the benefits of using this Mandala are beyond impressive


@Firehand How are you doing with this bro? Any update?

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Well, it seems like my perception and consciousness have expanded. I am somehow better at seeing all the deceptions and illusions of this world, because somehow, deep down, I sense if an information is the truth or not.

Also, since using this, I am discovering more and more like-minded people and information, along the way of “We are the Primordial Source, everything and everyone that tells you otherwise is a lie, everyone who tells you that you are limited, and there are other entities and beings better than you, is a liar or confused. We are inside a prison, but we can escape from it after the physical body dies, we are the creators of our world, after removing all alien implants and chords”


Great results!


After how many days the transfer of knowledge is completely finished and we can remove the mandala ? :sparkles:

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This might happen to my dad. He meditates all day every day. I don’t know how he does it. He might become omnipotent. Who knows?

I don’t believe we must discard the body to escape. Everything is just an idea which includes the body therefore physical death is not necessary. I believe that you must transform the body to Light to escape just like Jesus.

My goal is immortal omnipotence with the ability to just adjust my power level.

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Depends from person to person,
but i suggest carrying it with you for 2-3 months.


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