An update on this – life has improved for a time while being consistent with the codependency, divinity activation and fohat fire fields, and I was feeling very hopeful! But for reasons unknown, things have sadly regressed. I’m pretty down, drained and annoyed with the negativity I’m subjected to from this person I really don’t want to resent. But I’m not gonna give up on these fields, even though the silent treatment and cold shoulder are more and more frequent. In ways, it’s starting to feel somewhat like when I still had contact with my father. He was a full-blown narcissist and I had to walk on eggshells a lot. Couldn’t be true to myself or speak up without consequences of some kind.
I’m starting to feel like maybe there’s something karmic holding me back from being completely free from this situation and being platonically loved/respected by this person. Love from them can feel conditional under these circumstances. You know how when you try to cut cords/attachments, the receiving person might end up sensing it and holding on even tighter? That’s an image that’s sticking with me these days.
I just want a healthy, supportive relationship with this person. I want peace, you know? I’ve sent back a lot of good fields - like self-love, subsconscious blockage removal, and trauma healing - back in time with the Time Breaker. But while I wait, is there something more I can do?
Not sure if it’s useful information, but when I listen to self-love-related fields and all these things that should be comforting and is exactly what I need, I feel nothing at all. Well, except tired in the morning, if I play too many fields. For those of you in similar situations as I am, the book “Change Your Life’s Direction” by Jim Taylor might make your throat ache with how hard-hitting it is. I’ve never had something I’ve read describe me with such pinpoint accuracy.
Hey, this gives me an idea for a DM… if a field can make me feel what it’s like to be nurtured in all senses, emotionally fulfilled, and drowned in unconditional familial love, I’d be thrilled. I just wanna feel something good and comforting for the longterm. As someone wisely put it, I can’t keep filling the cup of another person when mine has been emptied.
Anyway, thanks for hearing me out! Fwiw, I am talking to a therapist, but I’m here because I know there’s so much more to relationships and life than what’s on the surface. And posting here, I feel less isolated and more forgiving of myself. Something can’t be right when I feel deeply guilty for just sharing my thoughts.