What is the spiritual explanation of Narcissism?

Hey guys, I know that psychology is psychology and medicine is medicine… and that this is not a mental health forum. Sometimes though, physical ailments have a spiritual, subconscious or energetic root, and so do psycologial ailments and personality disorders.
Unfortunately, Narcissism runs in my family. Psychology offers a partial explanation but no cure. According to psycho analysis, Narcissism can be contained at best, but never healed. Narcissists are narcissists for life. On top of that, Narcissism is not a choice. These people will act out a false persona compulsively and unwillingly until the day they die with no remedy. While they are at it, they will do anything to hurt everyone around them and themselves, sometimes irreparably.
That brings up several questions in my mind:
Is there an explanation/cause in Spirituality? As a member of a Narcissistic family is there something I should do to recover from the abuse and also end this curse (besides 3D remedies like going to therapy etc.)? What is the beat field to shield myself against their constant defamation, emotional abuse, gaslighting and ill will? Is there anything that can be done for the Narcissist, in case they decide they want to change and heal (a field or spiritual practice)? One of the reasons why I am writing is because it almost looks like demonic possession. It is truly frightening. Any help/opinion/advice is greatly appreciated.

My mother is not a narcissist but she is very manipulative and my family is quite toxic. From my observation, my parents do change for the better, albeit very slowly, like after decades. And they learn like other people, through their karma - failures, pains, and problems in life. They learn faster when they have people pointing out their mistakes and showing them the right way or when the culture/environment changes.

I think most people, not only narcissists, only act out of their programs from childhood and their surrounding environment/culture until something happens in their life making them review their programs and change. Different people, different problems, same model. In a sense, we are all cursed being on earth.

Regarding fields, I think ‘Release and Heal Gaslighting’ would be the best for victims of narcissism. And then fields for self love and confidence - you will not accept emotional abuse when you believe in yourself and love yourself. ‘Parents’ Love’ would give you a model of healthy love, you would notice when someone deviates from such model. Mind Guard, Mental Body Detox, Blueprint of Health - Mental State to remove some negativity. Fields for Cord Cutting, Divine Truth, Meaning Regulator - help you to see things more clearly. And lastly, fields for the courage to confront narcissists - ‘Courage’ virtue, The Samurai, Breaking Bad.

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Thank you. That is all great advice and recommendation.

What do you mean by this exactly?

Oh, I am not a spiritual expert. I do not mean anything serious, just an ironic comment as you mentioned ‘curse’ in your post. I have read some fields from other creators about inter-generational curses and curses on humankind such as poverty and death, but I do not know how true those claims are. For me, all the reincarnation, karma, and healing - without any prior knowledge or clear guidance, is a curse in itself.

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Yes, Parents Love should be used by everyone in this world to stop this generational pain. I found this helpful:
DM: Love & Forgiveness it works on different timelines as well. And what is most important is that it works on both sides.
As for Virtues I would recommend
We often sacrifice our needs for other people, and this field has taught me a lot about creating healthy boundaries that are based on respect. It is absolutely powerful to respect yourself first. Which is completely contrary to what living with narcissistic people conditioned you.

This will guide you to be compassionate towards people and self-compassionate, which is very important. We tend to feel compassion for others; it is easier quite often because we try to understand their behaviour but also when someone is acting bad we step back, cut off, leave when we respect ourselves. I was compasionate by default so Respect Virtue helped me a lot to keep my standards.

Sense of worth that many of us lost during life. Nothing and no one should take away your dignity. It is your birthright, and everyone deserves to be treated right and respectfully. This virtue brings that energy back to you. It feels like coming back home after a while.

Virtues DMs can be heavy at the beginning. In my case, the farther I was from that, the heavier it felt. With time, I noticed that the more I do and think in ways that are aligned with those virtues, the better I feel.

I was feeling the same. So I decided to make sure this lifetime will clear a lot, so my next lifetime (I don’t know if I want come back, lol) will be easier. Consider this lifetime as being at the University. It will take some time; you learn stuff that seems to be ridiculous or heavy at the beginning, but after that, you get a diploma and can start a job you want. Optimistically speaking, because a curse sounds heavy, learning is less burdening :smiley:

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Thank you, that really helps a lot. These are all great recommendations. So, as far as the narcissist goes, is it simply a psychological condition derived from traumas in childhood? Or can it possibly come from an ancestral cause, previous life or negative spiritual influence? Should they want to change or heal (which the narcissist usually doesn’t, but sometimes that can happen due to a radical event in their lives that shakes them), what fields could potentially help them?

I think all of those reasons could be accurate. Every case is different. I can only tell what I discovered about those narcissists I interacted with. One is clearly possessed and soulless, and the other two are partially tied to the lower astral. That means part of their souls are trapped in the Void. I’ve done an enormous amount of healing with one of them, with his permission. I didn’t know that I was feeding evil beings for the whole time. He was like a black hole. He was also programmed to be my trapt and stop me from my evolution and actually meet the right person. I had been trying to get him out for many lifetimes and paid the price for it.
From my perspective now, I wasted energy that could have been used to benefit people who genuinely want to heal.

Yes, sometimes, being willing to change is not enough. They need to take action and commit to it. It has to be their need, their desire, and their hard work.

Soul Contract Revocation + Soul Fragments Retrieval

As the woman who spent centuries sacrificing herself over and over for the man I truly love, I would advise you one thing - move on, leave them behind, and wish them well.
I decided to break that pattern that was so deeply rooted in me and focus on myself. Every time I think about him, “You’re strong; one day, you will do everything you can to set yourself free. I believe in you”. It will build up, and maybe one day, he will come to me and ask for help. Maybe this will be the next lifetime whenever he will be ready. I will never reject someone who is asking for help, but right now his choice is to stay in the darkness and I respect that.

They need to come to you when they are ready, not when you want to save them. Keep your energy to yourself. You can send them unconditional love by wishing them well, but your priority is you.

I know you would like to understand, but the thing is, there could be so many different reasons. Love them, respect their choices, and work on yourself. Rebuild your self-worth because they have their own lives to live on, and I know that we were conditioned to think about them first. We were conditioned to ignore our needs because that would be selfish. Even now, you want to know what could potentially help them. When they come to you, ready and willing to heal, that will be the right moment to ask this question :slight_smile:


Thank you for an amazing response. I really appreciated everything you advised and shared!

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From my experience, when people want to heal or change for the better, the universe/higher self will give them the necessary resources and create circumstances to support evolution. Although not all suffering is necessary, some sufferings are needed for the soul to learn the required lessons. Free will and personal desires also play a part here, which often leads to suffering, which in turn becomes the catalyst for healing and evolution. Therefore, sometimes letting people struggle with their problems in their own way (and their higher self’s way) is the best solution.

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I will challenge this belief because it was so deeply rooted in me as well.

Suffering is sometimes necessary to learn a lesson.

This way, you attract more pain and more pain, and you create a mindset where you learn only from pain. You accept pain, and you’re grateful for that because you can become a better version of yourself. So, you create a life based on pain because you humbly accept this. Gratitude sends a signal to the Universe that this is what you want.

You can learn and grow better and faster by experiencing positivity, compassion and love. You replace painful lessons with those who allows you to experience good things in your life. That’s how you break the circle.

Pain is destructive and lowers your vibration. Example:
Good people rescued a dog that evil humans have abused. To help this poor creature recover, they need to teach him (I use ‘him’ for a purpose; I don’t like to call it ‘it’)that humans can be good. Patience, compassion, good experiences, love, comfort, safety.

Same with us. We don’t need catalysts and be broken into millions of pieces to become better. We need love, safety, more love and good experiences. Imagine the world that beings from Higher Realms would create. Their worlds are filled with compassion, love, and unity. Causing pain and suffering is the least thing they would do. They heal and help humanity because humans are still self-destructing.

Our world is designed to hurt us and even thank the Universe for the pain as a lesson - this is masochism, in my opinion.

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Most people on earth are so lost in their low vibrational programs and beliefs that only pain and suffering can awaken them. Most of people are stuck with the ego and as you said, humans are still self-destructing. Pain and suffering are the response from the universe to their self-destructing pattern so that they can start to change.

And we live in the so-called lower realm without much contact with higher realms. Most people cannot see or communicate with spirits, many even deny the existence of the spiritual world. If someone is open up to the spiritual world, they are often caught up with religions or some negative spirits. There are many cases reported in this forum about people using fields for healing from other creators but getting associated with some negative entities/energies instead.

I do not romanticize pain and suffering. I used to resent the whole world and the whole universe for dragging me through so much suffering, failure, and pain for me to grow instead of, like what you say, positivity, compassion, and love. However, looking back, there are some lessons I can only learn from such experiences. I still do not like or feel thankful for any bad experiences but the world still throws the bad experiences at me. So I choose to accept them as a part of life, learn from them, and find the solution so that they will not repeat. No more resentment, much less suffering, more detachment, learning, and improving.

I agree that we can learn with loving and good experiences. But some lessons for the ego cannot be learned with only loving and good experiences. Your example is not realistic here, we are not dogs - we are much more complicated, there is no god-like rescuer, higher beings help when you reach out to them, they do not jump out to help you from evil on their own will, many people even cannot reach them. Humans are both good and bad, there are both lower and higher beings and there are no perfect relationships, no perfect parents, no perfect life path with only love and good experiences, no matter how many fields you use or how many positive beliefs, self-care, self-love you have.

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Can you give some examples? I’m curious.

Well, many of beings from higher realms decided to incarnate here over and over to help. They lowered their vibration to guide, help, heal and raise vibrations and that was choice made of love. They were advanced enough, they didn’t have to learn more to ascend. This is how God works. He has his own army here, sometimes lost in the circle of pain and not able to do what they meant to do. And their role is not safe anyone, it’s to guide them so humanity can safe themselves.

It’s not about being perfect; it’s about being your true self. The more you accept your own authenticity, the easier it will be to accept other people. From my experience, fields didn’t shape me into someone new. I keep re-discovering my true self.


For example, in my experience, failing to control my life before I learned to let go of control and follow the life flow instead. Depression before I learned to focus on the relationship with myself, to take care of myself, and to respect my feelings. And healing itself to me has been painful, one trauma and issue after another was pulled out so that I could feel, understand, have a new view and let them go.

On the second thought, I see the value in your recommendation. I have never requested loving and positive lessons from the universe. Even manifestation and work with the universe is something new to me within the last few years. I think I will try a new perspective.

However, for other people, I see that pain and suffering are still the way for them to learn. Not for everyone, not for all problems, but it is still like that mainly on Earth. Otherwise, we would have been reincarnated on another planet with a higher dimension with only love and positivity.

It is different with me. With more healing, fields and knowledge about psychology, I keep finding humans like an AI with beliefs, behaviors, and feelings determined by background, childhood, karmic ties, traumas, and experiences.


We are at war for millennia. The dark side wants to feed on people and to be able to stay on Earth; the vibrations need to be low. Raising the frequency of the whole planet to a higher level would change everything, and darkness wouldn’t be able to be here. They are parasites, so they need a specific environment to thrive. So every time a Lightworker with the ability to generate higher vibrations and guide people towards light is knocked down. We should have been in 5D ages ago; we lost the battles but never gave up.

Exactly, programmed. That’s why fields are helpful in de-programing and giving you your own true identity and power back.

If no one told you that, I am proud of you for overcoming your traumas and letting go. Surrendering is challenging, and trusting is scary. You deserve good experiences and lessons. Give the Universe permission to flood you with everything good that was prepared for you. We all want to manifest better life but often this requires to leave that old version of you behind and transform into someone who is so level up, that feels like a stranger at the beginning :slight_smile: but this person can get all the blessings that old version of you tried to manifest