Awakening the God Within pt 1

I know many will overlook part 1 but only wise people would know lol definitely this part is not suitable for those who are obsessed and materialistic. It’s for people with brains in them lol and for those who knows the true value of knowledge and wisdom…in real life terms it is more useful than pt 2
And pt 2 is for different purpose


I have both tho but I suggest using this first and then second one also I’d definitely suggest to get this one. I feel good feeling from it like becoming bit calmer and smarter


Not sure why but I do for some reason and only time will tell. But it’s more like unlock full potential field if you combine both. And don’t be surprised if you feel 1000 years old with overload of knowledge and wisdom lol




Both parts 1 and 2 carry immensely powerful energies, and they most certainly do integrate with my system better than most audios from any producer.

Part 1:

Within 1 minute I felt every cell in my body, and also my entire energetic system having “gaps” being filled in, felt like my entire physical and energetic existence was being rewritten. I instantly began feeling much more grounded, assertive, dominant and powerful, also mentally sharper and I also got a raise in mood.

Part 2:

My overactive ego pretty much had a muzzle and leash put on it within the first 7 minutes. I also felt parts of my brain being stimulated which was probably the psychic mastery portion of the audio. Got a feeling of being empowered with this one but it was more subtle.

Mind you I only played 10 minutes of each audio, taking a 10-minute break between listening sessions.


How long are they?

I’m so excited for this one, hoping it’s all as good as I’m thinking, which so far sounds like it is

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Anyone had results ?

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Well I’ve heard it 21 times so far. And what I can say is that my whole head is vibrating as soon as the music starts. That alone means that it has to be very strong. Usually this happens to me for the first couple of times when I feel or notice anything at all. Well with these it is still the same way with everyone playing.
Which is why with this absolutely beautiful music I have the impression that my heart is melting with joy and ecstasy. Where the whole thing leads to remains to be seen I don’t think that the entire process that this audio triggers will be completed in a few days.
As far as Part 2 of this series is concerned, not that strong tingling sensation, but this can also be felt immediately when the music starts playing.
For the Christ Consciouness the reactions are a little weaker, but I can feel something there too.


thank you for these relevant remarks


I have used this track for about 1 week, after using the easter discount. Yeah, it’s not cheap, hehe. I find i cannot sink down with this track. Rather, it brings up my legs pain from doing lotus potus much quicker than before. Perhaps it is trying to clear some blockages in my legs.

In terms of mental side, i got a few knock out when i did not sleep enough and meditated with this track. This track is strong, and i think i have a lot of space to grow with it. Maybe i will need 1 month to rip all the benefits of it


it’s really great what you say, thanks for sharing your experience, and see you in a month (if you keep using it until then).

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pt 1 is 48 minutes, part 2 around 51 minutes long, but you don’t have to listen to the entire audio of either one to get results…trust me.


@Maitreya I’ve been meaning to ask (Yes, that means for months now I’ve never managed to remember to finally ask lol) what are these bloodline protections for the Awakening the God Within series?

That’s easy to answer. The audio only works for you and your blood relatives. So your children, parents or siblings. So you can’t pass it on to others because it won’t work for them.


See I thought that but the wording was just a little bit in the direction where I just wasnt sure.

Lol. Thank you :slight_smile:


Listening this 2 times ,start to feel ah little bit if mini pain in my heart ,is that I may be detoxing or removing something from my heart chakra ?



I know that I want these two. I know that they are basically what I’ve always been wanting from fields packaged together and stuff.

But the money accumulation part

I hate how bad I am at not being broke

Edit: Okay I really have to ask, those who have adequately been using it enough to be able to know, is it as worth it for the money as I REALLY believe these 2 to be?


Only if you meditate with it and you want to become psychic - then yes otherwise no.

If i would be broke i would get reality shifter and limit breaker.

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Yes it is. These are the most powerful psychic tools ever created by maitrya. You just need to play and do your everyday work that’s all no need to bother for anything else…but don’t expect overnight result tho


See, that’s what I was thinking…

And on top of it in part one it mentions way more, as far as what it does, that implies to me more reason to get it, namely possibly non-psychic skills and such to also be expected in some form (with variance in how noticeable this would be for people, on an individual to individual basis)

I’m less worried about how long it’ll be because I don’t see this kind of thing happening God-tier fast other than maybe on day one or so it might feel like “whoa” like you’re Neo lol

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