We fill this video with the energy of magnetism, confidence, feeling beautiful and ALPHA MALE. The video is made for permanent results, as we tap into listener’s subconsciousness mind and release bad beliefs like “I am not enough, I am ugly, I don’t deserve this women” etc., and replace them with good ones that will help you to start attracting women instantly!
Included Energy in video:
- Clearing Second and Third Chakra
- Increasing tremendously your magnetism and self confidence
- Change subconsciousness beliefs that block you from attracting women
- Install sensual feelings for men on all levels (some people never experience some feelings and they cannot recognize them. For example if you was the outsider in school and girls never had eyes on you, when you grow up, you don’t have in your memory what is the feeling “to be wanted, to be alpha male”). We fix that!
Become more confidentin yourself
Feel like ALPHA MALE + Testosterone Boost
Women are going to want your attention and focus more
Have a powerful aura of attractiveness and a “smell of a men”
You are going to attract more women into your life (we included here to attract only women with monogamy gene so they don’t cheat you) lol. All women who don’t have this gene and love to cheat won’t be attracted to you.