Awakening the God Within pt 1

What is the difference in communication with the subconscious between this one and subconscious connector? And this one can bring to conscious the skills like the art of utilization?

Can i use this field, even i don’t and can’t buy both?
Like can one use this field the part 1 without using the part 2?

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Can the extraction from subconscious extract the info of collective subconscious or only the info of self subconscious? @Maitreya

If so, is it not necessary to loop this audio or do meditation on it?

I think it’s only for his own subconscious and not the collective unconscious

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bought it Yasterday
really impressive … wow
i first opened the dm felt the massive energy through my whole body!!
a pure light and untouchble from outside i see the love in everything .

It’s ironic cuz it happen
while a family member had a panic attack and i felt calm and it didnt touch me

i can litterly
feel like many characters from past live’s brings me knowlage and prespective
even talk to me and i can see some of there memorie’s
i feel with so much Higher prespective

this dm is for ppl who already working on there spirituality for a while ,
and thats for sure.

i would like to try the audio ver too
someone can send it to me ? :slight_smile:


Are you using 1 and 2 both or starting with 1 first.

It is better to start with no 1 and then add no 2.

What does that mean?

Telepathically - in your mind