Attraction Magnetic Sexual Bundle (FOR HIM)

One would get mixed results*

*depends on time allocated to each of the fields…

Assuming : equal time is allocated to each of them, one will get best results suiting to their current state!


How does this works? Has someone got results from this?

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WITHOUT RESULTS. Added to usb stick with Field Emitter. No results.


I’m sorry but what exactly are you expecting? For random girls to suddenly start running at you and tug at your pants on the street the second you leave your door?

I’ve noticed in the past year you using all sorts of tools in an attempt to attract women, but not seeming to put in any personal effort to achieve results. Then you complain that it isn’t working, when you haven’t been doing everything necessary. This reminds me of the situation with dreamweaver’s matchmaker tags. It’s unrealistic to believe that you can magically draw women to you like you’re some kind of magnet. These tools only serve to enhance and supplement the steps that you yourself take to reach goals. It doesn’t just happen out of thin air.

If you want my actual opinion, what needs to be changed is not your attractiveness, but rather your self-esteem. You clearly have limiting beliefs about yourself and think you are unattractive to women. This is apparent because you seem to believe you can only attract women through “magical” means alone.

Furthermore, you need to put yourself out there and enter situations in which you actually interact with women! And don’t worry about rejection, because sometimes you need to be rejected a thousand times before finding the girl who says yes. And that woman probably had to reject a thousand men before saying yes to you.

If you don’t try at all, you definitely won’t get anywhere.


I agree with you.

But also in the description of the audios to Attract Maitreya women (I bought 2) it says the following:

" Is made for permanent results, as we tap into listener’s subconsciousness mind and release bad beliefs like “I am not enough, I am ugly, I don’t deserve this women” etc., and replace them with good ones that will help you to start attracting women instantly!".

  • Increasing tremendously your magnetism and self confidence

  • Change subconsciousness beliefs that block you from attracting women

Have a powerful aura of attractiveness and a “smell of a men”



Then obviously, you have strong limiting beliefs. Don’t rely on audios alone. Do exercises in real life to help remove those limiting beliefs. Repeat affirmations to yourself out loud, etc.

Also, if you haven’t already, try combining audios from multiple creators in a single playlist to boost your benefit. Use PI’s love attraction mandala, Quadible’s attract beautiful women audio, SZ’s Om Kroom Lingaya Om, etc.


Love Attraction mandala and audio of PI EXTRA STRONG version I already have it (no results),

ATTRACT BEAUTIFUL WOMEN FAST of QUADIBLE, I already used it, ETHEREAL version (No results) …


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you have in your subconscious that “love is dangerous”, “not worthy of love” and “if you have a relationship, you will lose yourself”. Use some of the tools we have released to remove those and see how this field will go :slight_smile:


What tools do you recommend?

In the usb memory I have Field Emitter, Field Optimizer, Field integration Premiere, Warrior Presence Mandala, the 2 Maitreya attraction audios.

Gracias por tu ayuda.:+1::+1::gem:

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The ones that connect you to your subconscious.
Reprogrammer or No More fields are great for this.
Also, you can record the changes on your phone and loop them until you sleep :slight_smile:


What are the names of the fields to buy them?

Is it mandala or audios?

I want to take advantage of the Halloween discount



Which one do you recommend for my problem?

Thank you.


No More is newer and has a stronger effect in my opinion.


No More is possibly the most impacting field I’ve ever used. Nothing else quieted my mind long term like it has.


Maitreya recommended this mandala to me and I want to buy it.

1.- Is it better to print and carry in the jeans bag?

  1. SBR 3 Mandala + Field Emitter in usb stick?

3.- SBR 3 MANDALA + Field Emitter + Field Optimizer?

What do you recommend? What else can you count on with SBR 3 Mandala?


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check the way you stand, sit, talk, posture

you must be decisive, sample when you are at the stage where she ask you where to eat, dont ask her back, you decide where

you lead her (you are the leader)

its really trial and error

also be aware of those subtle signs that shes interested , its possible that you think you cant attract a women because you arent noticing those “signs”

also if your not doing this, do this starting now,
-talk to a lot of women , just talk to them even if your not interested in them…


The Body Reader field is great for all of this!


Does thr magnetic attraction him field contains pheromones

Hey, does this get rid of or at least reduce refractory period?