Where is this kind of knowledge learnt?

When I encounter people like Maitreiya and the rest of you I wonder, where was all of this learnt? How did they run into their teachers and guides, and are there some kinds of organisations that teach these things?

Different books, teachers, teachings, meditations, and other techniques can provide guidance, but any claim that they will give you the absolute truth or answer to all lifeā€™s questions is usually not true. People often think that the lives of gurus, field creators, and others are perfect, but this is a deception that is more common in influencer circles on Instagram than in spiritual circles.

The truth is that wisdom comes from a lot of suffering, inner searching, experience with various problems of all kinds, observation, and in fact, this determines which people will be attracted to a particular healer, guru, or spiritual leader.

The key to everything (at least for me - for others it may be different) is constant internal observation. This means, throughout the day - What thoughts are going through my head? What feelings? What automatic reactions do I exhibit? On a personal level.

On a collective level, when interacting with others in the same way - what thoughts, emotions do they have, on what frequency they vibrate, and others.

Over time, this awareness and observation deepens. For example, by someoneā€™s voice, I can tell from which level their problem originates. If I delve deeper, I can understand how it was created, at what age they were, who created the situation, and so on.

These skills develop slowly and gradually and deepen over time and attention that a person devotes to them. There is no course, book, or person that can teach you this.

Awareness is a way of life, and it is necessary to devote attention, focus, and effort every day to apply and develop it, and for a person not to relax and live on autopilot as they were programmed in their childhood or by the matrix.

Meditations accelerate the acquisition of such wisdom because they relax the mind and allow a person to enter higher levels of consciousness, from which they can see these things from a Higher perspective.

This is the main and fundamental thing, but there are other approaches. For example, using the Reality Shifter field, a person can shift to a reality where they can already do these things, and people can start to manifest rapidly around them, who will ā€œtrainā€ them in this skill, so that they can be sure on a conscious level that they already know it and discover the nuances of the method that is revealed to them.

I know it sounds banal and has been repeated a thousand times in different places, but it is true: All the answers are hidden inside you. You can use the knowledge, experience, and tools from the external world, from other people, but if you donā€™t use your intention and awareness, you will probably be able to extract much smaller benefits from them compared to people who are engaged 100% in their change, development of their abilities, income, etc. This is valid for all areas of life.


When you say we change shift realities into another where we already know the right knowledge and people, does this mean that reality is not real in a sense? And does that mean the parallel universe theory is objective fact? Who are those people, are they independently themselves or just figments of our imagination? This is definitely getting into solipsism territory :smile:

I know how you feel when learning these new concepts. I started not very long ago. From what Iā€™ve gathered, we are living an illusion of reality called the third dimension or the 3D world. Since itā€™s like a hologram we can purposely change it to match what we desire in our lives and most of the times we manifest something it is because we shift into an alternate or parallel timeline where we get what we want in our lives. Hopefully this makes sense. If Iā€™m wrong, I do apologize for my ignorance everyone. Hopefully someone can correct or elaborate for us.

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The dimension in which we experience the so-called 3D or the Matrix is not real from the perspective of the mind and the soul. Of course, if you put your hand on a candle, you will feel and experience what ā€œburning, pain, scorching, itching, etc.ā€ are, but at a higher level, this is not real. A little off-topic, but people in different cultures have rituals every year where many people gather and walk barefoot on fiery coals. From the perspective of the mind, this is impossible, and according to logic, the result should be burned feet with blisters for months, but in reality, no one at these rituals has ever been burned.

Why is that?

Firstly, the people who do this are mentally prepared to take this step regardless of the danger, which according to logic would seriously harm the physical body for months.

Secondly, it takes courage and finding your inner state in which everything is possible. Having the attitude that you will pass through this fire no matter what happens. This involves many qualities such as determination, hardness, ability to take risks, faith, and others.

Thirdly, to do it. They usually hold their breath before they start and after 1-2 seconds, they do it with full determination, and in the end, everything is fine, they havenā€™t even felt any burning while doing this ritual.

Our world, both mental and in this dimension, has many illusions associated with time and space. In fact, they do not exist. If we delve into the subject over time and think about what it actually means to not exist, we will discover that all our lives, timelines, on all planets, in all dimensions, universes, etc., work SIMULTANEOUSLY IN THIS MOMENT.

When a person breaks the illusion of time and space with ease, they can move into other timelines and extract information, skills, and qualities from there in their current incarnation.


Can tell more about this part? I have been seeking this kind of knowledge and information, some insights will be appreciated! Thanks

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You can use these two fields to start playing with time: DM: SPEED PERCEPTION OF TIME [DM: SPEED PERCEPTION OF TIME - MaitreyaFields] and DM: SLOW PERCEPTION OF TIME [DM: SLOW PERCEPTION OF TIME - MaitreyaFields]. They will forcefully put your consciousness into a state where your perception of time changes. If you invest intention and effort to recognize this state, soon you will be able to understand and bend time with the power of your intention, as there will already be this information and energy in your system. This is a basic level for all other abilities.


If you got time can you pm ?


How can one generate this kind of field themselves? Is it intention to put a certain information into the field plus a deep meditative state?

Before a person can create energy fields, they need to go through a lot of knowledge and experience with energy. They need to be able to feel the energy, to see it, to be able to change it, to be able to travel to different places and dimensions, to distinguish between different energies - harmonious/disruptive, to differentiate between different energy beings, and to find the highest levels of existence in the universe where they will not be deceived or manipulated by various astral entities.

There is no quick path to this, nor a magical key that can give you this knowledge. All this knowledge accumulates over the years, even with knowledge from past lives, but most importantly with experience. Experience and healing on oneself, experience with working with other people, etc.

Buddhists say that when a person has a great goal, it will inevitably be achieved regardless of how many lives it takes. During this time, the person will go through many different experiences that will create the necessary situations in which they will practically learn how things work, not just on theories.

So, if you have such a desire - you can declare it to the universe. This will create a vortex of events that will lead you down this path. :slight_smile:


This answer really generates alot of trust and respect in your work Maitreya. Thank you for taking your time to answer a question like this.


Waaa thatā€™s so inspiring haha :laughing: I feel so motivated just by reading that! Iā€™m definitely still working on healing myself, but after that, itā€™s on to this kind of stuff :sunglasses:

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Could you please explain further how to do this? I have already purchased ā€˜Slow Timeā€™, but it doesnā€™t seem to be working. How can I enhance its effect? And how should I ā€œinvest intention and effort to recognize this stateā€? Thank you!

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Several people said that they donā€™t feel the fields that are for time.
Time is connected in the physical world with the brain and our perception of ā€œthe existence of realityā€ (this applies to space as well).

Our physical body and current experience is a projection that is broadcasted from much higher levels. The soul detaches focus and attention to a certain experience, where it can live through certain things and thus billions of bits of information are engaged to be realized, for example here on Earth, with the experiences we have.

If I can give a more understandable example, it would be something like this:

Letā€™s take for example 1 computer with a Windows operating system (the soul), and one software, for example Word (the incarnation of the person).

When you open Word, you see only 1 window on the computer, which has certain mechanisms, but at the same time in Windows, many other things are happening - 10-15 programs are still running, the processor and the video card create an image by expending a certain amount of energy for this and providing certain settings, with which everything goes in sync simultaneously.

The first step for a person to escape from the illusion of time and space is to understand that he is NOT the Word, but the Windows and all the hardware behind it, which allows opening 1 program at this moment, remembering that simultaneously many such programs are running + heaps of other processes, settings, and laws.

I would say that it is essential for a person to work on becoming aware of time and to observe the effects when trying to change it.

A few months ago, I forgot the mandala for enhancing time near me and ended up overworking and being overwhelmed with tasks. I had to search for what the problem was to find this abandoned mandala. Time is such a real illusion that one must consciously work and act with it.

What can help you in using the mandala is to give precise criteria in your intention. For example:

May the next 24 hours slow down to feel like 48 hours.
Naturally, this wonā€™t change the ā€œreal - collective time,ā€ but only your perception. Do this test and monitor how time flows with this range.

You can set other intentions; this is just an example.