Awakening the God Within pt 1

What is the definition of a god? It’s means a persona or a being with immense amount of power…we all heard for many years that we have godlike potential but many wondered if so then where is it!? The answer is our higher self, mind and dna. The reason we don’t feel that power it’s because we don’t have direct access to it…what if someone could achive their full potential at maximum level? What if you reach at a point that you cannot evolve any further as a human being? Yes it means unleasing your full power as a god and having it in your arsenal…

Past life and ancestral skill triggering :

The memory of our past life is always hidden within our subconscious…but people can’t receive it unless it’s “triggered”.

Same goes for our ancestral memory. It’s also encoded in our dna and cells. So this audio will activate all the past like knowledge and ancestral memory from your higher self, subconscious, dna and cells of your body so that you will just know about them and will be able to use all psychic abilities, social skills and every skills from your past life and ancestors…but this might trigger many symptoms and one might have weird experiences so be careful with that. We have billions of cells and dna information in our body…so we can only imagine how much knowledge and power we could gain from it…it also tries to unlock all of your own skills so that you are more capable socially, physically and spiritually

Higher self and subconscious communication :

How easy our life would be if you could contact your higher self or subconscious like they are your crime partners? Imagine getting a beating from someone and then you go to your best friends asking for help so that you could beat them back. How that sounds? In general people gets serious trouble in everyday life from up, down and everywhere. So they normally feel alone and helpless as if there’s no one the support them when needed. It will help you to avoid the taste of such hopelessness since you will be connected to your mind and higher self. They will guide you whenever needed. So that you can learn to be in peace with yourself and life…also it opens the door for developing various skills and tricks which will depend on your creativity.

We included one very strong integration in the field and we suggest to be used only from people who are already on their spiritual path. The field will start to integrate high amounts of energy and knowledge from your higher self and even some day you can see it and talk naturally and freely teletically with him. You can even start to feel him more in your body, but that is because of the big amounts of his energy.

Series have bloodline protection.


In general how long should one use pt. 1 before moving on to pt. 2? More than likely will get an intuitive nudge I presume.

intuitive knowing is the best,
but i suggest like 2-4 weeks


Is the integration you speak of at the end of the description built in and automatic or something we need to activate while using the tool?

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how many audios will the series have? Thanks

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its programmed (automatic) process, you dont need anything to activate it
it will start on the first listening

with this people often can feel warming body / heat


only these 2 parts


This should be a good combo with Higher self connection then! Funny how I was actually thinking about switching the game up and working with the Higher self Field among a few others.
Thank you…


yeah, people who already used the field for higher self connection will integrate faster and larger amounts of energy. You can combo them or if you already use HS field few weeks to stop it as this is enough strong.


@Maitreya does this also pair with Christ Consciousness one? or is that different?


Very good Ill just use this one then…


they have different aspects
this field can be used at morning as it will “kick your ass” :smiley: from energy,
and at night you can use Christ Consciousness as it will relax you so much that it will be very possible to put you in zero point state (first times when people hit that, they instantly fall asleep no matter if they are in bed or on chair sitting lol), so…


I used it today and I had to sleep right away in the noon :smiley: I think I dreamed of angels.


yeah, it makes you fall asleep and after you wake up,
you are full of energy :smiley:


the part about activating communication to subconcious… Will we then be able to know what is blocking us in aspects of life and then change themin the reprogrammer or will they sort of fall away as awareness is brought to them?


extracting information from subconscious will be a lot more easier
all you need to do in this situation is to focus and ask your question
you will get answers on your questions faster than before using the field


plus the integration of higher self energy and knowledge…
you will get flashes from new information :smiley:


Do you suggest stacking this with any other audios like Subconscious Matrix, Higher Self, Art of Communication, Detachment etc. to get the full benefits? :pray:


people who already used some time those fields will have better results with Awakening the God series. If someone is starting now with the channel or is in the beginning of their spiritual journey and work with energies - they can combo those with GS or to use them few weeks before jumping on this field.

if there is anyone who notices,
in the channel we create fields that build on each other over time, not so much different topics.


I want this field but I am already working with so many, most of them however are related to clearing though. I know in the FAQ it says roughly 6 fields for results and that everyone is different but would using these interfere with the clearing audios at all or vice versa? also using the bulk field so I just don’t want to be listening to too many and not have anything go