Ok.... so im a covert narcissist

Thats right… i found out revently and thankfully im a rare example of one who has been and is willing to do the hard work… im years into therapy… i have empathy… im not the far end of the scale, but im realising ive put myself down so much that i was potentially using unconscious tactics on my wife… i have no oddicial diagnosis but 2 therapists have agreed im somewhere on the scale… and not the far end of healthy…

Can anyone recommend a fields playlist for this?

With presence


Narcissists aren’t born. They’re made, usually in early childhood. I really wish that there would be more people like you, willing to take accountability and action for their behaviour. You’re indeed a very rare example.
I’ll drop fields that you might resonate with. Pick those that you feel drawn to.
This sends love to everyone who hurt you and who you hurt.

You can ask the Creator to restore your soul. Narcists often suffer from the soul’s defragmentation.

This is to remove guilt and remorse. We all made mistakes, we all hurt someone. It helps to accept own mistakes and move forward.

Inner Child Healing is very important to everyone if I can be honest.

Blueprint series to restore you to the most optimal version. I recommend playing all of 3 as emotional, mental and etheric bodies are strongly connected:


I am so grateful. What you saod about wishing there were more people like me really hit home. Ill be honest, i was in floods of tears after reading that as it helps me to sed the light that is in abundance in my heart…
Thankyou for the field recommendations… i will adjust my playlists to fit these in.

I am so grateful… i see how much effort you put in on this forum and people really appreciate your time and efforts… so even if youre repeating yourself over and over, its helpful

Be well x

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Awww thank you :people_hugging: We are here to grow together. You never know if someone is going through the same realisation and would never find the courage to say, “I am a covert narcissist”. And now they can think that there is hope.
Or how many people who lived with narcissism would dream about them posting this post and being willing to work?
We tend to brutally criticise ourselves for mistakes, but we give ourselves almost zero credit for trying to change. I am sure you will feel better soon, and your wife will for sure appreciate that :slight_smile:

She will be appreciating it from a distance, in her own home haha… you have to laugh dont you.

Thankyou for shedding light on it in that way Polaris x

I am in similar situation where I hurted the person whom i love the most. She blocked me and detached.

I need to change my toxic behavior. I am doing the personal healing while doing everything it takes to be back with her.

We be in situation where they are not with us
But you know
The divine works and put us through our lessons/karmic lessons.

Lets heal ourself and surrender to Divine.
By energy we are always connected to our specific person. When we changing , they will feel too.

Surrender to Divine and cheer up to light. :seedling::sun_with_face:

Lets improve our self love, our relationship with God and divine and everything else will be given back to us, our harmony will be restored. :heart:

Yes i feel the fields polaris recommended help immediately…

I felt darkness purging from myself yesterday at a rate i could handle…

Finding refige in, and grounding in the body… soeaking from that groinded place, almost speaking through the body, is one sure fire way to make sure you are being real also… it saves us from a fake reality that people with these traits don’t even see theyre living in.

Unfortunately its very wide spread these days… but this, alongside the fields and Oneira can definitely help (DEEP THERAPY WORK IS ESSENTIAL ALSO)

I’m proud of you guys for taking accountability and willing to heal. You give a lot to the collective. Yes, the world sucks, but every healed person adds it’s one energy and can change the whole structure.

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