Speed Reading / Speed Learning


Recently recieved this field and was wondering , that if the wish downloading thing really works cause it sounds too good to be true , really unrealistic cause u just getting others knowledge just by saying download _ knowledge from _ … another question is this only for education topic or can we download complex concepts ( engineering , doctor , lawyer knowledge )…

@Maitreya a quick question does this field only work for specific topic or can we download anything such as complex concepts ( engineering , doctor , lawyer knowledge )…


Can we download knowledge from the online teachers on YouTube? @Maitreya


brilliant, this will serve very useful Im sure, thanks very much


Exactly , if this works then it will be revolutionary


We upgraded it to work with teachers / mentors / santiels and also for online courses - mentors. It has blockage for other stuff for safe reasons. :slight_smile:


so it won’t work with people who have recorded course videos for example and shared them ?! the person must therefore be physically present on his side when watching the course video (so that it is an online course).


No, it includes online courses


How does the field know who my mentor/teacher/santiel is? What if in my life everyone is a teacher? If you wish to gain the knowledge of said person then they would qualify as your teacher right? Do I have to be enrolled in a course of some sort for the field to work properly without blocks?


thats also my question cause lets say if a doctor teaches us something then a normal teacher teaches and then lets say an accountant teaches something then isnt all of them our teachers??

if thats the case then we should be able to download their knowledge…

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I have a question on downloading knowledge. What type of knowledge exactly are we talking here? Let’s assume the “teacher” is online mentor who teaches the topic of sales and the course I’m watching is about sales. Does that mean that by using the command I will get all of his knowledge about sales or also other things this person knows? And how exactly can I pull this “knowledge” out of my mind? Is that like subconscious understanding? If so, does that affect my belief system?


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

again i also have this question , maitreya didnt clear it on how or what this knowledge is and how to use it … or pull it off

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Indeed! I can see this type of field being very useful in my work but if there are limitations I may need to seek other means. Might need to pay a bit extra for a custom field though :stuck_out_tongue: Holla!!!

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She answered my questions in private.
Your teacher can be anyone. Online teachers, mentors etc
Lets say you watch an emotional intelligence teacher on youtube
You can download his or her knowledge about emotional intelligence
flirting skills, social skills etc



yes, but this will be into your subconsciousness and you have to practice, try, experience to find the way for it. Anyway, you will start intuitively what is right and what not.

You always have to say what knowledge you want, don’t download all the knowledge from them.

SOmeone can be bad in bed with women, or other things… download only what you need,.


Thsi is what she said to me

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I am gonna quote all her answers

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ok then if thats the case , if i watch a piano teacher on youtube can i download his / her knowledge??


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