I have been looking at descriptions, trying to pick a shield for some time. I had a negative entity attached in the past that I don’t want to come back (or any other entity for that matter). As mentioned in a previous post, I also have narcissistic family members and othe people that send their ill will my way. A protection against narcissistic abuse would be nice even though I limit contact to a minimum.
I liked Chameleon for that reason but I am not sure that would also work against entities. For the entities I liked what I read in In your favor and Divine Protection. Can you please help me pick? It would mean a lot.
The external world is a projection of our consciousness. If you constantly encounter negativity in the outer world, it means there are patterns, traumas, images, or energies within you that attract this negativity from the outside. And, of course, there are entities that may connect to you, provoking conflicts.
You can set up the strongest protections, but the source of negativity will always remain within.
DM: Adaptive Shield This shield works on humans and entities. You can upgrade it by meditating on it, with the intention of getting stronger. I did it with all shields I am using. I asked the Creator to upgrade the field because fields are made from his energy.
Thank you so much. I had disregarded that one because when I tried it, it gave me a very bad healing crisis. Not sure what that means. When it’s like that I either really need something (especially when it is clearing) or it is incompatible so to speak.
I also had misunderstood this post of yours:
Now I understand it is actually the best not to stop manifestations.
Lastly, does it work on people? I would assume it works on their ill will and curses, what about when they are constantly trying to psychologically abuse and defame you? Thank you so much again.
By the way @Hero your take is 100% correct. Being born in a family where NPD was rampant, I attracted a lot of negativity. Now that I broke those patterns, I live a wonderful life but people from my past keep trying to suck me back in. I also kept in touch with my family of origin because some of them don’t have NPD and are getting older, but dealing with Narcissists even sparsely is an exhausting task. Everything is a manipulation and an excuse to cause conflict. The only thing that comes out their mouth are constant lies to you. They also constantly defame you with everyone you know and manipulate other people to reach out to you in order to gaslight you and harm you.
I think you might benefit from Cord Cutting fields. How about working on the problems of your lineage/ancestors? Maitreya has several fields regarding this topic. Some of your persistent entities and family problems may come from your ancestors.
When a field creates this sort of reaction, parasites inside you might be triggered by this energy. They don’t want you to shield them as this would make the environment bad for them, and they would have to leave.
Yes, it works on people. In my case (I am using the Geralttt that has Adaptive Shield in it) when a family member attacked me, bum, their energy was recognised as an intruder, remembered. I can say that 80% of my family members are avoiding me now. Which was sad at the beginning, but now I feel protected and grateful. I also work with Return to the Sender. I lost friends who had parasites and didn’t want to do it anything about it. Parasites inside of them decided to attack me.
Adaptive Shield and Cosmic Shield (from In Your Favour) won’t stop your manifestations.
I did it for over a year. When you want to break ancestral curses, be prepared to attract the attention of evil forces and more likely those who are under influence of them will try to stop you.
How was your experience with it? And how could I prevent it? I have been using a field to remove intergenerational curses from another creator for a few months and have recently started using fields from Maitreya for this purpose. I did not encounter any problems. Some weird things happened and I had a feeling from my dreams and those incidents that something was following me and trying to reach me. But nothing was serious, I put on more shielding fields during sleep and did not care much.
Thank you for mentioning that. That is an excellent idea. Specifically what fields come to mind?
Thank you so much @Polaris !!! Would cosmic shield be just as good? I feel attracted to in your favor for some reason but down to go for adaptove shield too.
Also, I am very sorry about your family. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were mental disorders there too. People that have them are extremely crafty at hiding that they are completely dysfunctional.
Either way, I strangeley felt better after finally understanding what was wrong with my family. I hope we can all find some peace.
“Ancestral Line Clearing” DM to remove psychic attacks, curses, vows in your lineage and “Ancestral Line Arrangement” DM to clear traumas in your family and ancestral line. There is also an audio for “Ancestral Line Clearing War Trauma” on Youtube. The first field is quite strong clearing, in my experience.
I incarnated in a very dark family. I think it was meant to stop, block, and destroy me. Not every bloodline is dark, so your experience might be different. I hope it will.
I went on bloodline clearing full-on when I lost my baby. My family had many black magicians, blood witches, and children who were sacrificed. I dedicated myself to track and destroy every influence of evil. Those family members who are possessed or tied to demons attacked me in real life. I stood my ground and I almost devastated my physical body during clearing, because I dealt with unresolved pain, traumas and grief that people before me ignored, suppressed and just passed to the next generation.
Ancestral clearing is a never-ending story, you can give it some time but it’s better to focus on yourself instead. I dealt with it to ensure that any child born into my family would have a better start. It also affected many people in my family, but you would be amazed how many decided to stay in the darkness and summon demons again to their bodies.
When you grow and shine, you positively affect your family, anyway. I would say eliminate curses and danger that affects you, and direct your attention to your own life and goals. You break the circle by having the life that no one had before you.
I am terribly sorry that you had such painful experiences. I hope we both fully recover and leave the past behind.
Crazy how people will cling to their evil ways knowing full well that the outcome is always disastrous.
I’m sure we will One day, you will become proud that they couldn’t destroy you.
I like to work with this field DM: From Pain to Power when I am about to complete another lesson. Plus DM: Emotional Replacer to regulate emotions.