The Profiler

This field is created to make an instant connection on a deeper level with other people like you have a profile for them. It will give you instant information about their needs and feelings. This can help a lot in personal relationships, business relationships, sales, and other spheres in your life.

The ability to really hear and understand other people will increase tremendously. All of these things will create a completely different way of speaking to people, more harmony and success.

Digital Mandala: DM: The Profiler - MaitreyaFields


After discovering what Meaning Regulator can do for reading people and then reading the description to this…


Ok. Don’t mind if I do.


I’m getting the same feeling, especially after reading your feedback on the Meaning Regulator (thx for sharing btw!). I’m very intrigued


I’ve only had a little time to test out the new combo so far but I was not disappointed.

And in the back of my mind, I have not forgotten about DM: I Know You.

A very early take on things. So, grain of salt and all that. It seems like Meaning Regulator makes people’s motives obvious. Along with making a ton of other things obvious. I mean, every physical object you come across was placed there by someone’s motives.

Then Profiler seems to make people’s circumstances obvious. Find out for yourself what I mean.

I Know You - I only used a little, and with these I’m probably about ready to give it another go. From what I remember it made something else obvious - something like people’s… insecurities I think. Maybe even their guilt at times. Not to sound dark at all. It’s all good stuff - if the user is good…


Yeah, and I’m thinking also of the new DM: Love & Forgiveness, so that you don’t bring the past’s relationship baggage into your present interactions.

Clean slate, fresh start, better equipped, improved life.

Yes please!


Makes me wish I was an actual Profiler. Lol. I feel like I could be quite good at it now.

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Can be added this on gumroad?