What the hell in the world happened last night?

Okay nvm
I just thought about you and guys like you who practice LD already, and who maybe had sometimes bad stuff there
I don’t practice it btw
But do whatever you feel is right

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I remember you saying about the karma clearer, which came to mind

I haven’t done it in a long time, I think it’s improper to be him.

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I just wanna say that I bought and tried Lucid Dreaming.

I was really excited and the experience was somewhat difficulte to hadle. However in my case I know why it was so.

I noticed, what Lucid Dreaming audio does, it transportes you awaken state into this lucid state. You can feel these waves on your skin carrying you away.

BUT if you have many energetic formulas or spells in your system, that dense energy stuck to you, then they can interfere with this transportation process and it might become somewhat unpleasant.

That’s what happened to me.

I woke up with strange and uncomfortable feeling all over my body. And I intuitively knew what it was and that I had to cleanse my energetic system.

So I decided to to put aside LD and wait until I am ready for it. :+1:

My simple advice to everyone is not to use so many different audios from so many creators.

… and buy Dream Catcher, it is one of cheapest and best items in store!


I feel it too, I also decided to stop for now as I have other more urgent priorities.

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This has not been repeated in any way.

In my case I still fell presence of Wiz body spells on me.

That’s why I couldn’t completely relax and let go my awareness of body and travel into lucid dream state.

Someone else might have similar or different problem.

But I do remember before youtube was popular, probably 6 or 7 years ago, I was able to lucid dream normaly without any problems. But now I have to many negative energy in my system because i listened so called “safe” channels. :angry:

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I know you already have the permanent results integrator and use the whistle command to remove the negative audios, but the frequency inverter can be a great addition, go for me, it is helping me a lot since I currently can’t get the permanent integrator .