We need to talk about the armor of the divine spark

I wrote to samurai kundalini awakening because you cannot transmute everything unless this happens, i didn’t recommended to darkmatter.

In the most case it anyways doesn’t happend if one doesn’t remove a lot of blockages.

Not what i said or meant.

If you practice correctly you can be 10x+ faster than just trough fields alone.

Since your higher self decided to incarnate here it isn’t supposed to be easy.

Good question, you are free to choose :smiley:

Why i found this is so funny. :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Wait, Sapien Nibiru field is dangerous?
What will the nibiru entities implant to us?

They are the devil


Gold digging pure evil


I think i agree with you. I’ve ever played that field once. It gives me weird feelings.
Wish Sapien didnt have any dangerous field anymore like Nibiru.

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Only those who know the captain well enough know that he will not create a field that will harm anyone. I think you don’t know the captain well enough or you have prejudices about nibiru. I am sure of very few things in my life, but if there is one thing I am completely sure of, it is that the captain or maitreya will not create a field that will harm people. My personal opinion is that you think you are experiencing such things because you have negative thoughts towards the anunnaki or nibiru. You were with those people in the Sapien forum before you were banned, you probably know captain better than me, don’t you really know how detailed and deep research the captain did before making the field? I’m asking out of curiosity, do you really believe that the captain will create a field that will affect people’s lives badly?


Don’t trust someone 100% just because they have more knowledge than you.

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Intentionally no.

But captain also isnt saying “go play it”.

Beings in Nibiru are conscious and self-aware.

The field takes you there.

It is your responsibility.

Im not blaming “captain”, im saying be VERY careful and just dont play it.


d.b> Dull Bo*bs :smiley: :joy:

just kidding :smiley:


but theres a dot between d and b :smiley:

The Valley Reaction GIF by Phoenix Suns

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Good awareness

now it’s getting mysterious