What the hell in the world happened last night?

I have no idea where to post this, just what in the world happened to me last night? I had the worst experience I’ve ever had in my life, and I don’t know why it happened, it was much worse than a nightmare and I don’t even remember it well, I was never afraid of nightmares, at least not today, I just have one I go back to sleep, I almost died of being hit by a car, but I have never been as scared in my life as I was today, it is definitely the worst experience I ever had. I knocked over several pieces of furniture in my room in an absurd frenzy, probably if someone had been sleeping with me I would have hurt that person a lot. I believe that the best way to define this is a nightmare in real life, when you dream and you are desperate, despair wakes you up, but I brought this despair to real life and I didn’t know what to do, it’s like my mind didn’t know how to differentiate dream reality, in fact, I didn’t know where it was, this is my stack: Hernia: Abdominal Wall Restoration - YouTube Raise vibration: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v = hqIBV3zUfhk D3: Vitamin D3 / Energetically Programmed Audio - YouTube
Schumman: The Schuman Resonance - YouTube Grounding: Grounding & Earthing / Energetically Programmed Audio - YouTube Quantum booster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = 4JmG8jgh1C4
Shield: Multidimensional Shield of Light - Cleanse and Protect your space / home - Digital Mandala - YouTube Obssessive: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Help (Energetic and Meditative Treatment) - YouTube Subconcius: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= wstV3pNIHwo
Superhuman: Superhuman Physiology - YouTube Energy blockage removal: Energy Blockage Removal - YouTube
Hanuman chalisa: Hanuman Chalisa 108x | Supreme Protection | Extreme Strength | Make the Impossible, Possible! - YouTube
God: Pure 39.17 MHz God's frequency - YouTube
Lucid dreams: Lucid Dreaming - Control Your Dreams / Energetically Programmed Audio - YouTube
Remove obstacles: Remove Obstacles | Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha 108x | Mantra Energised Series - YouTube
Morphic field: (Morphic Music) Affirmations & Frequency to Morphic Field Converter (This helped me ALOT!) - YouTube
Hoponopono: Ho'oponopono milagroso: Mega-Sena 108 repetições - YouTube Estrogen: Estrogênio (Masculino & Feminino) [Normalizar Produção] | Canal: Altas Frequências - YouTube I know some people don’t trust MEF, but I’ve used their converter for some time time and something like that never happened, I want you to say what you think it could be, my biggest guess is the lucid dreams of maitreya, maybe my mind is still adapting to being lucid in dreams, this may have caused some mental confusion.

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I’m so sorry to hear that you went through something like that. It sounds horrible and absolutely terrifying. I hope that you feel okay now.
I also intuitively felt that it might have something to do with the lucid dreaming one. It might be that your subconscious mind is working through some negative stuff and processing and clearing that in your dreams (because I noticed that there are quite a few audios in your stack designed to clear stuff out) and you got stuck in that dream state even after waking up because of the power of the lucid dreaming field. Perhaps you can take that one out for a while and see how it goes, or you can listen to that one on its own or without any audios that could cause any potential clearings.
Edit: This is going to sound really strange, but I thought I’d share my experience because I noticed that you have the abdominal wall healing from Sapien Medicine. I also use some of his audios, as well as some from his other channel Dreamseeds, but there’s one audio that gave me consistent nightmares: Enhanced Fat Metabolism. I even had it on the lowest volume possible playing underneath white noise, so it’s not like I could hear the music (which sounds a bit creepy) but the 3 times that I fell asleep listening to it I got terrible nightmares, which I don’t usually get. It was just super strange to me that something that’s completely unrelated to dreaming and/or cleansing can cause nightmares so consistently for me. It might just be that that particular energy doesn’t vibe with me, who knows :thinking:

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Hm, weird. Don’t play anything for 2-3 days, then start again. All of these audios are pretty legit (im not 100% sure about God’s frequency though).


Maybe Lucid dream mixed with some subconscious fears you actually have and are coming out. Sometimes my dreams are so vivid that when I wake up I can continue to perceive smells and sensations, sometimes they remain the rest of the day. I think the same thing happened to you, only you were unlucky enough that it was a nightmare.

You could stop listening lucid dreams field or give yourself a break for a few days and work with the Maitreya field for fears, in case it is due to some fear that you had not noticed


I am not bashing but
I don’t know why that LD doesn’t have protections from nightmares included, obviously LD field is working but also in negative way as well as positive idk
Try listen divine grace and angelic intercession with all this stuck
Just for protection
You need some protection stuff from all negative stuff even in your dreams

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Could it be some sort of purge?

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Sounds like demons tried to possess you. Hostage to the Devil by Malachi Martin. Yeah, I know how that will come across on this forum. So, sorry, I consider myself among friends here, and on everyone’s side. But, that’s what it sounds like to me. Like one of the accounts in that book. An early stage of attempted possession. Whatever anyone’s doctrines, theologies, beliefs, etc… I myself believe that kind of stuff is out there. Unfriendly entities. Demons. Whatever you want to call them.

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I also thought it was something related to lucid dreams, very strange what happened to you in relation to Sapiens’ audio.


Yes, maybe it is better to stop lucid dreams for now, about fears I have heard many audios for this even recently, there are even some that deal with this on my list.

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Yes you can, but I’ve been used to dealing with this kind of thing for a long time, and no cleaning has been so sinister.

Don’t you know that Regius Pura has dream mastery field for protection even from nightmares and negative events and energy in dreams??
Maybe you should try that along with that one and you can even play it Regius one overnight just to be sure

I agree for this. @DarkMatter I think you should try and remove god frequency from your list.
and that frequency is not 100% proven. There is very little information about it seems very unlikely to be true. You have mentioned the strange energy thing in your kitchen before, maybe this frequency attracts harmful beings to you and your home. because it is not certain what this frequency does.

You don’t have to be afraid to say this here lol, most people here believe in entities, disincarnated spirits, beings from other dimensions and etc., and yes I thought about this possibility, in fact it is the second most likely possibility, because I printed the mandala do send it to the light and put it in my room, to remove possible spirits lost in my house, and early in the morning it happens, maybe some entity that would not want to leave attacked me.


The energy of the kitchen is already something that comes from several previous years, I only started this frequency recently.

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What you have in your kitchen? :slight_smile:
If you hardly control yourself / or cannot - can be entity / demon trying to play with you.

LD can have for the first time an effect for the person to can’t recognize dreams from reality. After the brain gets used to it with little practice, you start recognizing that.

If you don’t know are you dreaming or not, always search for a clock. They can be fully stop or they can move like crazy, not the normal slow moving.
and some more…

Here are common reality checks that people use to lucid dream:

  • Mirrors. Check your reflection to see if it looks normal.
  • Solid objects. Push your hand against a wall or table and see if it goes through. Some people push their fingers into their opposite palm.
  • Hands. Look at your hands. Do they look normal?
  • Breathing. This popular reality check involves pinching your nose and seeing if you can breathe. If you can still breathe, you’re dreaming.

I don’t know what, but a bad energy, I believe it’s already resolved though, thanks for the tips.


I am not sure, but i have a sense you got portal there.
If you want send me private message. :slight_smile:


Dear Maitreya, kindly I think you should update your LD field even with some protections, like from nightmares, negative energies when we sleeping like Bublé protection or something, then protection from sleep paralysis etc etc
This is just kindly suggestion for sake of everyone who practice LD
And don’t think that I mean your LD is bad, it’s good actually too much good, and realistic, but just need this kind of protections included IMHO

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I will add in 2-3 days some protections to the field. Will update.


But if it is updated, then how do we clear our locks? Some of them need nightmares, they are necessary, there is already a mandala for good dreams, just use it together with lucid dreams.

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