Transactional nature of relationships

Have you found relational connections or mostly transactional connections in life? How do you switch up between the two? Do you think there is a possibility of unconditional loving relationships in life or is it a flawed ideal? Not speaking of business relationships; just friends, acquaintance, family, spouse, children.


The way we create our relationships is exactly how they turn out for us.

The more I grow and evolve, the more I let go of things that are not truly me. And the more I do that, the more I just want to give without expecting anything in return. For example, when I write something, my goal is often to help people see things from a new perspective, to help them understand more deeply. This is part of my mission—to share knowledge and help people become more aware. I do it without waiting for praise or recognition, not to boost my self-esteem or prove something to someone.

In the past, I wanted to be praised and appreciated. I would get involved in things just so people would say, “Well done!” A big trigger for me was when I did something good and expected gratitude in return. If I didn’t get it, I would feel hurt or disappointed.

Now, things are very different because I feel more whole and complete within myself. I give and do things simply because I want to. It’s my way of contributing to the lives of others.

In close friendships and personal relationships, I no longer think in terms of “I do something for you, and you do something for me.” In business, though, I still notice some triggers. In the past, I leaned too much towards self-sacrifice, so now I’m constantly working on finding balance in fair energy exchange. But I also understand that exchange is always fair—it just doesn’t always happen in the way we expect. We give in one place and receive in another. The ego, however, creates separation and insists that if I gave to a specific person, that same person must return the favor. But in a balanced universe, things don’t work that way.

When it comes to romantic relationships, for them to be truly ideal, a person must first be whole and have a strong, healthy relationship with themselves. Otherwise, the relationship won’t be between two real people, but between their past wounds and emotional pain.

The only way to heal a relationship is to first accept it as it is. We need to fully see and love the present moment. Only when we feel love and satisfaction with what already exists as a part of us can we create and attract what we truly want. Fighting against reality, being unhappy and ungrateful, or running away from something will never lead to the right outcome. Instead, we must acknowledge all relationships as they are. That’s what is required of us.

Any issue in a relationship is simply a reflection of something inside you—something you are separating from yourself. This means it needs healing, transformation, and a shift in perspective. Any relationship problem is a sign that you are not fully connected with the Creator, which is, in fact, your true self.

When we stop rejecting anything in our reality—including people and relationships—and fully accept them, they become a part of us. This is how we become whole, heal ourselves, and heal the relationships we create in our lives.


We live in the Universe that we co-create. I think there is always a flaw inside of us that needs to be healed. Sometimes, we meet wounded people even when we are balanced. To give the example that it is possible to overcome pain and trauma.
I know many of relationships can be mirror but not everything is based on that, in my opinion. We also have other laws in place except for the Law of Attraction.

We are one, yes but also we have our unique blueprints, and unique history. Your world interact with other worlds of other souls. And I think many people get sucked in that idea that everyone is you, it’s your own Universe. I lean more into co-creation and interaction. We come from the same Source, but we have been given our own identities, own souls and consciousness. So, we are interconnected but still individuals.

I love unconditionally but access to me is not unconditional. I set boundaries and I can love someone from the distance, unfortunately if they continuously decide to treat me not how I deserve, then I keep my boundaries strong. I tend to give, give and give to the world and people but there has to be a balance of giving and receiving in every relationship. I know it can be spread over the time, but everything has changed when I restored my self-worth. I no longer waste my time on people who don’t want to invest theirs. Over 8 billion people on this world, they can find someone who will suit them better. And I mean family, friends, business and love.
I don’t take rejection personally (I worked on that for a very long time) - we don’t resonate, that’s all. It doesn’t mean they’re bad or I’m not good enough.

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Ego wounds pull people together. You wouldn’t be interested in witnessing someone else’s suffering if there was no suffering within you.
You wouldn’t be drawn to movies filled with pain or theater plays built on suffering.

Songs that express deep sorrow wouldn’t resonate with you anymore. You might even notice how your music choices change as you heal.

Of course, you can choose to listen, but it simply won’t interest you the same way.

A whole and balanced person won’t feel the urge to be in close, constant contact with someone who is fragmented and unbalanced. Of course, you can choose to live with anyone, but will it be interesting for a person who has harmony inside to live with someone who has a lot of aggression inside? An aggressive person will not be interested in living with a person who does not respond to his aggression

There will be no resonance. Unless aggressive person starts longing for wholeness.When that happens, the healed person becomes an invitation for the unhealed one to step into their own healing.

Yes, we are all separate individuals. But this feeling of separation is created by the ego—because its very function is to divide.

The more ego wounds are healed, the deeper one feels their connection and harmony with the world, the more one experiences themselves as a unified part of the vast universe.

When individual cells in the body get sick, the whole body suffers.
Our bodies are made up of countless tiny cells.
Cells are made of molecules.
Molecules are made of atoms.
Atoms are made of quarks, leptons, and photons.

Are the cells in your body separate from the body itself, or are they part of a whole?

And just like that—are you a separate being, or are you a part of something much greater?

A molecule belongs to an organ, which belongs to a body.
A human belongs to a family, a society, and ultimately—to the universe itself, which in turn is a part of something bigger

The more connected you feel to everything around you, the easier life becomes.

You understand that hurting another is the same as hurting yourself.
Helping another is helping yourself.

You choose what to create in your life—more of what you consider good or more of what you consider bad.

What kind of world would we live in if even a few billion people started creating this way?

What would the world be like if people healed their ego wounds?

Would they create love—or hatred?
would they create conflicts?


I went through that stage. I isolated myself from people who are in victim mentality and complaint a lot. Then, I isolated myself from people who didn’t want to do anything with their lives.
Then I released how huge impact my energy has on them. I am not going to avoid people because most of the world is wounded. Instead I make sure that my aura is sealed and I can change vibration everywhere I go. They can’t affect me, but I affect them. I want to inspire them not push them away because they’re not healed. Of course with healthy boundaries. I have no mercy for the violation of my free will, and it doesn’t matter if this is human or any other being.

And creates cells that bring the harmony back and builds immunity for future illness :smiley:

There is nothing wrong with having a healthy Ego that is respectful for itself and others.


People usually isolate themselves when they need personal transformation—when they can’t handle their own pain because everything around them triggers them.

A whole and integrated person doesn’t need to avoid anything or anyone. They have the freedom to choose how to experience life.
True and real spiritual growth happens through interaction with people, not in caves.

Once again, you’re talking about boundaries and protecting yourself. But think about your own limitlessness.
Why do you keep wanting to shrink yourself down to the level of a small ego instead of expanding to contain the entire world?

Oh, come on, of course they can…
When someone is ruled by their ego, all it takes is a single phrase to control them:

“You’re wrong.” or “Your opinion is incorrect.”

And suddenly, the ego jumps in, desperately trying to prove itself right—because when the ego feels right, it feels alive.

Why do people have such big problems with constantly being in the “here and now” moment? Because in the “now” moment, the ego does not control and gradually dissolves. It doesn’t feel alive. In the “now” moment, the ego cannot hold on to the past or build plans for the future.

Just for awareness.

In physics, energy always moves from where there is more to where there is less.

Likewise, a stronger person will always influence—or at least can influence—a weaker one.

So tell me, as a small but very healthy ego, how exactly do you plan to influence those who perceive themselves as boundless beings, containing all that exists, radiating immense energy?

That’s like trying to control the waves in the ocean.

Although, of course, some influence will always exist—after all, the butterfly effect is real.

Well then, let everyone choose their own games. :wink:

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Usually. Not in every case.

To experience both macro and micro. That’s why we have ego and identity to be able live in both worlds at the same time. But what would happen to someone who became only macro and completely melted in united consciousness?

Not when your ego is in synch with your soul. Then you don’t need to prove anything to anyone.

How? I can melt with them and unite because I am both consciousness and ego.

I didn’t say anything about control :slight_smile: And

Did you know that you can also have a spiritual ego? Very humbling experience to get this part crushed. The human ego and the spiritual ego’s death is inevitable. Many of those ‘boundless beings’ turned dark because they forgot what it is like to be a powerless human and used them for their own pleasure and wars. Fallen angels, for example. Some of the highly advanced races that didn’t have 3D experience.

There is an interesting theory about our planet that this is the Purgatory of this Universe. That’s why you lose your memories when you incarnate here. You test your will, your strength, your morals.

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Thank you very much for this discussion Hero and Polaris. It helped me reconcile a few things in me. I have struggled to hold all the identities (for lack of a better term in my limited knowledge) - universal, human, non-human. The only anchor I have now is this moment where I have the human body with access to other identities. Thank you very much for verbalizing all the nuances. :pray:t3:

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I think that with your beautiful red nails, being kind, soft, gentle, and loved would suit you more then a sword and armor. :wink:

Have a nice evening :smiling_face:

I leaned towards a lot of self sacrifice and people pleasing in the past. I wanted every one around me to be happy and peaceful. But I had no acceptance of my wants and needs. I operated under the principle of if there is love, everyone kind of respects and understands each other’s needs. This held true in some relationships, a tiny fraction, but not in the majority of the cases. After I hit 30, I was left deeply resentful at my needs being left unfulfilled even when I verbalized them. My reserves had run dry. I was naive in my dealings with people and a few incidents really left me wondering about whether love even exists in our hearts and minds. As much as I would love to be unconditional and unfettered I am now mindful of not giving resources to the point where I don’t have anything for myself. It does not come from a point of I will only do for you if you do for me; rather a place of I will give till the point that it does not drain me- doesn’t matter you give back or not. I am less anxious as I now know that I am looking after my well being. Maitreya’s Self boundaries and self worth fields have been pivotal. I do carry the 3/5 HD, so martyrdom was inherent in me. It’s not a good approach, I am learning as I grow.

Yes, yes, I am in tune with my feminine side, but someone has to take care of that soft, gentle, loving me, and my shadow side is doing great. I look great in armour, too :rofl:

I went through exactly the same. I think we naturally want to give and serve humanity but we now live in the world where everything is so self-centred. Self-growth, ambitions, goals, hustle, hustle more, no pain no gain.
I recently watched a lady who asked ChatGPT how he would destroy families if he were the Devil.
First he would program women that having a baby is horrible and this is a prison for her. He would convince women to work hard and focus on career. He would made men to feel unworthy and not good enough. He would brainwash women that men are weak and they will never satisfy their needs. A child would be a burden. Mothers would reject their kids because they want to focus on creating wealth. The child would be considered a blockage, not a blessing. Women would neglect their own children for the sake of their own personal growth. He would push men and women to become selfish so children would become the same in the future.
It was a lot more, and it hit me deeply. It started two generations ago. Not now. WE ARE those neglected children who feel that they’re just a burden and feel sorry for being alive and trying to compensate for our own families by working hard, perfectionism and overachievers. We are the generation of avoidants and anxious attachments. We are fucked up and next generation is 10x weaker. What kind of grandchildren are we gonna have if one child is raised by 5 stepmums and 5 stepdads nowadays? No one knows how to stay in long-term relationships.

I was very generalizing here. Global perspective. I assume some countries might still hold onto old values, but not Europe. And I can only speak about Poland and the UK as I have lived in both countries long enough to see how bad it is.

First of all, you’re confusing aggression with care.

Secondly, if you believe you need to carry a weapon to protect yourself, you are creating situations through your perception where you will have to defend yourself. And then you’ll say, “See? I knew I needed to protect myself!”

Thirdly, if a strong, caring man walks by—someone who wants to love and take care of you—he will sense your armor and weapons and think, “No way, that’s too much trouble.”

Ps: The most powerful weapon of a woman is her femininity, self love and the absence of judgment toward her father and men.

Althoug Joan of Arc would probably disagree with me :wink:

That because I have skills to protect myself doesn’t mean I’ll be aggressive :slight_smile: I am not sure if I understand this correctly.

In fact since I accepted my new role in the Universe I have so many bodyguards that I didn’t have to lift my finger. I told you I am going to retire and I did it :smiley: I am strongly supervised.

First of all, if me being strong on my own is too much trouble for him, then we are not compatible with him.

Example, and please note I don’t mean to offend anyone. This is an analogy that my HS gave me when I was moaning that I am still single.
They’re women like Fiat 500 - about 85kw (horse power), easy to drive, economic, great car, almost no issues

And there is me Ferrari F80 1000 kw

There is nothing wrong with Fiat and there is nothing wrong with me. But you need to know how to drive sport car with such a huge power. Anyone can drive Fiat.
I am not better than Fiat; in fact, I am high maintenance, and I don’t mean in a material way, but I will challenge you; I will push you to become the best version of yourself and overcome any fear you have because this is what I give too.
I can teach someone how to drive Ferarri, no problem. But I will never pretend I am a Fiat 500. I’ve done it. I shrieked myself to be an easy, soft, gentle woman but it wasn’t authentic me.
I am okay with waiting for someone who loves my fire, speed, and true self. It’s all about compatibility :slight_smile: They’re gentle women ( I love them really) but they’re also passionate, bold and adventours.
Femininity has many shades and flavours. The same goes for masculinity. :heart:


Can you name a role model from real life or a movie who is very close to your female ideal?

I don’t have a female ideal because I appreciate women in their own authentic selves, including myself. She can be etheric and gentle or wild, explosive and loud. As long as she is in tune with her real core, she is far more beautiful to me than a woman who moulded herself and her personality to become someone that the majority consider feminine. Unfortunately, not so many of them. Even spiritual women or tarot readers I follow repeat the same trends and copy one from another.

I worked with almost every archetype known and unknown so far, maybe that’s why I love that variety. There is no ideal woman for me.

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Surprisingly, you can identify yourself with a car, but you cannot identify yourself with the image of a woman.
This is weird

Awww, Ferrari was an analogy. You asked about a role model. I don’t have it.

That actually made me smile :smiley: My whole life is so weird. I love weird!