Never Give Up

Uh, it’s not easy for me. I used to be afraid of being seen, judged and criticised. I was ashamed for most of my life. I kept stuff for myself. Hyper-independence. People’s pleaser. Self-esteem was so low.

My HS pushed me to the role that I had avoided for about 2 years. Maybe I should get used to that emotional striptease :laughing: am about to do. This forum is a special place for me. I learned a lot. Sometimes, one sentence directed me to the right path. If anyone deserves to get to know me better, it is you.

I’m writing this for you. For every person who is dealing with shit, pain, embarrassment, shame, broken heart in silence. I’ve never shared so much publicly. So, with you, I am going to reach another milestone.

I came to the Earth ages ago. My soul’s origin is a hybrid of Polarian and Archangel, carrying the best of both worlds. I went through many lifetimes fighting for humanity and learning. I’m the Divine Feminine part of this soul, and I was intensely trained as the Knight of Light, shaman, High Priestess, mind sorceress, scientist, witch, and exorcist. Just to name a few, always as a rebel and against demons. Sounds impressive, isn’t it?
And I spent most of my life thinking I was not worthy of love, weak, and just an average-looking girl.

None of you here are just simple humans. Humans aren’t simple. We carry the history of glory and pain and Matrix makes you believe that you’re just no one, you don’t matter, you have no impact, you should be quiet.

What did they do to me to stop me from discovering my true self?

My biological father didn’t want me. Rejection no 1 of many.
My mum was kicked out by my grandpa when she said she was pregnant. He took her back a few weeks or months later but her fear was significant. I felt that. I felt everything. I felt guilty that I was born for most of my life. I felt unwanted. I felt like a burden. Even when no one said anything like that.
My grandpa rejected me when I was born because I was a girl. I became his favourite granddaughter when I was a few weeks old. I’m still his favourite, but the rejection was deeply imprinted on me. It became a part of me.

I saw my first demon when I was 3 years old. Since then, I was attacked very often. I always closed my eyes. I was too scared to see it again. My family didn’t know how to support me. They all were scared, so I stopped talking.
I was molested as a child. As an adult, too.
My family was very toxic. Immature adults. I felt responsible for everyone since very beginning. Everyone shared their secrets with me because I had that angelic energy and everyone burdened me with their problems. And because I felt guilty of being born I took everything on my shoulders and tried to solve adults problems. A great skill to have now :slight_smile:
I was molested by my classmate when I was in primary school. The school was torture. I suffered from migraines all the time, but I learned to defend myself. Also, my younger sister was trouble, and I had to fight with her bullies many times. I protected other kids who were bullied. Love and protect is my core. And I am proud of it.

There were many more traumas in my life. The list is long. Homeless, PTSD, near-death experience. All healed.

My love life was challenging gently speaking. My heart was broken many times:
*My first love had chosen another girl. My second love, too.
*I had to end my first engagement - toxic.
*Second engagement - he had been possessed by a demon, cheated on me several times, destroyed my self-esteem, and gave me years of pure hell.
*He was my long-distance friend, that turned into real love. We planned to start a family. I was about to back to Poland for him. He chose his ex. God, it hurt more than years with the previous one.
*Another karmic, long relationship, we even got engaged (lasted 1 week), I needed to leave. On and off, on and off, until I couldn’t any longer.
*I was scammed by a guy on Tinder. And I lost a lot of money. The amount of shame… I lost dignity back then. I lost faith in people but mostly in my own intuition. I considered myself intelligent until that moment. After that, my self-esteem was beyond 0.
*I thought he was my Twin Flame. Still, I haven’t figured out who he is until now. He ghosted me. First time in my life. I suffered for a very long time. I felt so connected to him. Thanks to that, I learned how to do multiverse relationship healing. I needed that for all other connections that happened after him. When you have broken heart you will attract more reasons for that.
*A man that I loved for most of my time on Earth. Very old, very karmic love, very strong bond. He broke my heart many times in the past two years, rejecting me. I struggled so hard to let him go. I love him but he didn’t feel the same way and it was shattering and painful because I remembered our lives and our love, he didn’t. I think it was the hardest lesson of letting go.
*One of my soulmates got me pregnant and then said he did not want to be involved. I lost that child. I went on an extreme ancestral clearing after that. I lost my baby because of dark magic that was on both sides.
*Someone with whom I did energy work. He was so into spirituality. He made me feel so safe I’ve never felt before in my life. I even added him to my bloodline and shared my fields with him. He ghosted me. Twice. He is the reason why I asked Maitreya to create that field DM: Heart Center Restoration and I am so grateful because I need it a lot.
*Another soulmate ghosted me. I gave him a chance a year later to get ghosted again. I think at this stage, I was kind of resilient to ghosting, lol. Disappointed but not dying.
*And last but not least, my real Twin Flame came into my life when I was already in pain after losing my dog (the most painful letting go in my intense life). He opened every wound possible, activated me energetically, triggered like nothing in my life before, just to leave for another woman, and eventually went completely silent. See the pattern now?
I had the dark night of the soul one by one. I thought Twin Flame was BS but no one had that huge impact on my soul’s evolution. He showed up exactly when it was time for me to burn my old self into complete ashes. He taught me about healthy boundaries and self-respect that I lacked. He also showed me how a good father should behave. He allowed me to experience what reassurance is. It was short and intense, and we had so many great conversations.
I hate divine timing. He is really a male version of me; very scary and very alluring at the same time :rofl: Can’t blame guys for running away I must give the same vibe :rofl:

I still believe in love! I know I am going to experience that! I worked on myself and self-love for the whole time. I healed all of those karmic connections. It was hard to clear and heal, to forgive. It was so hard to move on. Since I was little girl I just wanted to get married and have kids, feel safe. And I will have that. I have custom field for over a year now that will bring that person to me. When the time is ready. If I would meet him 4 months ago, we would not work. 2 months ago. Nope. I would sabotage it.

The dark side had tried everything to destroy my heart because my superpower is love. I attempted suicide poisoned from black magic. They failed because my soul was stronger than that.
Also, this is probably my last incarnation, so I had an opportunity to close and heal relationships with those men. I healed 3 ancestral lines (mum, dad, and biological dad). Currently recovering bonds with my family.

I can’t say I went through my lessons with grace and class, no. I cried, I yelled, I made the same mistakes, I repeated patterns, I tried to run away, I tried to avoid, I blamed others, I had a victim mentality, I blocked my third eye, I blocked my heart, I didn’t want to listen to my Higher Self, I even told the Creator to f… off a few times, I didn’t want to surrender.

I had a million of reasons to feel ashamed, now I have a million to be proud of.

I passed those tests and I will complete anything that will come. I had help from my guides (that I offten ignored), from random people sometimes, and I am so lucky to work with Maitreya :heart:. Her fields and support helped me to complete so many lessons faster, and what is most important is that I rediscovered my true self.

Her cosmetics helped me to heal and feel beautiful again. I was rejected and ghosted so many times that it was a mission itself, trust me. I feel attractive even now when I’m having flu :face_with_thermometer:!

I have been stubbornly working with energy, pushing myself to the limits and helping people along the way. I serve humanity even if they are stupid and prefer to stay in the Matrix and comfort zone. I love men who broke my heart because my love is unconditional, and I will continue to love.
I am a precious gift to this world. I have always been. It was always there underneath that programming, curses, hexes, traumas. My soul was always beautiful and loving.

To summarize:
Fields working, cosmetics even more, don’t give up! Everything can be turned into your power. Start from loving yourself because me not very smart did it very last :rofl: but hey now I have a lot of medals to brag about :wink:


I personally really like reading posts like this. :innocent:
People who enlighten other people because of what they’ve been through…it’s indicative of a person with enormous soul strength.
I appreciate people who don’t give up on themselves and get where they’ve come from because of their own strength, because of their uncompromising perseverance, because of their willpower, because of their strength of endurance, and their greatest privilege is the power of survival.

The story you told about your beloved dog is very similar to mine.
Although I did it differently than yours, it was very, very difficult, and I simply didn’t give up on myself (sometimes I felt like I was climbing the walls from the difficulty :joy:), so you can understand the pain you told.

Well done for sharing and thank a lots:100:


When people show their weak side and allow themselves to be vulnerable in front of others, I know that these individuals have done a lot of work, have grown wiser, and deserve great respect!

Every difficult period is just a phase. :slight_smile:



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Already had massive respect for you, I can now add admiration to that list. May you remain blessed, all that is required for you to complete your soul mission come through for you. May the fragrance keep radiating through every pore of you. Happy journey :pray:t3:


Thank you, everyone for those kind words :blush: It was somehow liberating to share this. And yes, I call it emotional striptease because it feels like you’re suddenly naked in front of people, exposing your own feelings, mistakes, failures, and successes. Thank you for being part of my journey :heart: I learn a lot from you and I bet you will learn from me, too.


Way to go, Polaris :heart:

And what you wrote fits in the general theme that made me think for the last couple of days and that is that we normally strive to make our life as easily as possible, or at least stable in a way. What I mean normally people strive for a stable relationship, a stable job and so on, the issue is that on the other hand their is no inner growth happeningand because most often something “bad” has to happen from the outside to stirr things up, that you can then release/work on. I mean if you don’t continue to work on yourself.

I mean regarding your story surely even if it’s all felt unpleasing, one have to admit it made you grow and face your issues like a mf, so it can be seen as a blessing in disguise, so to speak to make you grow.


Yes and no. Sometimes, a stable relationship can teach you more about love than a toxic one. I think every soul has its own agenda and purpose. The key is to learn to listen to that. Many of my traumas weren’t necessary, but I was disconnected from my HS, and I couldn’t hear them/me.
It had happened to me, and I could transform them into power. This is not a new skill. I was an alchemist before. In fact this lifetime compare to my previous trainings is pretty soft :rofl:
I am able to download my knowledge and skills to merge them and it seems. (thanks to the Art of Utilization and the God Awakening Series). This is a completition process that I haven’t done before. And it would make a lot of sense from the dark side trying to prevent that.
Nothing that had happened to me during this lifetime, trauma/pain-wise, was something new, but my soul used that as a trigger to unlock. Was it necessary? Not really sure. If I had a spiritual guide from the beginning, I would do it in a different way.
I don’t feel my child will have to go through hell in order to master their powers because I know how to do it without suffering. Of course, unpleasant experiences will happen. But! We create a new world now. New archetypes emerge, new powers that haven’t been accessible before. We blend old with new, and this new requires different mindsets and skills.

That’s why so many new visitors and souls are incarnated now. A fresh perspective on a huge scale. See, in order to live on the Earth, you have to drop your vibration drastically. It was shocking for many.
I can see the spiritual realm, and I noticed new beings helping that I haven’t seen before. Because the Earth is raising vibration now, many more beings from Higher Realms can reach us. That means our army of Light is growing. If we continue clear, heal and ascend we will finally win this war.


I agree. What I meant is that we somehow need a push for us as humans too grow, because else we can make our lifes too routine-like. I know it from my own experience, if I don’t work on myself in any way, then I will be made to work on myself, be it by my higher self or whatever. So the question for me is whether I do it somewhat on my own terms, or whether I am driven by shit hitting the fan, and then me getting back to work, so to speak :slight_smile:


Hahaha, I think my HS operates on the same principles :slight_smile: Go big, or go home.


Wow, what a read. Thank you for sharing your journey Polaris, I see so much of myself in you. That Hyper-independence, people pleaser, “not wanting to be a burden on anyone else, because everyone else has their own stuff to deal with” mentality, wanting to help everyone, even when you can’t and you feel drained, you somehow still attract people who trauma dump on you, sometimes without even knowing why. Since I was very young, I could never understand why people couldn’t just love each other :heart:


thats so refreshing to hear!
Loving thyself can be hard in a traumatic life but is essential for fighting demons and dark forces I guess.

what gives you this idea? is reincarnation not perpetual?

Programming. Hurt people hurt people.

DM: Breaking Bad + DM: Become the Master of Your Life it helps a lot with that. Breaking Bad was kind of scary at the beginning. It is great to stop people’s pleasing.
As for not wanting to be a burden… Self-love is the answer. It is hard to go from I don’t want to be a problem to I am a gift to this world, and I deserve help, attention, time, love and that other people take care of me, too.
You have a lot of stuff going on, and yet you always find time; anyone can call you in the middle of the night, and you help. You deserve the same from people. That’s the key, giving and receiving. We give, give, give but struggle to receive out of not feeling worthy.
Hyper-independence is the coping mechanism of every person who is let down by others. You learned that you can’t ask for help. You can only count on yourself. Now, it will shock you, but this is to isolate you from others, especially the Creator. Predators (dark beings), at a very young age, destroy the support systems around specific humans. Alone, you’re weak. You’re less dangerous.

You can complete lessons and move on to different worlds if you like. You don’t have to spend eternity in one place. Many souls come here only for one maybe two lifetimes. Not everyone is very old here. In this incarnation, I noticed many newbies. Not new souls, but new here. Their level of innocence, purity, and feelings of being lost are some of their characteristics.

Due to a few events (my life is never boring) I’ve decided to stay for another 1000 years. Conscious decision. I made a deal with the Creator itself. I hear from many people that they will not come back. Spiritual guides saying this repeatedly, that it is okay to come back home now.
I’ve been here for a long time, and I have a weird feeling. We are at war, right? What would you do if your enemy would grow stronger and stronger (awakening, raising vibration etc)? You would get rid of veterans with their skills, experiences, senses and wisdom. Convince them to come back home. They fought for so long that they deserve retirement. I’ve decided to stay and keep an eye. Something is off, and I trust my instincts.


I want to share, I would appreciate any insight.
A few months ago I realized that during sleep the mind and brain undergo a very deep processing process.
Lately, there are days when I wake up with very strong headaches and sometimes I have to take a painkiller, and of course the dreams are very difficult and sometimes seem like one big nightmare.
I think this is a sign that the mandalas and also the work with beliefs are helping me go through a very deep healing process than I have ever gone through before.
At first I thought I had too many mandalas :joy:, but maybe the Optimizer and my Higher self are working in successful and beautiful cooperation. :100:

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Your subconscious mind processes a lot during your sleep. Your dreams can tell you a lot about your inner conflicts and problems that could be solved.
When you have the Optimizer, there is no risk of overloading, but for sure, you might experience a healing crisis. We all can have different symptoms. Your energy is changing, and your body needs to adapt to that.


Giving up on what, what if we don’t even why we are here or don’t fit at all.

It’s very important to know your purpose clearly and your goals.
Also hope is key, if you don’t have hope then you are dead inside.

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DM: The Higher Purpose try this
And be ready to let go of many things. Every soul comes here with purpose, and the farther you are from your path, the more complicated life can be. All to get you back on track.

I thought about health quite a while since my health days and the innovations that preceded the stem cells with accessibility government provided for practical purposes, it exists as homogenous procedures like different procedures like injecting it in organs works quite quickly but vast majority of procedures are batch processing and visible effects take 1 to 3 weeks and we have these procedures which are not safe it’s like handing your body to a person for repair ,so there is a room for better and safe solution from procedures point of view and we have healing on the list what has no error lots of nutrients with government interference being main component of source of error but this is a system we need to support that improves the quality of life via which we conduct the procedures and stem cell is a candidate for that it is evolving and there are somethings like that planting is being done but stem cell right now is doing for brain and blood cancer and having no safe procedures Don’t you think how awesome it would be to have fat cells repair organs without any procedure and be one of a kind!

Well, I am not an expert in stem cell therapy, but I have a really bad opinion about that because my ex-boyfriend’s sister’s child died after that. It was over 10 years ago.
She had SMA, and they tried to save her by injecting stem cells (that came from aborted children btw which is completely legal in Ukraine). I am not sure how this works now, it was very controversial back then, but the child died because her body rejected that, and her immune system attacked her, trying to get rid of those ‘intruders’.

I tend to be very suspicious when it comes to medicine since covid. I was seeing a doctor who works at the university, and he lit up many warning lights about how this system works and how the research is done.

I strongly believe our body has a natural ability for self-regulation, but this won’t make millions for the medical industry, so they will always find a way to make you sick first so you can be cured.

I know two people personally who healed from cancer by changing their beliefs and diets, using some vitamins and intensively supporting their immune systems using natural remedies. I avoid any invasive methods and I am healthy af.

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When I created this post (it feels like it was a year ago) I saw myself as a person who got hurt by many men, but yet managed to open my heart.
In one of his posts, @Hero mentioned about that how our knowledge affects how we see some events.
I want to take this opportunity to clear some stuff and give justice because now I have memories and understanding that changed my perspective. Maybe some of you who struggle with relationships will relate to this, but remember your story and emotions are uniquely yours.

I know dark forces can really mess up; however, I take accountability for my actions and choices, which apparently caused a lot of pain not only to me but also to the people I loved. I’ve been manifesting a partner for years, ending up heartbroken not entirely because my dad didn’t want me, or I had hexes and demonic influences.
Every man that broke my heart loved me to its core. Now I know that in our past lives, I pushed everyone away. Notoriously.
Now, the ugly truth, because I am made from light and dark, from failures and glory.

There was a soul that understood me, felt me, and existed with me for thousands of years. Two flames but not Twins. The separate fire that burned together. Love was so free that I, as a human, struggled to understand. Until the time came to part ways to learn what is like to be alone. And of course it was my idea. I hurt him. He gave me space but stayed close enough if I need him.

My real fall happened in Atlantis when I was deceived that love makes you weak and I was trying to save people by gathering more knowledge and power. He tried to stop me, but I pushed him away. True love let you go. I kept him away. I built a wall, and he respected my boundaries.

My husband back in the Atlantis let me go so I could join Twin Flame project. I was hungry for knowledge and experiences. He felt this might be a bad idea, and yet let me go, because true love is not a cage. Not for souls old as us. He got used to waiting for me. Always somewhere close. I always run to him when I needed safety. Got used to sharing me with my Twin Flame. Did he broke my life in this lifetime or just let me go again so I could explore and learn like I did for centuries?

Half of my soul stayed in Atlantis after self-destruction. I consciously split my soul to protect knowledge. My heart died with Atlantis. That soul who knew me from the moment I was created, split his soul to stay with me in the astral world. To protect me while I protected the knowledge.

So, I lived with half of my soul connected to my Twin. And that half got torn into pieces during wars, traumas and tragedies.
I’ve been loved by many men, but always focused on mission, always focused on fight. Okay, I was trying to set myself free from incarnations, slavery and contracts and those men always gave me space and let me go. Why? Because I was a powerful bitch who was obsessed with knowledge because I wanted to help people.
This lifetime was my karmic lesson. I wasn’t rejected or abandoned. It was me who pushed them away. Why? I had a deeply integrated program since Atlantis that love makes you weak, that I need to be alone. When I started to love them, they left because I was so energetically strong.

This program, of course, was created by dark forces and was active as long as I had those beliefs that kept this anchored in my field. I was too powerful when I loved. A woman with my powers without a heart was easy to be trapped. With added bonus - the tendency to sacrifice myself for a mission, leaving love behind and focusing on knowledge.

I restored my soul completely with the huge help of fields, cosmetics, thousands of hours of meditations, overloadings and clearings. I am lucky because my guides were patient and when I finally started to ask for help (which was also my karmic stupidity- I will do it all by myself), I am now free and complete.

So yeah, sometimes we have many lifetimes to work out, not just our childhood.

Amazing men loved me, and I made them wait and wait and wait. I rejected them first. All of them. Lesson learned. I have an opportunity to restore those relationships and fill them with the love they deserve no matter where they are now.
From a victim to a villain in my own story. I take full accountability because now I know what it is like to have my whole heart and love truly, and my perspective has changed. All pain and disappointment was gone when I realized that I was loved for the entire time.